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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 16 hours ago, Ludo55 said:

    Why, you've already had a free 6 months. That new Visa has to be applied for outside of Thailand. Go home and apply the same as everyone else!!

    What exactly is YOUR problem? Exaggerated sense of self importance? Above and beyond reproach while we mere mortals struggle to make sense out of chaos and suffering? Like you're the one who should be in charge? Well then, let's all vote you into office so you can solve all the world's problems with your impeccable wisdom. 

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  2. 15 hours ago, AbeNormal said:

    This is nonsense 


    corals are protected not fish 


    ridiculous and idiotic reaction 


    maybe go after fishing boats that do actual damage to protected corals and marine life

    OK, I take it you're an expert on such things. Would you please cite and quote verbatim the specific laws to which you refer? Oh, you can't? People like these idiots as well as you would do well to remember that this is not your country in which you can carouse, parade, and do as you see fit. I think the mere presence of people like you and them do enough damage. And the Thais certainly agree, and will make an example out of these guys

  3. On 8/16/2020 at 7:47 PM, darrenr said:

    How can you get health insurance that covers COVID 19? In Australia as far as I am aware there is no such insurance ! They also exclude pandemics , does anyone know of any companies that offer the required insurance ?

    many thanks 

    There is an insurance company in Thailand called Luma, they have it and the rates are reasonable

  4. On 8/12/2020 at 3:57 AM, sammieuk1 said:

    deputy director of a school all perfectly normal in this asylum ????

    you want to talk about insanity I have three letters for you. U - S - A. Mass murder is a way of life there. Killing each other over not wearing masks. President telling people to drink bleach to cure covid.

  5. 6 hours ago, Mung said:

    If his prediction is correct, I wouldn't be surprised at all. It's a gross overreaction at this point, and Thailand needs to learn how to live with this virus just like most of the other countries have. Either they don't understand this or they don't have the capacity, resources and facilities to handle domestic infections 

    "Like most of the other countries have". Really? Just like that? We're just doing peachy everywhere  except Thailand, no worries, is that how you see it? it's been, what, 6 months now? ALL of SIX MONTHS of the worst pandemic in 100 years? A virus the likes of which has NEVER been seen, never been this contagious or deadly? There is no playbook for this kind of thing. Nobody has "learned to live with this virus". People are suffering, dying, becoming ill with stress and anxiety, becoming poor and homeless without work or money. What bizarro planet did you come from? You think anybody and everybody can just snap their fingers and everything falls into place? Your mind is so narrow it must reside in two dimensional space. You should challenge Trump to an ignorant statement contest, it would be a close one. You don't seem to have the capacity, mental resources or facilities to actually understand humanity. 

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  6. 14 hours ago, Don Mega said:

    Yeah utter stupidity get no sympathy from me.


    sucks to be him but hopefully he learns from the situation.

    Must be great to be one of those perfect human beings who never makes mistakes or does anything stupid. Shame on you. What's worse - stupidity, or your calloused lack of basic compassion and humanity? In case you didn't read this thoroughly, his injuries suggest he will be crippled for life if he even survives. And he deserves that because he was careless with his own safety? You know nothing about this guy's life. How do you know what kind of person he is - family, friends, etc.;  he likely has a much bigger heart than the likes of you. According to the original story this was a good man who did a lot of good for those around him. I for one have sympathy for the poor guy, and hope he recovers for his sake and for those who care about him. What he learns or doesn't learn is up to him if he is ever able to use his mind again enough to think about it. Sucks to be you, hopefully you won't have to fracture your skull before you learn what you need to learn to become a better human being. 

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  7. 14 hours ago, Don Mega said:

    Yeah utter stupidity get no sympathy from me.


    sucks to be him but hopefully he learns from the situation.

