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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. Remember other cases, the former politician and senior police officer involved in the mysterious minor crash that killed the millionaire guy, the alleged fraudulent transfer of millions of baht in shares to two pretties? Seems to have faded away despite the victims wealthy family vowing to fight for justice and top policemen pledging to investigate and make sure justice is done,

    Or the actor caught shooting his "friend" in the face on cctv?

    The girl who killed nine is in trouble with the Probation Service - what's the betting that fades away too?

    Or the MBK boss who crashed his Merc?

    The c-list actress who hit a parked police car and killed the cop inside - nothing happened to her, laughable few days as a nun and then claimed his ghost "had forgiven her". Whisked away by family after the crash so again no booze or drugs test. Apparent witness also mysteriously went silent.

    Until laws are reformed, the judiciary impartially uphold the law, the police impartially enforce the law, and the OAG act professionally in accordance with the law, nothing will change.

    Not one singe politician or political party has shown the slightest interest in bringing about any changes - they are in the minority that benefit from this state of affairs so have no motivation to change.

    Once someone rich, influential, connected, right family member, is involved the scenario is: media report lots of police promises and vows that justice will be done; then slow progress reported with lots of red herrings popping up and "new avenues of inquiry". Then simply all allowed to fade away and disappear until it can quietly be dropped. Of course detailed negotiations carried out in the background progress very quickly.

    Nail. Head.

    All these incidents have spanned a cross a Democrat government, Plue Thai government and now a military government. Nothing ever really changes. The elite screw each other over for power but the status quo remains. If you have the right connections you are untouchable.

    If Somchai the taxi driver had ran over a policeman or rammed a van full of people off a tollway then he'd be rotting in a hole right now. Somchai doesn't have a pot to urinate in though unfortunately for him and his social class.

  2. So, why didn't the media go after the kid that killed 9 people while texting the way that they are going after Jenphop? I don't see anything different between "two young, bright students" and 9 other lives who did not get the same social media attention.

    Are some HiSo more connected and protected than others? Gives cause to ponder...

    You need to do research....That girl was way way way connected.

    This guy only has some bucks to his name. So he can be safely

    thrown to the wolves to show what a fair country Thailand is.

    Think with the girl the authorities were terrified of any lese

    majeste issues with her ( look up her last name) , so they let

    her do a complete walk. If the peasants are unhappy, so be it.....

    Her arrogance in refusing her astonishingly light sentence of

    community service is amazing, shows a brief crack in the

    lord / peasant culture here. Anywhere with a real justice system,

    it is straight to jail if you do not do community service....


    This guy is high so, but that girl is from the "elite-so" class. She could probably ram another bus full of peasants off the tollway and get away with it.

  3. Bet he's wishing he hadn't reported it now. Better he just made an exit and chalked it up as a lessons learned.

    You took the words right off my fingers!

    His name plastered all over the media. For sure now all his friends, family and complete strangers know.

    He should of just chalked it up to experience, never fallen for that again and just stayed in a cheap hostel somewhere. He will regret this for a long time to come.

  4. rubl. I am wasting my time asking this but why are you seemingly completely incapable of criticizing the junta and turning everything into "but Thaksin".

    This PM and government has made some serious gaffs which if the Thai people call them out on, get threatened with or locked up in military jail and court martialed.

    That is fundamentally wrong, just admit it. Don's twist it into a "but Thaksin" post. He has been gone from this country for ten years and his proxy government out of power for two and things are the same or worse...

  5. They say that the army and the cops have beef with each other but for me they seem to always get each other's back when protecting...."interests".

    Now it would be good if they proved me wrong. Lots of cops and army personal from top to bottom being arrested, also politicians from both red and yellow getting investigated and arrested.

    Also the mafias. We all know the islands in the south are absolutely infested with them. If the NCPO are serious their scope will be from their own that was involved in the park scandal, to Mon and Nomsood and his murderous band of thugs down in Koh Tao and all of similar ilk in between.

    I, of course, won't be holding my breath on this happening though.

    I am pleased mrrizzla that you will not hold your breath because to have done so would have led to your death. coffee1.gif

    You have recognised all too well the folly of your thought.

    Yep. I have lived here through both colours of civilian government and now a junta. Things don't change, it's all hot air and empty threats.

  6. They say that the army and the cops have beef with each other but for me they seem to always get each other's back when protecting...."interests".

    Now it would be good if they proved me wrong. Lots of cops and army personal from top to bottom being arrested, also politicians from both red and yellow getting investigated and arrested.

    Also the mafias. We all know the islands in the south are absolutely infested with them. If the NCPO are serious their scope will be from their own that was involved in the park scandal, to Mon and Nomsood and his murderous band of thugs down in Koh Tao and all of similar ilk in between.

    I, of course, won't be holding my breath on this happening though.

  7. Some potential psychopaths in here, cheering on the execution of a dog.

    The soi dog situation is out of control yes, going around and just shooting them though? Have a word with yourselves.


    Cheering on the execution of a DANGEROUS dog.

    Different thing entirely.

    It is a huge failing of the authorities here that there are thousands upon thousands of stray dogs everywhere. Rabid ones of course need to be dealt with but by some ex politician with a gun in public? So what do you propose everyone just goes out and shoots these dogs dead?

    Even if it came to needing a cull there are more humane and less dangerous ways than that.

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