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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 3 hours ago, xerostar said:

    I'm not condoning what these people have done but why criticise their appearance?
    It has nothing to do with the case. If you were fortunate to be born attractive then lucky for you. Please wait until we hear both sides of the story before mouthing off like a lynch mob.

    Sent from my SM-N915F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Thaivisa commentary ARE a lynch mob, albeit verbal. 

  2. 6 hours ago, ezzra said:

    As long as the police  treats all those call centers criminals

    who prey on the gullible and the unsuspecting with only fines

    and slap on the wrist, they will continue to operate and cheat

    and scam people....

    These are international cybercriminals operating outside Thailand for the most part, and you can't stop them. You can catch SOME of the ones operating in Thailand, but it won't stop the operations. It's whack a mole, in every country. Best you can do is try to educate the public

  3. Bunch of spoiled brats whining while the world changes faster than they can keep up. Fact: smokers have an addiction, equal or worse than heroin addiction. To that extent, sympathy applies - That used to be an excuse, but no more. Secondarily  that it's merely a habit and a choice. The methadone for smokers is vaping. You get your nicotine, no worries, no hardship. your addiction will therefore not impose on others.  Fact: It's now widely recognized that secondhand smoke in any situation is unhealthy to anyone who breathes it. And I don't want to hear any excuses about the quality of Thailand city air. That's a pathetic and baseless excuse. Thailand is working on all these problems, hence the smoking ban. You are still making it worse for whoever sits next to you. Fact: If you light up a cigarette you're choosing to do the equivalent of wafting the smell of garbage or body odor or human waste into the face of the person next to you. Often times you are ruining someone's otherwise delicious meal. How would you like it if heroin addicts went around poking people with their used needles? Which is worse, lung cancer or AIDS? AIDS is manageable. Lung cancer is a death sentence.  My mom died of lung cancer, within 3 weeks of her diagnosis. Then there are the pigs who stub out their butts in the sand on the beaches. <deleted>? We come here to enjoy the beaches. You can't at least use a cup or a beer bottle? That's a no brainer,  easily dealt with, 'nuff said about that. . In today's world if you choose to smoke rather than vape anywhere that someone else has to breathe it, ESPECIALLY in a place where people come to enjoy fresh air, or sit down for a meal, then you're a self indulgent inconsiderate pig. You DON'T have the right to pollute the air that someone else has to breathe. Don't expect them to move. You do it. PERIOD, END OF STORY. The world has changed. It continues to change and call on people to keep up. 

  4. 21 hours ago, isco said:

    she'd get in alright if she was muslim

    Well, right up to your ignorant remark it had had been a while since I'd seen anything so obnoxiously bigoted here, I guess that's a good thing. Surely you know that you look and sound like a right moron saying that, right? It's an attention getting thing - your mum wouldn't give you any attention when you were little, right? OK, we heard you, now leave the table, bed without supper

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  5. 3 hours ago, Crash999 said:

    Interesting logic. You say there's no evidence but the UK police presented evidence. 


    Then you say the UK police presented evidence but phones can't be evidence. Therefore the Burmese should be set free. 


    If if I commit murder I want you as my judge! 

    With all due respect, the legal standard is "beyond any doubt", or as in the US, "beyond reasonable doubt". Meaning, the evidence has to be overwhelmingly convincing, especially where the death penalty is concerned. So, just presenting evidence is not sufficient for a lawful conviction. the shame of it is, the US has imprisoned and executed innocent persons when racism and corrupt cops/prosecutors were involved, even with our high standards. But DNA science has now freed many others who thus escaped death or ruined lives. 

  6. So, readers and commenters, what is your take on Yingluck? She seems a mercurial figure in Thai history to me, of which despite my nominal efforts does not give me any firm grasp or interpretation. I don't get a bad feeling from those few public appearances I've seen on youtube and elsewhere. I'm aware of those who equate her with corruption tied to her brother, and I know about the bad rice deal. But is this just another case of one faction against another (red/yellow shirts) , each of whom has some validity and legitimacy in their position? Did she actually embezzle money? Is it like in the US where hypocritical wealthy self interested parties are able to pander to a less educated but passionate base, and successfully pit one group against another to capitalize on the divide? Have the poor farmers/red shirts been deceived and propagandized? It seems that I would have to live among both factions, both socioeconomic classes,  in order to divine a real sense of this. What do you folks think about the justification for wanting to convict and imprison her? Is it a show trial? Is she that bad? We heard the same thing being said about our candidates in our election, but the rhetoric was only that, rhetoric, and could not rise to a political prosecution. I'm particularly interested in the history of Thaksin. Is he another one of those figures who actually did a lot of good even though he may have also robbed the till and feathered his own nest in so doing? Is it a matter of everyone is equally corrupt, but if you become unpopular with certain other "partners in crime" or rivals, they may use their power to "eliminate" you, not unlike italian crime families in the US fighting over turf and retaliating for insults and encroachments, and thus Thaksin's conviction and exile? I'd rather talk about this than Trump's USA. What's happening in my country is profoundly disturbing to me and I do my best not to think about it. There is a terrible poison here, a cancer on our democracy. Cheers

  7. On 8/9/2017 at 5:41 PM, Happy enough said:

    555 hilarious. he's basically saying take care of your place or it will end up being the dump that spain is. I'm sure that's what he's saying. there are many laws here that should clean the place up where it needs to be. pretty sure the powers that be don't need advice from young Spaniard. jog on young lad.

    I'd rather be an idealist and a visionary than an internally rotted out arrogant cynic. His words carry the weight of truth, and a message of compassion, concern,  and sincerity. What have you got to offer? A bigoted prejudice toward anything a farang might have to say just because you resent an outsider's comments? Are you on the cleanup crew? What are you actually doing to help the place, or are you just another consumer? 

  8. 6 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Is an eyesore and only advertising prostitution.  It's  a step towards cleaning up Thailands seedy international reputation.  Still a long way to go before they can replace sex tourism with quality tourism.

    So don't go there. Let the people who enjoy it do as they choose. Or do you feel as though you must manage their morality on their behalf? Thailand has plenty to offer tourists, each to his own. How much do you actually know about Thailand, its people, and the people who spend time there? Not much it seems

  9. 3 hours ago, monspencer said:

    I would say that the photo is of Jomtien beach. If it was Pattaya beach the backdrop would be of the headland between Pattaya and Jomtiem. Also there would be loads of jet skiers etc, etc in the sea and the sky.

    Not Jomtien. As you can see in the stock photo and the superimposed cropped news photo, it is the view toward the flashing Pattaya City sign across Pattaya Bay. You can see the line of the hills and the buildings. So Jomtien should still be OK. 

    urban-city-skyline-pattaya-bay-beach-thailan-most-popular-resort-tourists-expatriates-located-east-43195707 copy.jpg

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