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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. On 3/16/2021 at 3:26 PM, potless said:

    As arrivals are whisked off to quarantine anyway and undergo 2 tests, what is the use of it? If or when these dogs are used, a better place to patrol would be the markets. Then again, they will possibly run off with the meat.

    Covid has nothing to do with meat or markets. The manner in which it spreads is now well known and documented: aerosol micro droplets from speaking, breathing, and coughing into another person's immediate space.. Are you the only person left in the world who does not know this? Do you ever read anything but tabloids? You must live in a very small, sad world

    • Sad 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Speedhump said:

    Someone else here has said that COVID detecting dogs in Finland have been 95 pct effective. 

    So, strange but true. 

    Correct. Here is an excerpt:


    The COVID-19 Study

    With the influx of COVID-19 cases, it makes sense that researchers would want to find a way to apply this science to detecting positive samples of the virus. One of the first studies took sweat samples from 177 possible COVID-19 patients in five different hospitals in Paris and Beirut. They then used these sweat samples to train 14 dogs, six of which were further tested in the study.


    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Burma Bill said:

    For reference (CTV News):-

    Specially trained dogs are highly effective at sniffing out the presence of COVID-19 in human sweat, according to a new study, which bolsters existing evidence and suggests that dogs could play a key role in efforts to control the virus.


    Why do feet smell? - Curious Questions with Answers | Educational Videos by  Mocomi - YouTube

    that would be me - the king of stinkfoot. My palms and soles of my feet sweat excessively - it's genetic. Poor doggies. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 hours ago, potless said:

    I read that dogs may be able to detect the virus at an early stage whereas an RT-PCR test may not. That has to be a bonus. 

    You read correctly. Not only that, but they make great pets and companions. I don't mean that to sound dumb, but it is their devotion and eagerness to please humans that enable them to be trained in this way. they will do anything for a treat and a pat on the head

  5. 22 hours ago, WineOh said:

    did I get off at the wrong stop?

    like cloud cuckoo land?

    this place is mad!

    Yes, the big real world can be confusing to people who don't keep up with the times. Ever actually read up on the subject? Dogs can be trained to sniff out just about anything including diseases. Dogs HAVE been trained to detect Covid with a high degree of accuracy, between 75% and 100% accuracy.  There, I just did the heavy lifting for you. If your reading skills are lacking, you can find youtube videos on the subject. To be fair, this is a world which is advancing so rapidly in science and technology that if you blink twice you will miss a dozen major leaps forward, and this is one of them. But come on. Instead of wasting time embarrassing yourself in this forum with your uninformed remarks, why not research a subject before you answer? yeah, you know, learn something instead of just sitting taking up space. 

    • Sad 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, bluedoc said:

    Why don’t they use the dogs to sniff out their own people that have Covid. That would be a better use or are they worried they would find to many.

    How do you know that this is not being done? But since you seem to be another whining victim of Thai "racism" let me 'splain it to you: The biggest threat from Covid is from foreigners bringing it into the country. It is not from the general Thai population. And we all know the tests are not perfect and may not reveal asymptomatic carriers of the virus. Anything, such as this, which can enhance screening and tighten the barrier against the virus is essential and should absolutely be implemented. I daresay it will make things safer even for YOU. But I wonder, if you have such disdain for the inequities here, and are so inclined to complain, what are you doing here? Are things that much better where you're from? 

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  7. On 3/16/2021 at 2:58 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    You just can not make this stuff up.  Next they will deploy the dogs to sniff and see if the tourists arriving have enough money in their wallets, and of course the needed insurance.  So then of course there will be no need for the IO to ask or check. On leaving Thailand the dogs will sniff them to make sure they do not have any more cash left, and then they will be found to have Covid so off to the hospital to garner the last amount of money from the Insurance company.  Just saying.


    This post may contain portions of sarcasm or it may not.

