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Posts posted by johnhw

  1. 1 hour ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

    The Thai Buddha is the Prince Siddhartha Gautama, whereas the fat fellow that the Chinese adhere to is in fact Budai, a totally different being that so say was liberated to the state of being a Buddha, if I am not mistaken. 

    A Buddha is not one person, it is a state of consciousness, total liberation. There were Buddhas before Siddhartha, and after. 

    Excellent, accurate, but demanding unselective understanding and interpretation. In other words, on a TV string, like throwing a rose pedal into a sewer.

  2. 15 hours ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

    LOL theres equally as many heavy party heads from russia or germany or everywhere .

    I figure it's selective enforcement, bigotry and Thai media bias against Brits, mate, judging from the preponderance of items about Brits misbehaving, yet not nearly so many about many other Europeans. Same as those banned Brit soccer fan bans in the past...all just hateful xenophobia against those respectful, innocent, well-meaning, but just noisy Brits....

    ....and I always thought it was the Ugly American.....

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  3. 21 hours ago, DM07 said:

    There is nothing wrong with accepting certain trades and being generally a nice person.

    What I hate are the Thai'er -than- Thai, who will blindly find excuses for every $4!tty behavior.

    An a-hole is an a-hole, no matter Thai, farang or Thai'er-than-Thai and despicable behavior does not become "better" because it is a local way of life!

    I read this and am totally ashamed of myself!!! Just bussed back to ChiangRai from MaeSai with a fat, tattooed, black sunglassed and baseball-capped  falang who had his arm resting on his pack beside him--the only unoccupied seat on the bus. Three feet away was a small hill tribe lady struggling unsuccessfully with an infant in her arms. After a good while, it took the ticket collector to ask him to move his bag and give the lady and kid the seat.


    I am ashamed, because I'm one of your "Thai'er -than- Thai" folks because I had this incredible urged to punch this bag of excrement in his cool-dude white face, not realizing, of course,  that if I had the wisdom and experience of long-timers here, or especially the wisdom of these TV strings, I would realize this behaviour is no worse than among Thais themselves. .....probably worse....and me with my scant experience here is unqualified to make a judgement.

    And no, have never yet seen this done by a Thai (and would have the similar urge if it did)

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  4. 5 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

    I may have found a new hobby, just follow some tourists around and wait for them to do something illegal, film it find out what hotel they are in and turn them in...............tourists smoking on the beach, rich kids writing on public places, Chinese taking a dump on the sidewalk..........the possibilities are endless.  We could turn this into a TVF  contest and keep score.:cheesy:

    Crime, Neighborhood Watch, it's called back home, a darn good idea, and an effort to reverse the disrespect and indifference infecting today's entitled western culture.

  5. 5 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

    Doubt the original phone cam stalker would've bothered at all if it'd been a couple of Thai kids..... just another muppet who needs some attention trying to get "likes" on his FB page through some xenophobic trivial curtain twitching and gossip. 

    Hillarious,  a TV poster cynical about local xenophobia....a trait familiar in all cultures. What's unique is TV, where you've chosen to live in a culture that you endlessly trash.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Zack61 said:

    It doesn’t take much to get the ire of some people up. Pretty lame stuff. If only there was a similar response to some of more serious sh*t that goes on virtually unpunished. No doubt their punishment will be excessive compared to much more serious crimes carried out by locals. Hardly newsworthy. 

    Decades ago, New York City committed to a very successful, long-term anti-crime campain by beginning with a serious crackdown on 'street art" that had turned parts of the city to sewage décor.

  7. 3 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

    Street art is not vandalism imho.

    Street art gives life to all those sad plastic and concrete artifacts, and it brings happiness to people's eyes.

    Those who can't appreciate street art are sad people imho..

    Also, young people have a lot of energy, it seems to me a good way to let it out.

    That said, they should be able to cancel their paintings if requested by the authorities, as it seems that the majority of people don't like them.

    As for caning, jailing and deporting, one can just hope it's not said in a serious way :coffee1:

    Velvet Elvis hung in your living room?

  8. 13 hours ago, Banana7 said:

    Horrific tale.


    If it is true, maybe other village girls will think twice about asking a foreigner for a gold necklace and then dumping the guy.

    Should me a law absolving the murderer of said manipulators, their moms and dads, children, friends etc. by any fallang who is angry about being dumped after spending cash on said dumpee.

  9. 6 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

    Disgusting saffron-clad riff-raff using abusive (and slurred) speech and behaving like hooligans. It seems there nowadays are reports on this disgraceful human detritus in the news every other day. I have long ago discarded the courtesy of wai'ing monks, simply because I can never be certain whether I am standing before a decent human being or a drugged-out, corrupted thug who doesn't deserve my respect.

     I have long ago discarded courtesy to Christians, simply because I can never be certain whether I am standing before a decent human being or a greedy or corrupt, manipulative con artist (or Catholic clergyman  who fondles wee kids in his care)

    Certainty?? It's usually the evidence you cherry pick to fit into your foregone conclusion, and you've come to the right place to hone your cherry picking skills.

  10. 2 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

    Bunch of spoiled brats whining while the world changes faster than they can keep up. Fact: smokers have an addiction, equal or worse than heroin addiction. To that extent, sympathy applies - That used to be an excuse, but no more. Secondarily  that it's merely a habit and a choice. The methadone for smokers is vaping. You get your nicotine, no worries, no hardship. your addiction will therefore not impose on others.  Fact: It's now widely recognized that secondhand smoke in any situation is unhealthy to anyone who breathes it. And I don't want to hear any excuses about the quality of Thailand city air. That's a pathetic and baseless excuse. Thailand is working on all these problems, hence the smoking ban. You are still making it worse for whoever sits next to you. Fact: If you light up a cigarette you're choosing to do the equivalent of wafting the smell of garbage or body odor or human waste into the face of the person next to you. Often times you are ruining someone's otherwise delicious meal. How would you like it if heroin addicts went around poking people with their used needles? Which is worse, lung cancer or AIDS? AIDS is manageable. Lung cancer is a death sentence.  My mom died of lung cancer, within 3 weeks of her diagnosis. Then there are the pigs who stub out their butts in the sand on the beaches. <deleted>? We come here to enjoy the beaches. You can't at least use a cup or a beer bottle? That's a no brainer,  easily dealt with, 'nuff said about that. . In today's world if you choose to smoke rather than vape anywhere that someone else has to breathe it, ESPECIALLY in a place where people come to enjoy fresh air, or sit down for a meal, then you're a self indulgent inconsiderate pig. You DON'T have the right to pollute the air that someone else has to breathe. Don't expect them to move. You do it. PERIOD, END OF STORY. The world has changed. It continues to change and call on people to keep up. 

    .....call on people to keep up? On this venue, even CATCH up would be a  long shot. Many comments here are reminiscent of Grade Shool recesses 50 yrs ago......in Swampsewer, Alabamssippi

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