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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 14 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    Eight days, no food, no clean water.  Sadly, I don't hold out much hope for the survival of all of them.  The ones that do survive will be traumatized by this event for the rest of their lives unless they receive some very good psychiatric help and counseling.


    They've been found alive as of a half hour ago. Isn't it great to read such happy news? (for a change?). And no, they will not likely be traumatized. This is not that type of experience. It was not a plane crash with death and mutilation, it was not a mass murder, etc. And it is not taking 3 year olds away from their parents and locking them in cages like they do here in the US. I have PTSD and it takes much worse than this to cause it, thankfully. Children are remarkably resilient, and this is a Buddhist culture, so peaceful acceptance and calm would be in their nature. Counseling will nonetheless be beneficial. 

    • Thanks 2
  2. 18 hours ago, curlylekan said:

    But is there really a delay? Didn't we read about a week ago that the German authorities told them the process could take up to 2 months? I do like how someone mentioned an independent German court has to look into it. So long as the Thai government followed all procedure, it's just a waiting game, the process has not been stalled, as far as I understand. Upo to 2 months = up to 2 months, not in 3 days like you want. Governments all over the world, want what they want right then and there, but can't give others the same - example of the guy who posted about his waiting time of 5-7 years to become a thai citizen.

    His request for asylum will add a lot more delay time while it is considered. It puts the extradition request on hold until decided. 

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  3. 12 hours ago, Stradavarius37 said:

    I am sure the lady in that photo is delighted with being placed in an article about criminals and sex offenders....

    I think that she would take more umbrage at your crass comment than in the photo itself. I certainly would.  The photo is a neutral portrait of the routine processing of tourists and visitors, a scene that anyone who has been to Thailand knows. It is pertinent to the story in exactly that way, and no other. I spend half the year or more in Thailand, and they are welcome to post any photo they may wish to of me. I have more important things to think about. It is a photo of the good guys. You are the one making the insinuation. We are not. Your cynicism reflects on your own character and your comment is out of place. 

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  4. Notice how this topic has flushed out the bigots and racists with comments irrelevant to this particular bust of blatant criminals. This bust is about one event  in one country, Thailand. It has NOTHING to do with immigrant or refugee problems in other countries. Some of these comments disgust me, and ironically, Thailand is a place where you find little or almost none of the foul racism which infects the United States and  the countries from which those commenters hail. In the United states violence runs rampant, among the white racist and NAZI citizens, perpetrating massacre after massacre of children; white cops shooting down black kids in cold blood, the NRA and gun lobby and the politicians they carry in their pockets profiting on mass murder. Nope, not an immigrant problem.  So, all you know it all commenters, do some fact checking, and report back to this forum what your country's crime statistics tell you, who commits the crimes? Your citizens? Legal immigrant citizens maybe Russian oligarchs or mobsters trafficking young girls and boys? 

    • Like 2
  5. 19 hours ago, LazySlipper said:


    I fail to see how anyone would want to traffic ladyboys.

    If there's money in it, someone will do it. Human sexuality & sexual preferences are infinitely broad, and for every niche in the sexuality and gender spectrum there are those who lust for it. Much of it is not pretty. Most of those trafficked have a vulnerability such as drug addiction, or non resident alien whose passports have been confiscated by thugs, or just ordinary prostitutes who have been enticed , ensnared, or even kidnapped. And there are families who because of dire poverty will entice or even sell their teenagers into sexual servitude. Hard to wrap your mind around it for the average person. But it is not limited to Thailand - Thailand is a favorite punching bag for the more sanctimonious western countries, yet trafficking is a problem everywhere - US included

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:



    This is something so obvious that we are all in agreement with so let's move on to more serious matters and not have another 10 pages of how we can potentially fix the problem because it is cultural and they lack the willpower and ability to fix it so save yourself the bother of typing out nonsense. 



    You miss the point of having a forum. This is a social forum. People like making commentary even if it is not a controversial issue. people like conversation regardless of how dramatic the topic. Comments lead to brief conversations, and sometimes a worthy thought or two, or a good laugh will result. So, no need to rain on the parade. I would say that if anyone doesn't have anything to contribute to the conversation, fine, then say nothing and don't read any further. There are plenty of topics

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  7. 6 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    And what type of Visa, Passport are they traveling into the USA on?  Can't be diplomatic since that was all recalled revoked wasn't it? 

    The "filthy rich foreign businessman/fugitive with lots of money to spend" visa, comes with a position in the Trump white house. Actually, there is a "special person" type of visa for people of exceptional skills and background, that's probably what they got. 

  8. 21 hours ago, over2you said:

    Whilst I am totally revolted by the man's actions. And I feel like I want to kill him.

    I can only assume that he has some very serious mental health problems. Please let's not assume about drugs and/or alcohol yet. 

    Pedophilia is not a mental illness or a mental health problem. There is no cure. It's a person whose sexual desires for children are hard wired, along with the complete lack of empathy for his victims. A type of psychopath, preying on children. He needs to be castrated and lobotomized. 

    • Like 2
  9. 16 hours ago, impulse said:


    That's the $64,000 question.   Mostly, I leave everything I don't need at home. 


