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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 7 hours ago, SkyNets said:

    So just get a print out from your Thai bank showing your pension payments. Whats the problem, unless you have been lying.....

    What's the problem unless you've been lying? Ummmm, duh! You don't seem to have a grasp on the subject. A person applying for a visa is often prevented from getting a bank account in Thailand, banks usually require a work permit or other things that a person doesn't have, and you can't get one on a retirement visa, yet the pensioner  meets the income requirements. Pension payments will appear on the "pensioner"'s own bank statements, or he will have a check deposit record. When he spends money in Thailand he uses an ATM, or Western Union to transfer his money. I happen to use paypal to transfer US to Thailand. Last month I transferred $1000 to Bangkok Bank using paypal, the only bank which would give me an account. So, the applicant is not lying, is he? 

  2. 21 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    Ha ha ha!

    I see that joke about how how open a bank account in Thailand requires only three items.

    They deliberately miss out the details about how you need to visit many banks (often the same bank but different branch) in order to maybe get lucky and be 'allowed' to open a bank account. Each branch makes up its own rules - we all know that from experience.


    I bet within five years they'll probably completely stop renewing passports too - via outsourcing or other means.

    <end of sarcasm mode for those with no sense of humour>


    You are right about "Bank shopping". Did it myself, I use Bangkok Bank at the Paragon mall in Siam Square. 

  3. 7 hours ago, TSF said:

    She got done on an internet scam "56 times before the penny dropped" Got to be a candidate for this year's Darwin Awards. 

    I think the ignorance and insensitivity of your remark certainly qualifies you. People can be emotionally vulnerable, and it has nothing to do with their intelligence or place on the evolutionary ladder. Shame on you for judging. 

    • Sad 1
  4. 16 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


    <deleted> me, how did she qualify to be a pharmacist ????

    Professional skills are not the same or in the same category as one's emotional vulnerability to people who know how to play a lonely person's heart. I have never met a pharmacist in Thailnd who wasn't a consummate professional, highly educated and competent. These con artists are highly skilled at what they do. If you doubt the skills of a good con artist, look no further than the man who conned America into electing him president Under whom all Americans and much of the world are suffering. Good and decent people are inclined to be trusting if they have never encountered true evil. 

    • Sad 1
  5. 11 hours ago, SuperTed said:

    1. Who in their right minds uses a bank account without online banking? Given its Thailand, how can you not check the balance regularly?

    2. Why can’t the police be notified, and the case started, by fax and phone? Of course brown packets must be delivered in person, but a local friend can do that.

    3. As a rule, your Thai wife *must* be better looking than you (or bloody rich). You lose a lot of face in society by having a foreign wife (not being racist, just saying how it is) and lose cultural affinity in the marriage. You absolutely should be taking a benefit then in the looks department, and the wife has a responsibility to deliver.

    P.S. Profile pic is not my actual photo; I won’t be marrying Ms Thai 2018

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


    I can't get online banking with my savings account with Bangkok Bank because online banking is a separate branch, and I need a work permit or some other qualification that I can't meet as a non resident. The only way I can check things is with my card or to go to the bank. makes no sense, but TIT. It shouldn't be hard in today's world to track down the culprit, even if it was Russian, Chinese, Ukrainian, or North Korean hackers. Everything leaves an electronic or paper trail.  I agree that the more likely scenario is that someone with their banking info has done this, and any profession can have a few bad apples, including banks. I predict that this will be solved

  6. 17 hours ago, newatthis said:

    It's the farang husband's fault.

    She was only in her early 40's when he died and it seems apparent that he didn't encourage her to get a job. Instead, she stayed at home and sponged off him. After he died, any money she had saved or inherited, she and new husband blew probably trying to live "in the lap of luxury."

    Moral: If your spouse is still young enough to have a job [no matter how much money you have], don't spoil them, send them off to work. It builds character and independence. 

    Moral: An adult is fully responsible for his or her own life, his or her own decisions and choices, etc. Your suggestion that it is somehow the ex husband's "fault" is ludicrous, and shows your complete lack of understanding of the concept of personal responsibility. The woman's temperament, immaturity, and violent tendencies were not created by the ex husband. They are her own personality traits, and she is 100% responsible for her own behavior. 

