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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 8 hours ago, z42 said:

    Oh for christ sake. Was I stupid to think they wouldn't try to blame the victim.

    Absolutely ridiculous reasoning again from this utter shower of an outfit 

    And your divine insight and clairvoyant skills come from where exactly? You're a retired cop or toxicologist? Certainly nowhere but your own imagination and prejudices. This happens to young people in colleges everywhere, binge drinking causing deaths at frat parties and out on the town. It's certainly a big problem in the US, a bunch of frat boys were recently convicted of negligent homicide because they let a friend drink himself to the point of seizures, never calling for help.  A young guy out on the town in Patpong is at high risk for alcohol related trouble. You don't know that the police did or didn't do their job in this case regardless of your own opinions about police behavior in general.  So as to the first part of your question, yes you're stupid, making a stupid remark like that. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 12/12/2018 at 2:09 PM, KneeDeep said:


    He didn't have a gun....try reading the article before posting nonsense.

    Those words are not "nonsense" ,  they are a piece of simple common sense. "Words to the wise" being the point. Since you didn't get it, let me adapt the quote for your benefit.. "Words to the wise, if you don't fear or respect the man, respect his ability to come after you with someone else's gun". Capiche? 

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  3. On 12/12/2018 at 2:28 PM, mercman24 said:

    i met a nice lady 2 years ago, she had a kid with a cop, she said Ex Boyfriend, that was it for me bye bye, i like living, been here long enough, can read the papers, about jealous ex,s  and speculation on this sad event, ??  jail, then when it has all died down, out the backdoor he goes. oh, and how about an *accomplice to murder* (lend me a gun i want to kill someone), while we are at it.

    You're a wise man. plenty of fish in the sea, no need to play dangerous emotional games with another person's relationship baggage. 

  4. On 12/12/2018 at 1:23 PM, Eric Loh said:

    Whether it’s love triangle, quadrangle or even hexacon, no reason to kill. Moreover  he is a policeman and should show more restraint. Let’s hope the RTP will not try to shield one of his boys. The public deserved to see justice and due punishment. 

    Quite true, but a bad situation brings out the worst in people, and everyone has emotions that can get out of control. The fundamental moral to the story is don't enter into f''d up relationships. Don't mess with someone's wife or girlfriend, it's not worth the price paid in grief regardless of how minor or severe. Plenty of fish in the sea. Anyone who would play both ends against the middle in relationships is not worthy, and not worth it to either one. 

  5. On 12/12/2018 at 12:48 PM, mercman24 said:

    one drunk farang and its national news, never see much about drunk Thais do we, (which i see most days,) still that would not be newsworthy would it, get over it

    Get over yourself. You didn't happen to notice, did you, that this is the Thais' country and not the farangs' ? They have the right to behave as they will in their own country. Duh! A foreigner's presence in Thailand as a GUEST is conditional, or are you not familiar with visa requirements? They exist for a reason alongside of deportation and banishment. If a farang behaves badly he deserves to be publicly shamed and the welcome mat pulled out from under him. If you can't grasp that you don't belong here either. How old are you by the way? Your viewpoint lacks maturity and insight. You need to "get over" your own arrogance. I certainly wouldn't welcome you here in Makkasan nor would any Thai person I know based on your comment. 

  6. 9 hours ago, baansgr said:

    Letter from a. Lawyer will be at least 5k.if not more.  Laminate is 300 a pack.... Do it yourself 

    I'm a little bit crooked when it comes to fighting equal crooked. I would create a realistic looking attorney's letter, use a PO box you've rented as a mailing address, send it out and see what happens. Get some good stationery and practice with some common attorney style business fonts. Get hold of some examples. For that you will need some help from an educated Thai person. Your language and phrasing will need to be just right. I've done such things with good results in the US, even managed to bluff such corporations as AT&T and, yes, even the mighty Google inc. Google actually called me after I sent them a realistic legal complaint and lawsuit summons, my issue was youtube blocking my account. I also collected $1200 US from AN ATTORNEY who ran a chrome shop, for sending me chrome wheels that rusted out in only 6 months. My bluff? He is in another state and I couldn't really force anything because of jurisdiction. You have to make your opponent think you have bigger guns than they have, and that it will be a bigger problem for them than the money is worth. Psychology could be your biggest weapon. What have you got to lose? BTW I am in fact well educated in US law and have sued and won many times against bad guys, even helped people collect their security. If I knew as much about Thai law I would help you, but I don't know squat. 