    But that leaves me with my passport, a few thousand $ USD emergency cash, and a laptop -at the least.  I keep the $$$ stashed inside the lining of my carry on, where someone has to make same effort to find it and steal it, but that's not much better than hiding it between the mattresses (though I'd never forget it stashed in my carry-on, while I am subject to lapses in memory if I were to hide it anywhere in the room, including the safe). 


    The point is that there is nowhere you can really secure your valuables when traveling.  (Unless you can leave them in your jet on the tarmac- and even then...)  Best to leave them behind unless you need them.


    There's no need to have "a few thousand" if you have a US debit/credit card and money in the bank. I use an ATM, or use Western Union whenever you need large amounts. I have a Bangkok Bank account, and I send money there by Paypal, service charge is $3. I never keep more than $300US, or 10,000 baht on hand unless there's a specific thing I need it for. 

    • Like 1
  10. 14 hours ago, mikebell said:

    If that doesn't work there's always guns.  The name of this restaurant MUST become public knowledge and be dealt with by the Court of Public Opinion.

    Someone will get it onto facebook and take it viral. Outside of Thailand and in the world of professionalism and integrity a restaurant would apologize and offer a free meal, and promise to remedy the problem. I'm a businessman and satisfaction guaranteed is built into my business model. Nonetheless, there will always be incorrigible cranks and trolls, best to just ignore them after posting a reasonable response. BUT, as we know, TIT. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Blackheart1916 said:

    Thanks for stating the bleeding obvious, General whatever your name is. I think we (westerners) that come here are looking at things in the wrong context. As Thailand has a veneer of a modern society eg. some high standard hospitals, a (struggling to be sustainable) tourism industry, communications systems, reasonably good main highways and other infrastructure, we tend to think of it as a progressive country. It's not. Scratch that veneer and behind it, you have a third world country, with corresponding levels of corruption, buck passing, no accountability, and no regard whatsover for the citizens of this country. So if we regard it as the 3rd world country it is, on par with some African and other SEA nations, it makes more sense. It makes no difference how many 1st word expats live here, it won't make it a 1st world country.

    Well said, friend. We should all take heed and exercise due diligence as best we can

    • Thanks 1
  12. Well, yes she's the archetype gold digging bar girl, but on the other hand, unless the guy's senile, he must have thought he was getting his money's worth. She could have continued the ruse and waited until he died and got everything, but instead told him honestly that she wanted a different life. And if he's rich, and he agrees to a settlement/alimony, and it harms no one nor does it render him broke, and if he is fine with it, so what - unless one thinks that the golddigger is inherently despicable and shouldn't get away with taking advantage of an old man no matter what he thinks. That would be an issue for his own family to take up, should they be interested in doing so. I avoid all of this by just being a low income musician, and every girl I meet or socialize with knows that. And I have indeed met some very sweet and loving Thai girls, but I'm not looking for marriage either. So I have no risk whatsoever. 

  13. 21 hours ago, dddave said:

    I'm also 74 and have to admire Mr. Smith's adventurous spirit.

    One of the challenges of this age is maintaining independence while at the same time, recognizing the reality of one's own increased vulnerability.

    I live alone by choice.  I am fortunate to have a number of friends who somehow find an excuse to get in touch with me pretty much on a daily basis, whether by text, call or meeting up somewhere.  We don't really acknowledge that they are checking up on me but we know, that's what it is.  I am appreciative of their concern and friendship and I try to reciprocate by always letting them know my plans, not disappearing on them without any notice.

    This really doesn't stop me from doing whatever it is I want to do, whether it is spontaneously jumping a bus to Pattaya or wherever or shacking up for a night or two with an entertaining companion.

    Yes, it is a bit of an infringement on my autonomous self-sufficiency but growing old and remaining active has it's cost like anything else.   If the day ever comes that I find my self lying on my floor, unable to get up or in some other precarious situation wherein I can not help myself, I will be most grateful when my wonderful friends come knocking.  


    I hope Mr. Smith appreciates his friend's actions and doesn't take the view that he was "meddling" in his affairs.  

    you're a lucky man. I'm alone in Bangkok, 61, and while I'm friendly with quite a few people, no one is going to check on me if I croak in front of my computer, until the apartment residence notice a funny smell. If I end up in a canoe and on an island somewhere my fossils might contribute to the National Geographic issue in the year 3000. Nonetheless, this is where I choose to live, for a lot of good reasons

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  14. 6 hours ago, JoePai said:

    Ignore them - use Grab Taxi, more reliable and cheaper :thumbsup:

    I got cheated by a grab taxi driver who charged me cash, then I found out my credit card had also been charged. He had his ID and license turned around so you couldn't see, and I think his meter was rigged to run fast. The Grab company eventually reversed the credit card charge, I don't know what they did to the driver. So remember, Grab is still using local drivers, and you need to be attentive. I took a video of the meter as it was running, then photos of the doors, numbers, and license plate

  15. 6 hours ago, Nasrullah said:

    I'm  so suprised the guy in the white singlet(offender) was not shot dead immediately after he shot the cop!!


    In the USA or most countries for that matter.....he would of been toast!

    In the USA you're likely to be "toast" whether you're guilty or not, especially if you're a young black male. So yes your guy would have and probably should have been shot, but in the US there is an abundance of murderers with badges, dirty prosecutors, and a lot of innocent people arrested and jailed. That's why I'm here in Thailand. America's "democracy" has been rotting from the inside out for decades, and I'm 61 and have been watching its slow decline

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