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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. While I do believe the Miller family have been more accepting of the Thai authorities version of events due to wanting closure, I find it abhorrent that they have received abuse. I commend Mr Miller in not wanting the death penalty is a general rule. Especially as two innocent men have been sentenced.

    I find it just as scummy as the abuse Laura Witheridge has received.

    I agree. It's easy for us to make comments from behind computer screen regarding the verdict but at the end of the day the ones really living with the consequences are those actually involved.

    Yes. Disagreeing with the Miller family's agreement on the verdict is fine but sending them abuse is sickening. And I say that as someone that believes whole heatedly that this whole thing is a stitch up.

  2. While I do believe the Miller family have been more accepting of the Thai authorities version of events due to wanting closure, I find it abhorrent that they have received abuse. I commend Mr Miller in not wanting the death penalty is a general rule. Especially as two innocent men have been sentenced.

    I find it just as scummy as the abuse Laura Witheridge has received.

  3. Do they really think wearing yellow shirts will win them any sympathy? those they are appealing to do not care. They were told last year they had to go but have not.

    They're not looking for sympathy. They wear the "Yellow Shirt of Immunity" in order to buy themselves a little more time during their protest.

    They know that the "security" forces have standing orders to look the other way when protesters are wearing the magic garment.

    Yep. I see wayyyyyyyyyy more than 5 people there. Of course these people are probably in the 'neutral' brand for the junta. Rabid nationalist protests are encouraged as we saw at the US embassy, protests against alleged government corruption are a naughty no no, these protests they know that they would look too heavy handed in dealing with, especially with the shirts worn....

  4. Natural Fruit, registered 9th February 2000, 104 million funds, address 179/12

    Moo 11 Tambon Nong Dar Dem, Ampur Pranburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan ProvinceNai Wirat.

    Older brother of Chalermchai Sri-on (General Secretary of Democract Party) 65.3%,

    (Wirat is head of various business organisations, including apparenyl Pineapple

    Association of Thailand) Ms Nujiri, elder sister of Chalermchai 10.5%, Mr. Chekhapha

    (relationship not stated) 9.6%, Nai Wichai Sri-on, older brother of Chalermchai 4.3%

    So its a family affair, it seems.


  5. Why don't all you Thai knockers go back to your respective countries, if you are still welcome there, and enjoy life. It must be hard to be this miserable all the time. But some people just aren't happy unless they are miserable, and quite a few of those post on TV. Cheer up. God, it must be hard work to turn every story around so that only Thai's are to blame for every problem that is encountered.

    A Russian bloke steps on the wrong toes, gets shot at and then the authorities blame a non-existent 'foreign' mafia.

    The we have two murdered tourists with two immigrant patsies taking the blame.

    I could mention a lot more. My beef isn't with your average Thai. It is the authorities, yes there isn't much that can be done but if people never spoke out against injustice then we would be stuck in the middle ages!

    Just saying 'mai bpen rai' all the time is great until you are on the receiving end of this kind of bull poo!

  6. The Thai Mafia ia alowed with no fear of police involvement to rape rob and murder visitors on a daily basis. It happens several times a day in this country. But when a foriegner tetaliates they are mafia. Thats such bullshit, If this crome was actually investigated by police and the perpatrator was Thai aw 500 thb fine or nothing at all. So sick of this place. Im out. Cant stand this anymore....

    I think a lot of falang feel the same as you. The Thai's dont care as they only want our money.

    Add me to this list. After ten years I have now finalised my travel arrangements and will be leaving here forever.

    I can only speak for Koh Phangan, (but problems appear even worse on KT). The corruption has been obvious for a long, long time but the rise in organised crime the past five or so years is now getting out of control and too dangerous. It doesn't help that the worst gang wear pathetic tight fitting uniforms...

    It is as though the Russians brought speed to the party and the entire place is now a mad frenzy of idiots on bikes, big bikes and cars, speeding like there is no tomorrow. The taxis have always been manic but they are second worst now.

    The police here are the same as KT, just a little more circumspect, but just as corrupt so the 'foreign mafia' are, in this case nothing of the sort - they are rent boys working for a corrupt Thai official, just like the foreigners on TV applauding the recent B2 conviction; rent boys living 'the life' without proper work permits or visas, 'protected' by corrupt police, officials and redneck 'Deliverance' type families. Thanks to their incredibly low IQs they are lulled into this false sense of warmth but in reality they can and will find themselves thrown to the wolves the very first opportunity if it means protecting one of the 'dippy' family members, (like the one who calls his sister Mom and his grandad Dad)...

    These are the most beautiful islands anywhere (to me) - what a crying shame they have been placed in the hands of such incapable, inbred sociopaths who will destroy everything in their all-consuming lust for money and power...

    I am starting to think there are no honest people left here, and am too ashamed to go on saying this is my home. The anger inside me is barely controllable so it is best I leave this godforsaken place.


    I have been to KPG many times and it did always feel a bit tense around certain parts. I was perhaps planning to go there next month but will seriously reconsider now. It seems the mafia on the islands are getting out of control.

