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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. AleG, asiamaster and their ilk like to goad and say "you 'truthers' think that the Miller family were bribed too!"

    No we don't. We just think that the Millers, perhaps in a desperate need for closure, accepted what they were given by Thai authorities.

    The Witheridge's statement released not long after the Miller family released theirs sounded a lot more reserved in judgement. And now we have Hannah's own sister telling us the shocking treatment they received. Lots of news sites are now starting to pick up these statements. By tomorrow we will know if they are genuine or not.

    If they are then I suspect some of you in the glee club will not show your faces or are the Witheridge family 'conspiracy theorists'?

    I am also feeling an undertone that the Witheridges suffered such disgusting comments because Hannah was female.

  2. What if I told you that I have had many death threats from thai people since they murdered my sister?

    That they defaced photographs of me saying that the killers had only done half the job

    what if I told you that people commented on these photographs saying things like there is still time, and tick tock tick tock.

    This is despicable..

    As if the victim's families havn't been enough - why should they be exposed to this abuse..

    I am wondering if the threats came from b2 supporters .since all along the Witheridge family have said they were happy with the investigation. I can't see why b2 opposers would threaten them since they were of the same opinion.

    What? The Millers said they were happy with it. The Witheridges statement sounded like they were far less convinced. And if these recent statements from Hannah's sister are indeed genuine then it says a hell of a lot.

  3. Have we seen the statements from Laura Witheridge the sister of Hannah? They are on Andrew Drummond's website. Suffice to say her and her family are NOT happy with the outcome of the trial and how they were treated.

    So spin that one Koh Tao and RTP fan club.

    Well, I went there and it was blocked. So I'll just take your word for it lol

    Use a proxy server. Drummond has long been blocked by this government. I wonder why whistling.gif

  4. Some comments from the judges

    * “why are you here? Why do you care? She is dead already”
    * “why are you so bothered? Just go home and make another one”
    * “why are you making such a fuss, she will be back in 30 days as
    something else, she may have better luck next time”

    Sounds to me like those judges got their brown envelopes and wanted this all over as soon as possible.

  5. Ginjag in here doing his typical windmilling technique of anyone daring to criticize the junta.

    I don't like this dinosaur regime and they are doing more to send Thailand backwards than any civilian government ever did. I know this because I don't drink their kool-aid.

  6. attachicon.gifsiriwanwaree.jpg

    Happy 29th your Royal Highness.

    As an edit.

    With her interests in fashion, the Princess was invited by Mr. Pierre Balmain, a French couturier, to design clothes for the Paris Fashion Week in 2007.

    Pierre Balmain died on June 29th 1982


    "Such was Balmain's reputation that he was chosen to design the wardrobe of Queen Sirikit of Thailand during her 1960 tour of the United States".[4wiki.

    It annoys me that someone is probably being paid quite well to 'translate' for Thai PBS.

    Also birthday 'anniversary'.....what?

  7. Due to events on that island over the last year then of course people will speculate. I will wait until more is known about this case before commenting. It would be foolish to comment otherwise (and I am firmly in the belief that the B2 have been framed BTW, but there is way, way more context there).

  8. What a piece of work Mr. P is.

    Rather than express his sorrow and sympathy for them he makes these kinds of statements. What a pathetically sad leader he is.

    Yep. Even if he can't really do much to solve the situation he could be WAY more diplomatic about it.

    I guess that they have served their purpose for help getting him into power. He needs to be careful though as he will end up alienating the army's traditional support base.

  9. EJ - I and many others agree with you - but you are wasting your time. There are too many expat whingers who always spout off pompous and sanctimonious khraapp everytime there is a post about the military govt. Check out their posts and you will seecit is the same bunch. That the takeover probably stopped a civil war is something they will never understand or accept. They truly only see things through their own miopicaly 'pro democracy' glasses - while failing to see that the horrendous death and destruction their home countries went through on their path to 'demcratic elightenment' is neither wanted or needed by the Thai people - nor is the nanny states they have become.

    Funny that you "The Thais love their military dwordships, stupid farang you don't understand" types also seem pompous and sanctimonious. If they loved it so much there wouldn't if been any resistance to them in the 70's, 90's and in recent years. I also think Western democracy's are broken but Thailand is heading down the path of North Korea with this present government (that thought is far more likely than the tired 'civil war' argument). Can you honestly say that would be the best for everyone?

    You need to step away from the kool aid there brother. There is a lot more to this story than "Thaksin and red shirts bad, army and yellow shirts good". Read up on unedited Thai history since the 30's and open your mind.

  10. We are treated EJ's typically myopic version of events yet again.

    If you're a professional troll you really need to get some new material mate. If you are actually sincere then I want to tell you. No matter how hard you huff and puff you will never actually BE a snobbish, hypocritical, elitist Thai. No matter how hard you try or you wish you were.

  11. Reconciliation and reform were the reasons stated for the coup. Now the coup leader is saying reconciliation is voluntary and we are no nearer to any meaningful reform. So what the hell was the coup staged for?

    So what the hell was the coup staged for?

    So the nationalistic Elite could keep their place at the trough.

    Everything else (the generals playing politicians, the new constitution, love and unity) are only smoke and mirrors.................coffee1.gif

    It had been planned since 2011. I wonder if they took into consideration how long they can get away with this before more massive political unrest. It seems they haven't learned from their own history (74. 76. 92, 2010 etc).

  12. CDC spokesman: Educational reform must help introduce decent citizens

    by "decent" he must mean "brainwashed to believe that the neo-feudalist society imposed on the country by this group of junta-lackies-cum-CDC is really 'Thai-style democracy'" coffee1.gif

    Nailed it.

    I've worked in Thai schools and I can't do it anymore. It's all indoctrination, 12 'values', constant nationalism and 'shows'. The director at my old school did not give a solitary poop about academic results, just how choreographed the kids dancing was for the next pointless award show where the school the supplies the biggest brown envolpe wins anyway.

    It sounds like this guy wants more of that :rolleyes:

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