    Must be great to be one of those perfect human beings who never makes mistakes or does anything stupid. Shame on you. What's worse - stupidity, or your calloused lack of basic compassion and humanity? In case you didn't read this thoroughly, his injuries suggest he will be crippled for life if he even survives. And he deserves that because he was careless with his own safety? You know nothing about this guy's life. How do you know what kind of person he is - family, friends, etc.;  he likely has a much bigger heart than the likes of you. According to the original story this was a good man who did a lot of good for those around him. I for one have sympathy for the poor guy, and hope he recovers for his sake and for those who care about him. What he learns or doesn't learn is up to him if he is ever able to use his mind again enough to think about it. Sucks to be you, hopefully you won't have to fracture your skull before you learn what you need to learn to become a better human being. 

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  8. On 7/28/2020 at 9:46 PM, spiekerjozef said:

    What do you think 2nd, 3rd and 4th waves will do in Europe or the US?


    Well done Thailand !

    There won't be a 3rd and 4th for the US because the 2nd is not going to end any time soon. Europe will be OK. Not only is corona highly contagious, in the US there is an epidemic of stupidity from the president on down to the idiots and morons who elected him. People are shooting each other for being asked to wear masks in public. 

  9. 16 hours ago, Anythingleft? said:

    Nobody noticed the flash from the motorbike on the left as he is approaching the unfortunate "victim"?? 


    Looks about 20-30 yards between them, then the guy drops off his bike. The flash from the left then mirrors the line across the road that the guy rolls from his seat.....

    At time exactly 0:12 yes very suspicious. If it were a reflection it didn't happen with any of the other bikes. But that's a hard shot to hit from one moving bike to another with just one shot. 

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  10. On 7/27/2020 at 10:30 AM, GigsGigs said:

    Don't worry brother, that "loophole" has already been fixed anyhow. Last time I applied at the RTE London with a French passport was in October 2018, I have been informed since that going onwards from January 2019 they would decline issueing visas unless as you stated, the applicant is able to prove residency in UK, a friend with a Belgian passport tried to apply for a Non-O at the RTE London in March 2019 and got declined.


    In that regard I would say that Brexit has no implications whatsoever.



    Something that some people are not aware of, you can enter Thailand on a 60 day or 6 month tourist visa and convert it to a non O retirement visa, at least at the Bangkok office at the government complex. There are a number of steps over several weeks to a month, but that's how I did it. My tourist visa was converted to a 6 month non immigrant visa, and then to a non O retirement visa. You just have to be sure you've got all your ducks in a row with proof of income/assets, residence, etc. You have to show a minimum monthly income to a Thai bank of 65,000 baht per month, or as you probably know, have 800,000 baht parked uselessly in a Thai bank. Cheers all, and good luck chok dii

  11. On 7/24/2020 at 6:17 AM, SantiSuk said:

    According to the above "non-Thais who have been permitted to reside in Thailand" are given a shot at getting into the country.


    I'm guessing that the definition they will use for residence is more onerous than the ThaiRev (thai tax authority) test of residence - "an individual is regarded as a tax resident if he/she resides in Thailand at one or more times for an aggregate period of 180 days or more in any tax year" (PwC Thailand Tax Booklet)


    Were tax residence to be acceptable I don't doubt there are many falang out there 'stranded abroad' who normally live here full-time (indeed I have two mates in that situation) some of whom would be prepared to meet the financial and time burdens of returning and reoccupying the houses they have kept financed for the last 4 months.


    I'm guessing the true acceptable test of residence is more akin to Permanent Residence. Anyone know?

    A permanent address such as a leased apartment. The lease or contract should be sufficient along with the correct visa and entry permit. In my case, a non O retirement visa with multiple entry permit. The real problem is the "Alternative State Quarantine" which is a collection of luxury hotels charging ridiculous money for a two week stay, obviously they think there is a captive market of rich farang  that they can monopolize and take advantage of. I've seen prices from 30,000 baht to 200,000 baht, and these ASQ hotels promote this like it's a two week vacation in paradise. Meanwhile, what were those numbers again as to the loss of tourism? And this is supposed to help? Help whom? Who's gonna come to Thailand just for a 2 week quarantine vacation and then leave because there's no more money? Those hotels are gonna suck wind, unless they can all draw their salaries based on a trickle of foreigners perhaps one or two a week. But, "TIT", and it's not much different from opportunistic corporations anywhere especially the US, who have capitalized on Covid loan and relief programs to line their pockets while they lay off thousands of employees. Regardless of the silliness and problems of Thailand, I'll take Thailand over the US any day and every day. If I have to pay $1000.00 US to come back, well I guess it's worth it just to get the +F+  out of this horror movie of a country, the US, the land where idiocy has become the norm and the president tweets videos about alien DNA and demons causing Covid. 