  7. amerasianex

    Why not stay out from the tourist place, then you safe,

    You tired of Thailand? where you go? you think it is better in other countries?

    Well, Good luck to find the paradise! I hope you young, it gonna take you a lifetime to find it.

    Thailand is great but these islands clearly have a huge problem. This current government took over to apparently reign in corruption yet these islands can go on unabated it seems (unless you are a foreign mafia of course)

  8. Based on experience and tales told me by reliable sources, the graft and corruption has gotten noticeably worse since the coup.

    cheesy.gif If you and your reliable mate say so then it must be true.

    Last time I went for my visa at the UK consulate, I mentioned how much better I thought Thailand was now that the dirty cronies got booted out.

    The guy processing the visa told me that everyone he spoke to shared the same view. The general opinion was that under Pheu-Thai, corruption was a general free-for-all and at least the Junta were trying to do something about it.

    But I bow to your obviously superior information. All the farang from UK who don't give a dam about Thai political colours, are relatively well educated and grew up in a real democracy must be wrong.

    Ah, but aren't you in fine form today, matey! Since you have talked to someone at the UK consulate and he (probably wanting to get rid of you) agreed to your ranting you take that as proof that you're right?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Sounds about as scientific as one of the Dusit polls.

    Tell me John, do you rant about dirty cronies to everyone you meet? If that is the case you must be a lonely mansad.png

    That has given me a funny mental image of John in the Thai embassy for the UK with his wife getting angry and sneering at any of the Thais there maybe looking like they were from Issan. Him going up to the officer working there and just going into a tirade about the 'devil in dubai'. The other bloke just politely nodding and agreeing while wishing this psycho would leave. cheesy.gif

  9. Based on experience and tales told me by reliable sources, the graft and corruption has gotten noticeably worse since the coup.

    cheesy.gif If you and your reliable mate say so then it must be true.

    Last time I went for my visa at the UK consulate, I mentioned how much better I thought Thailand was now that the dirty cronies got booted out.

    The guy processing the visa told me that everyone he spoke to shared the same view. The general opinion was that under Pheu-Thai, corruption was a general free-for-all and at least the Junta were trying to do something about it.

    But I bow to your obviously superior information. All the farang from UK who don't give a dam about Thai political colours, are relatively well educated and grew up in a real democracy must be wrong.

    Did you guys discuss the professional and amazingly "perfect" job done by the authorities in the murders of two of British citizens on a cess pit of an island still ignored by the junta?

    If there was ever a microcosm needed about corruption in Thailand needed for the world to see then that case is it. Your hero Prayuth publicly endorsed it. Hook, line and sinker.

  10. Migrant worker rights and the Koh Tao case are two separate issues. Human rights groups are using the Koh Tao case as a spring board to get their organisations free press coverage and increase donations to a charity that a year ago received few donations.

    Similarly the Koh Tao camp use the plight of the migrant workers as a means to avoid scrutiny of the testimony and other evidences against Wei Phyo. Namely that by self admission, he was meters from the crime at 1am, he left belongings meters from the crime, he went back to the scene at 5am to retrieve belongings and he had possession of the murderered victims phone that he could not explain satisfactorily. When asked to explain these anomalies in detail the answer is. ..

    A. I was so drunk I can't remember.

    B. We are poor abused migrant workers, our rights have not been respected.

    What about Hannah's rights? ?

    Oh, it's you rolleyes.gif

  11. I want to download the file anonymous is sharing but I am also very hesitant to. The data sounded like it was extremely easy pickings for the hackers and was left on an open web server. Amateurs.

    I'll amuse myself of the mental image of the meetings the court authorities and police are having today and the completely bewildered looks on their faces at what is happening to them. Chickens coming home to roost! clap2.gifcheesy.gif

  12. This so called mafia family on KT seem to have been turned into some sort of mythical mega empire, with their claws reaching far and wide Does anyone know them, what hotels they own, had any dealings with them, even seen them. With these 100's of millions of £/$, would they still live on KT?
    Yeah...why would they?
    Live in a place where they are "king", where they make the rules, where you - literally - live and die by their sword?
    Or to say it with the Dire Straits "Money for nothing and the chicks for free!"
    Why would they?
    I can't quiet figure it out!
    Well...I guess, it will remain a mystery!

    Maybe he missed this link.


    So yes roo860, their tentacles go all the way to the top!

  13. The authorities are bluffing (a polite way of putting it) in what they say they know. They know the IP addresses my #@$. All they know are anonymous proxies the hackers used which doesn't tell them squat.

    "...He said the Court of Justice would consider legal action against the hackers..."

    cheesy.gif There is no way they could ever find out who they are and if by chance they lucked out they couldn't prove it. What a complete waste of breath.

    I agree, but their statements (to them at least) make them sound important and knowledgeable. And they think it "saves face". Yeah, right.

    "Yeahhh but we win because we will sue them!'

    "Sue who?"

    "You know.......'them'...."

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