    It does sound funny doesn't it? But dogs can be trained to smell certain kinds of cancers, they can detect oncoming seizures in epileptics, they are amazing creatures. If you were to study the subject, a dogs sense of smell is truly astounding and remarkable. The expanded capacity and usefulness of dogs in this way is good news, so it doesn't make much copy in mainstream media and most people probably have not heard of it, but this is a valid thing, I have read about these dogs in other media sources, so comical or not, it is a very progressive move on the part of Thailand, and I respect this country for this and many other progressive and cutting edge policies and strategies. And OK, will the police be properly trained in order to make this work? Let's cut them some slack. This is all new. God bless them, Thailand, you and me, and all of us who have survived. The vaccine is here, and all the other stuff is mere inconvenience to us farang. If this link is allowed, there was a study in which the dogs were 75% - 100% accurate in detecting Covid when normal tests were negative. Here is an excerpt: 

    The COVID-19 Study

    With the influx of COVID-19 cases, it makes sense that researchers would want to find a way to apply this science to detecting positive samples of the virus. One of the first studies took sweat samples from 177 possible COVID-19 patients in five different hospitals in Paris and Beirut. They then used these sweat samples to train 14 dogs, six of which were further tested in the study.


    Link:    https://www.lung.org/blog/can-dogs-detect-covid-19#:~:text=The COVID-19 Study&text=They then used these sweat,further tested in the study.&text=Amazingly%2C Sarkis found that his,time%2C according to unpublished results.

  8. On 3/8/2021 at 4:57 PM, tifino said:

    sounds like they are jumping onto the bandwagon, following all  the hype that the/a vaccine will actually work ????  

    The "bandwagon" is the established and confirmed body of science and research showing that the vaccine works. Science and research are not hype. Do you even know the difference? Hype is fiction, medical science is not. But nobody can force an education onto the ignorant.  The last thing the world needs is uneducated skeptics casting unfounded doubt into the general population. So stay off the immunity band wagon if you choose, but keep your tinfoil hat ideas out of the general population. Discouraging vaccination will literally kill people, and populations depend on sufficient numbers of people being vaccinated

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  9. On 3/8/2021 at 4:53 PM, bolt said:

    Great News

    I'm due to fly any time after April 1, and I've already had 2 Vaccine Shots, with the 2nd Shot Feb 15th, so I'm in the Green Zone

    But if you take the story literally, your vaccine has to be within 3 months of travel, so according to that, 3 months from now you're out of luck. I think it's a misquote or a bad translation, but that's what it says, a 3 month window

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  10. On 3/6/2021 at 2:27 PM, colinneil said:

    No need to wonder why Thailand has fallen in the rankings, just look at the clowns supposedly running the place, like Anutin, his comments about dirty farangs are sure to help.

    Last few years there has been a surge in anti farang comments/ actions, anybody now thinking of somewhere to retire will not even consider here.

    A rise in xenophobia is understandable with the presence of Covid. As the Covid threat dissipates, so will much of the prejudice. Inflammatory comments by "leaders" are usually taken for what they are. Your statements and assumptions are too broad to be accurate - and I can attest that there are still plenty of Americans who consider Thailand a good prospect. I haven't run into anyone whose sentiments have changed for any reason other than the risk of travel with Covid. And, in fact, since Thailand is much safer than the US, for that reason alone Thailand is a much more attractive prospect. 

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    • Confused 3
  11. 1 minute ago, Jonathan Swift said:

    "Us rich people". 5555555. "My considerable wealth". Curious choice of words. We're all terribly impressed with you. So to paraphrase you, you don't have to act like an a$$ when you are one? "Remember that". Why? That's another cute phrase. You think your words are of any significance to us, that we should "remember"? Show off your wealth? You purposefully showed it off by telling us. Methinks you may not be as wealthy as you want people to believe. You just couldn't contain yourself from broadcasting your "privileged" status, then claiming not to brag. Hilarious. The obvious sole purpose of your post is to flaunt your claimed wealth. What's more important than wealth is how you are spending it. In between your bouts of bragging and flaunting, are you doing anything for the benefit others, to make the world a better place for anyone besides yourself and your peers? Are you putting your money to work where it really counts, or are you standing in your mirror of narcissism admiring yourself 24 hours a day?  One thing you don't have to brag about: Your intelligence and character, or lack thereof. You obviously want to be known and recognized for your wealth while you pretend not to. But guess what? In the scheme of things you're still insignificant. A big pile of money could just as easily belong to a thief or a dictator as a decent human being. I think you are confused in your values. Wealth does not determine a person's value  as a human being. They are not the same. Your value comes from the moral code in how you live your life and what you do for others with the advantages you have. How much do you give for charities or other public causes? That's your resume. We see through people like you, and you mean nothing in your shallow pursuits which achieve nothing much. 