  12. 13 hours ago, Oldie said:

    This is not correct. They just kick out foreigners who don't qualify to be here by law. I personally doubt that these people contribute a lot to the Thai economy. I fear that they cause a lot of effort to handle such cases. Anyway - hard for me to understand why foreigners don't want to go home. If you have a job you would be needed by your employer. If you are retired simply apply for a visa here if you want to live here. Perhaps you can't fly home because there are no flights. The immigration will alow you to continue to stay here. BUT I understand that Thailand tries to get rid of people using the situation for their own benefit. 

    Let's then use the word "disincentive". I actually live in Bangkok on a retirement visa but stuck in the US for now. 14 day quarantines at "participating" (brown envelopes exchanged) upscale hotels start at 30,000 baht ($1000) and go through the roof, 70,000. 100,000. So I have a home in Thailand, and I can't afford to come back right now because $1000 is just way more money than I can afford to line the pockets of the crooked private sector/bureaucracy cabal. I can't justify it on my small social security pension. This quarantine mafia will create a wall that no tourist or anyone else in their right mind will cross. how did they figure this would be profitable if no one is going to show up for their luxury 14 day quarantine vacation? 

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  13. 15 hours ago, ryane66 said:

    Just my little assessment on the ASQ costs that most think is unreasonable. The cost quoted included two covid-19 tests with the going rate being 5000 baht each. Twice a day visit by nurses would have a cost. Three meals a day delivered to your room. Extra costs incurred by the hotel to meet strict requirements laid out by the health ministry. All of this really makes the 15 day stay fairly reasonable. I am in ASQ right now so speaking from experience not hearsay.

    People on this forum seem to revel in hysteria and complaint rather than informed common sense as you are providing. I have been dealing with the quirks of Thai life for 8 years, I jumped through all the hoops to convert my tourist visa to a 6 month non O and then non O retirement. Thailand has its own views and sensibilities and reasoning for most of the rules that folks complain about here. It would not make sense, nor would it reflect the cheap cost of housing and medical care, for ASQ to be priced out of reach of incoming revenue generating foreigners. Ever since my first trip here all the way to my permanent residency I have always allowed within my budget a preparedness for unforseen expenses such as this. 5000 baht amounts to about $80 US per week for the accommodation you describe. I personally thank you for posting a reality based description of the process. It is most helpful in my plans. For what it's worth, anyone who needs to get the health insurance should contact LUMA HEALTH, lumahealth.com , local agent Nuttarut Kitpowsong [email protected]

    there is a good one year corona compliant policy available for 15,000 baht/year, which is about $40 US per month. It even covers emergency medical flight repatriation. 

  14. 18 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    Anybody who's dealed with immigration knows what this means. A mountain of paperwork or a brown letter lubricant.

    Most people who have "dealt" with immigration and learned how to navigate the system know how to spell in their native language. Most people who have made a point of learning anything about immigration instead of complaining about it will have little problem with the new rules. More forms, more paperwork? So what. Welcome to the real world. Unfortunately, some people will always be confused and befuddled and otherwise unable to navigate the quirks of Thai immigration. I have "dealt" with immigration and all their quirks over 8 years and currently have a non O retirement visa, having converted from 6 month tourist, to six month non O, to non O retirement, over the course of about 2 months. I don't see anything terribly prohibitive in the new rules, I have used the "fit to fly" certificates in the past, proof of residency amounts in my case to providing a long term rental apartment lease as well as bank accounts in my name, proof of income if need be although all of that redundant info is already on record with my visa renewals and 90 day reporting. They suggest contacting the Thai consulate with questions, and that is good advice as to how to clarify the process for anyone who has trouble understanding it. The last step for anyone who still needs help is to contact directly the office you will first encounter, or the closest immigration office, such as Chaengwatthana in Bangkok, and go over everything within the last two weeks before departure. These rules are likely to change or be modified and clarified over a period of months, so expect that. Most Thai employees are eager and happy to help, long as they can speak good enough English. I found a reasonable minimum health insurance plan through LUMA, Thailand, lumahealth.com +66 2 665 3618, agent  Nuttarut Kitpowsong [email protected] which amounts to 15,000 ThB per year. I am attaching the coverage for "plan 1" converted to appx dollars, and a copy of the fit to fly certificate. 