  7. Couldn't you phone up a tax lawyer using skype or other free phone app and get a few minutes of free advice? That's what I would do. But certainly call your own tax department.  If they can go after your pension you need to be careful.  I'm American and the only thing about the British tax system I know is through Beatles songs,  haha. Then there was something about a tea party in Boston a few hundred years ago, was that tax related? 555  You have my sympathy living on what you do, I live in Bangkok and have up to now considered my $1300 a month US gov't disability to be a very  slim margin of existence (it certainly is where I'm from - I'm considered indigent . and am not even required to file a return). Best of luck to you, I'm sure it will be OK if you play your cards right. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    Did a border run to Mae Sai (CR). Stopped by a Bangkok Bank atm (I use Siam), 220b charge to take out 500b. Went to another bank, Kasikorn, 220 baht charge. Walked my lazy butt across the street to the Siam atm, free.


    Go figure.

    I've used a variety of banks' ATMs in Bangkok over the past few weeks Nov - Dec 2018 and used my Bangkok Bank ATM card for my Bangkok Bank account here. The only time I was charged was 200 baht for an international withdrawal from my US bank using my US debit card. . Still cheaper than any other kind of transfer because Western union, Paypal, all of them cheat you by using an artificially low exchange rate, gouging me for $60 - $70 on a $1000 transfer. So this problem seems random and inconsistent. TIT again. 

  9. 21 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    The think is your "mixing up" your method of entries. Some VE an METV etc. Also you prob have breaks (esp when you went back to Germany). There is currently a thread running where member obtained setvs stayed some 18 months with few days exit to obtain each setv. Surprise surprise he was not allowed to enter los.

    The breaks in entries and various visas and VE has not aroused suspicion of you working. You can prop continue. The SE,s might eventually dry up, but if your comfortable returning to Germany you can obtain METV,s and I think keep coming long time.

    Are you truly so lazy that you can't spell out the word probably or anything else you don't feel like? It would certainly be more helpful to the less informed if you spelled out the abbreviations, or do you not realize that this forum is supposed to be of benefit to the less experienced readers, who are coming here to learn,  not  confused  further with unknown terms? The original writer was posting for the benefit of others. Why not you? As it stands, your comment reads like a secret code known only to insiders. For those readers who need to know, I've decoded our friend's gibberish: VE=visa extension. METV= multiple entry tourist visa. setvs= single entry tourist visas . SE= single entry tourist visa

  10. On 11/12/2018 at 12:32 PM, wgdanson said:

    Work Permit?


    If it's his business then he would have a business visa, not a work permit. I'm sure he did his homework


    On 11/12/2018 at 12:46 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    Oh dear... Yes, the Work Permit question has probably sprung straight to everyones mind along with the thought that this may not be the publicity he wants... 


    I hope he is work permitted - in which case, excellent, otherwise I simply hope he is left alone to help with his Wife's business, let him get on with enjoying his life, he's harming no one. 


    But, I can't help but wonder if some little entrepreneurial guy dressed in brown will recognize an opportunity...  or worse still, Immigration get wind of this and decide to do something about it. 



    I believe the appropriate move would be to get a business visa, which covers him. 

  11. On 11/14/2018 at 4:55 AM, ukrules said:

    Maybe, it might also make people think twice before coming on holiday to a country where foreigners are sentenced very differently to locals.


    Then again maybe they won't care. It will be reported world wide anyway, that's for sure.


    Two years supended prison sentence plus thousands of dollars in fines for mere graffiti - pathetic!

    people should think MORE than twice and research any foreign country before going there, MORE so to anywhere in Southeast Asia. 

  12. On 11/14/2018 at 11:13 AM, Dmaxdan said:

    Well one things for certain. it will be a while before he can afford anymore cans of spray paint. It should give him plenty of time to learn how to spell Scouser.

    Comes to about $3000 US. Wonder if they had to show their bank balances? It's not a terribly huge amount of money, a month's pay for an even a below average salary of $12.75 an hour. So no beer or spray paint for a month

  13. 7 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

    Does this mean families should be dissuaded from coming here? 