  12. 7 minutes ago, Solinvictus said:

    Yeah, how can you not remember it? Any judge would be naive to accept that.

    Alcoholic blackout is what it's called. And judges are quite familiar with it. Perhaps you have been fortunate enough to have never encountered it, but it is quite common amongst heavy drinkers. Complete amnesia as to all events occurring while drunk. With obviously tragic consequences. I have seen it at its worst, though no murders thankfully

  13. 3 minutes ago, Solinvictus said:

    Though thoughtful and I am appreciative of your point, I too strongly condemn such behavior. But what about forgiveness? I noticed in your first sentence it is as though one should die? Is that implying a sort of 'eye for an eye' type reaction? I think the death penalty should be abolished and not used. Just my opinion.

    There is one fundamental reason to abolish the death penalty: It will invariably send a significant number of innocent people to their death due to inherent flaws in every legal system. Such mistakes cannot be undone, whereas a prison sentence and conviction can be vacated should a new trial or new evidence merit such action. The number of innocent black people wrongly convicted and lynched/executed in the US is a staggering example. 

    • Like 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, alekth85 said:

    Yeah, and after guns get the knives out of the way too. Safely store them in the kitchen cabinets and lock them up ! The danger of having knives around is great. And garden hoes. Durians too, those things are a killer !


    Why just the other day, a lady killed a thai boxer with a knife to the neck, and wasn't even *drunk*.

    Surely, locking up knives takes precedence ?



    You must be an American. If not, you sure sound like one. Insurrection lately?

  15. 1 hour ago, Agusts said:

    The fact that he went and slapped and kicked the guy after means he didn't realize he shot him....!, I'm pretty sure he was so out of it he thought the victim was pretending/acting out, so he got angry and went to deal with him....!!! Imagine being so drunk not realizing you shot someone...??? (I hope that's not going to work for his defence for a lesser sentence...).


    This just shows how dangerous guns are, I think what lesson should be learned from this incident is, off duty officers, of any kind, should not carry guns... , at his state of drunkenness anyone could have picked his gun and steal it or use it,  maybe shoot him....(fat chance....! ????).


    I doubt any lessons will be learnt though....! ????☹️


    Good analysis for what it's worth. For some people just getting drunk is dangerous. Plenty of people who get drunk never act like this. Others become belligerent like this guy. So lets included drunkenness as being an equal hazard. Guns and drunks: dangerous, both

  16. 4 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    There's an anomaly in the Phuket news story.


    ''Pornthep was under close police protection as he quickly conducted his re-enactment today on Phuket’s usually busiest tourism street'',


    (Pornthep) ''had confessed to the shooting and co-operated well with police, though he said he was drunk at the time and did not remember the incident''.


    So, if he was drunk at the time and did not remember the incident, how did he manage to carry out the re-enactment?



    He was handed a well written script

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  17. 20 minutes ago, dutchweller said:

    Here is a novel idea?

    How about the government ISSUE weapons to the cops and SAFELY STORE THEM IN AN AMORY when not on Duty?

    Instead you have low IQ morons with short tempers and alcohol abuse issues wandering around armed with 90% of the time fully loaded side arms.


    Looks good on paper, but I think you will find plenty of low IQ moron drunks who are not cops walking around with illegal firearms. I get the feeling that guns are as readily available here as drugs. Like most countries. Methinks this guy would have had a gun regardless of whether it was legal or not. But, yes, using your protocol certainly wouldn't hurt to discourage such things. 

  18. 5 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

    He lost his noodle and don't know where to find it---


    Go south young man do not pass go go and rehabilitate, change eating habits no more noodles for you change to fried rice we have you back on duty soon.

    Can't help but notice your complete lack of concern and sympathy for the victim. He suffered a serious and no doubt quite painful injury.

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