    Thai insurance coverage 18 in .png


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  15. On 7/23/2020 at 4:33 PM, scorecard said:

    And no mention of why the charges have been dropped.

    It has been "mentioned" in stories elsewhere. Drum roll, please . . . . . the family members of the officer were "compensated", no doubt quite generously, and now the police dept no longer endures the embarrassment of their failure to capture the accused. here's the link: https://autos.yahoo.com/charges-dropped-against-red-bull-125600116.html

    • Sad 1
  16. I wonder if this is a ploy, to get him to drop his guard and appear in public, and then they change their minds again and grab him. But I imagine like most of you, if he's heir to that much money, that he was able to compensate all who whose pockets needed to be, and the matter is settled. A few hundred million US $ out of a pocket worth 2 or three times that is well spent if that's what it cost. One might imagine that if he paid enough to the families and they accepted it, then this is one form of Thai justice

  17. 8 hours ago, Donutz said:

    Country of impunity. Where those high up with connections going up high(er) get away with all sorts of cri.. stuff. Will THailand ever know true and fair justice for all?

    No different than in the US, except for the wording of the secret rules and laws and the name and style of the dance - if you're rich enough to buy the best lawyer, or know the right people, you can even get a pardon from Trump no matter how foul your crimes - even war criminals who committed atrocities were pardoned by Trump because the victims were muslim and he hates muslims. 

  18. 20 hours ago, ezzra said:

    I hope that the tourism related business that uses the ugly and racist double pricing policies will fall and shut down first for good...

    white people pathetically whining about "racism" as if they have a clue what real racism is. Move to an American city for a year, live amongst non white people, observe, see real and in your face "ugly and racist",  see if you can learn something about it. You may not be so quick to throw  that word around in Asian countries. Now, pause to run to your dictionary and learn something. A policy may be "discriminatory" but it is not necessarily racist as a result. Discrimination in various forms may or may not be the RESULT of racism. Does the policy single out specific race, or just non Thais? THAT is not racist, it is nationalist and protectionist. Its purpose and roots are in economic interests of a relatively poor country when dealing with outsiders of better financial means, it is not rooted in hate. It is rooted in the mostly true idea that foreigners can afford to spend more because they are generally much better off financially. It is discriminatory and detrimental to tourism but hardly true evil, as racism is. Meanwhile your own attitude is inappropriately malicious toward your own imaginary bad guys. Discontinuing double pricing is a good idea, but wishing that businesses shut down when they like everyone else are just trying to make a living shows a total ignorance of the culture and of the delicate balancing act of the economy. It shows no respect or compassion to good people that would lose their jobs should that happen. Those businesses are following the lead of the government. You sound like a racist yourself. I hope you don't actually live here. If you do, please leave. I love it here, and the so called  "double pricing" such that it exists has virtually no tangible affect on me, my life, and my happiness here. And I am in a very low income bracket by western standards, $1600 a month US. 

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  19. 5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    It seems lots of Thais can handle lots of food which lots of westerners can't.

    Maybe their immune system is, in general, better than ours. Most Thais are used to that kind of food from childhood onwards.

    This is not something that anyone's immune system can defeat. The immune system is designed to fight single celled microorganisms like viruses and bacteria. And no, Thai immune systems are no different from any human being's.  But since the geniuses behind this story did not name the organism, tapeworm or whatever, the article is all but useless. There are thousands of types of worms that can infest humans, round worms, nematodes, tapeworms, each one causes its own symptoms and infests a particular part of the body. In most cases these worms are probably digested and/or passed out in feces. It's also possible that people have worm infestations and never sought medical help. This would be likely in the more remote areas.  

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