    It is no different here in Thailand than in the USA as long as you take precautions. You can easily collect information online as to how not to become a victim. Back in Hartford CT, a medium sized city between New York City and Boston, in my neighborhood where I owned a house for 30 years,  that looks "nice" at a glance, there are drugs, occasional shootings, and marauding thieves who take anything out of your yard that is not nailed down. 


    Thailand is a wonderful place for families if you do your planning homework 

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  14. On 10/23/2018 at 12:18 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    You could just give up without any ban - if you want to give it up.

    ding ding ding! You win! for the ignorant comment of the day. Since what we are talking about here is an insidiously addictive substance, which most people here seem fully aware of, you should know that a badly addicted smoker can't just "give it up" if he wants to. that's why smoking has become such a deadly worldwide scourge

  15. 4 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

    Life travels & trevails have given me the ability to 'smell people' .. literally, First of all its their origin & & appearance & characteristics that come with it, then there is the interaction, feedback, communication & you start to get the abilty to make an initial judgement of who they are regardless of race or religion.

    To more simply paraphrase you, if you understand human nature and psychology it's not hard to size people up with a few basic clues. EVERYONE gives off clues, and they don't know it. You just have to know them when you see them. Crooks, scammers, and scumbags all use a variation on the same tried and true bag of tricks. 

  16. On 10/19/2018 at 9:26 PM, boonrawdcnx said:

    Wonder why this suddenly seems such an urgent issue to deal with?


    One would think this country has more important things to deal with?


    I can see already the traffic accident statistics climbing to new heights in addition to the drunks , the ones high on meth we will have the rest driving around stoned.


    If there is money to be made - like with cigarettes - governments don’t seem to care if their citizens become addicted or not.


    I can see already a huge black market developing not for “medical use” another great tea money earner for the police.


    Wonder what their neighbors to the south have to say about that?


    Malaysia and Singapore still have the death penalty - even for cannabis.



    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    "I can see already the traffic accident statistics climbing to new heights in addition to the drunks , the ones high on meth we will have the rest driving around stoned."  You can see this? Really? Ummm, now who is the one hallucinating here? What have YOU been smoking? Did you miss the fact that it is still illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana? You're making wild speculation on a subject of which you know little or nothing. I'm being extra polite when I say that. You don't know the difference between amphetamines, alcohol, and marijuana? I'm 61, and in the 60s and 70s often rode with older drivers to concerts and whatnot, some of whom drank, but most of whom simply smoked weed. Drunk driving is an obvious problem, saw it many times, but I never saw anyone exhibit any signs of significant impairment while simply smoking. Ever. Even to this day. I was born in 1957 and grew up in that culture. And I don't smoke, haven't since the 80s. There are already plenty of statistics to contradict the imaginary ones you've conjured up. Can you come up with any instances of auto fatalities due to smoking weed? Of course not. It doesn't happen.  The two substances are not even in the same category  as to the degree of impairment caused. And weed does not have the addiction potential of other substances. But as to enforcement, if you smoke weed in a car a cop will smell it, and you WILL get busted a lot more easily than if you were drinking. That smell is distinctive and easily identified. So enforcement of smoking/drinking laws is extremely easy. And you support the death penalty for marijuana?  Why are you even making comments here without checking your facts? You'd do well to not embarrass yourself by posting nonsense, stick to what you know.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 7 hours ago, smedly said:

    too expensive on transfer fees

    If you happen to be familiar with Paypal, you can open  a paypal account in your home country, open another in Thailand with another email address, link the Thailand paypal account to a Thailand bank, then you can transfer between those accounts for a much smaller fee. Cost me about $5 to transfer $1000 to bangkok Bank 

  18. 7 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    You can barely open a bank account now without a work permit. 


    Took my mate to the Bangkok Bank in the Emporium, explained that he needs a bank account for his retirement visa to pay the 800k into (he's minted so no issues) and was told no, need to have work permit. I argued that he was retired and is not working LOL. Was told cannot open bank account without work permit. 


    He did it in Pattaya instead. 

    I got my Bangkok Bank account at the Paragon branch in Siam square

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