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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    They do realise that by writing off any money owed to Airbus could mean they lose 30 planes. right ? 

    But this takes place according to Thai law and Thai courts, right? But from a practical perspective, Airbus doesn't want to have to take back planes, it's not like repossessing a car. There will have to be some productive negotiating and agreement among all parties. I don't know anything about Thai law, but in the US there is chapter 11 bankruptcy, which restructures debts and assets in order to keep a business afloat if possible. I would at least GUESS that Thailand has some kind of similar model. Very sad for those 6000 employees, many of whom probably have some years invested in their jobs. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    never happen; lack of intellect and awful judgment will keep thailand's roads the way they are

    Thailand is not unique and doesn't hold a monopoly on idiot drivers. There are plenty in the US where I'm from, and no doubt plenty where you're from. People on thaivisa are always whining about discrimination against farangs, well it goes both ways. Wherever there are phones there will be idiots texting and driving. That means everywhere.

  3. 9 hours ago, smedly said:

    my only comment is about the clear PVC screens dividing a single table up, what is the point of that, when you go to eat and sit at a table it is usually with someone you know and have already been in close contact with, putting a screen between you on a table serves no logical purpose, in saying that - putting a larger screen between the individual tables might make more sense but only a little more 


    The hotbed for spreading something are the areas inside were people will share like toilets or even the chairs and table you are using - the sauces and salt and pepper shakers that usually sit on tables - the truth is - restaurants are hotbeds for spreading stuff by their very nature - even worse than bars but not by much

    How fortunate for us that you choose to share your insights as an accredited epidemiologist. Funny, but REAL epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists have been telling us that droplets containing the virus spread through the air between people, even during conversation. These barriers aren't for you and your intimate friends with whom you've been sharing your high risk lifestyle. It's for the general public. With what most of us who have been paying attention know, any barrier at all that serves to encourage distancing and physical separation, and minimizes aerosolization of the virus through the air, is better than nothing. This is a PUBLIC policy, not a smedly policy. Now maybe, just MAYBE, you learned something reading this. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

    No Curfew in the part of Kanchanaburi that i reside. Started off great and got a good nights sleep but now its hell. People flying past our house all hours. My suggestion would be not having compotent police is far more dangerous but what do i know....?

    Most Thais dont want these places shut. Maybe muslims or misfits...?

    Your racism is showing. Cover up please. It's offensive. 

    • Confused 4
    • Sad 1
  5. So who in their right mind is going to expect things to just return completely to normal overnight? There is no playbook for this. The problem is with the writer's expectations. Sounds like a spoiled elitist to my ears, unwilling to make necessary change and adapt to the current situation. Note that he isn't eating Thai food. Doesn't look like he adapts well at all. Not if he won't even eat the local cuisine. 

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    • Haha 1
  6. On 5/14/2020 at 6:35 PM, johng said:

    Who  Thaksin and Yingluck ?   doubtful ????

    I don't think that's what the guy meant, hard to tell, it was a vague  remark. Doesn't matter who achieves the results, it's the results that matter, 12 months to a year most likely, and that is fast tracking it. 

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  7. On 5/10/2020 at 2:22 PM, Kaopad999 said:

    Thailand really needs to start screening foreigners properly before entering the country. There are far too many cases like this.  The other week it was that nutcase from Northern Ireland who butchered  that poor girl to death Pattaya and now this... 


    The fact is, pretty much anyone one with a criminal background can so easily enter this country. Peado's, rapists, murderers, drugs dealers, con artists, you name it there are loads of them out here. 


    Ever broach this subject with actual law enforcement personnel? Easier said than done. Murder and insanity is not usually on a person's passport. Not even remotely possible to detect psychopaths. People do not disclose criminal records. Duh. Such people can be found in any given cross section of any modern culture. Criminal histories in one country don't cross borders. BTW, what is "Peado's"? It sounds like a retail store. or "Peado's Irish Pub". Methinks you might need spell check. 

  8. "Flying colors"? A response in a mouse doesn't mean much unless duplicated in humans. That's not flying colors. It's irresponsible and misleading to read more into one single study than it justifies. Mistakes can occur in studies, misinterpretations of data, and such things often do. that's why studies must be duplicated and confirmed.  A prototype is exactly that. A prototype. This is merely a template to use for further development. 

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