  7. 18 hours ago, lanista said:

    Only bothered reading the first few lines.  Read all this stuff hundreds of times over the years.

    Nothing changes except the individual stories  & experiences.


    The oldest saying in Thailand is also the most accurate.....

    'farangs who pay the most for sex are those who are silly enough to marry a poor village girl and most do.

    the smartest farangs are those who remain single and play the field, if and when he chooses.

    Alot of farangs are killed for their assets by slow poisoning not guns or knives.  Hundreds of wealthy Thai men die that way.


    Two possible solutions: Never let anyone in Thailand know where and how much your assets are, or be one of those who come to Thailand to live frugally and still have a nice life. I would be #2, and I make no secret to Thai women that their are no resources available from my other than dinner and drinks and maybe a day trip or modest vacation once in a while. I have a number of dear Thai lady friends who cleared that hurdle long ago, and if I want to philander I know where to go, I know what to do and what not to do, including not ever getting drunk, nor getting the girl drunk. Lady drinks all around is fine as long as we have fun, but I pay each round as they come, never run up a tab. And when the wait staff leans on me for "tips" I tell them no after my reasonable limits are reached. If it's then time to leave, sabai sabai 

  8. 20 hours ago, StefanBBK said:

    The credit card company should not pay the Jewellery shop, because of their gross negligence. 

    Hope the Tourist recovers quickly.

    They won't. The shop is clearly guilty of not checking the identity, at the very least the address associated with the cards. The credit card company has an absolute right to claw back the money. Rest assured they will. It will serve as a lesson to the jewelry company about letting shady people make purchases. It was their greed that made them overlook the obvious red flags

  9. There are a lot of ways to solve this problem. In the US convicts are allowed to perform "community service" as part or all of their sentence, they could do the same here, bring in a crew once a week to clean up. Locally, they could recruit volunteers if they don't want to pay, I'm sure they'd get some farangs and ex pats who care enough, especially if it's their beach. But, these are sensible and practical solutions, so we shan't hold our breath

    • Like 2
  10. 17 hours ago, connda said:

    Meth alone will put ya into Tweeker-mode of cascading paranoia which ultimately leads to violence.  But add a bottle of whiskey to the mix and you have murder waiting around the corner. 

    Hope the guy is able to get medical help for his addiction while he's serving time.  Obviously he desperately needs it. 

    Right. because eventually he'll get out, and then what? back to the same or worse? 

  11. 11 hours ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

    wow stupid moves. Do people like this ever 'wake up' and realise they need to change their life and actions? Leaving behind a trail of murder, violence and general problems, would be a good indicator that you're not a functional person, at the very least. 

    People generally do not "wake up" and change suddenly after they become set in their ways and their thinking as adults. The die is cast, the mold set. From there on, they generally don't learn from mistakes. 

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  12. 4 hours ago, z42 said:

    While I feel for this lady I am also at a loss to figure out what the hell she was thinking. Surely a loan guarantor should be someone who is blood related or an incredibly close and trusted family friend of the person taking the loan.

    I am a teacher, and some of the students I have taught over the course of my career have been wonderful people, however if any of them were to ask me to guarantee their student loans I (even in my wettest behind the ears days) would have probably laughed in their faces and said that it is no way my duty or responsibility to do such a thing.


    And this woman has guaranteed 60 that we know of. Absolutely foolish in the extreme

    Never lend, or gamble, more than you can afford to lose. A shame that a good hearted lady who tried to help her students fell victim to her ideals and her naiveté. In the US it has been very common over the generations for teachers to buy things out of their pockets like books, uniforms, basic supplies, etc., pay for class trips, some have spent a lot of money, but nowhere near the amount of college tuition. Such a shame that the teacher didn't consult with an advisor about this, I would think that the bank itself might have advised her not to do so. 

  13. 14 hours ago, Farangwithaplan said:

    Walking down lower Sukhumvit on the odd numbered side the other weekend for the first time in a while and the amount of times someone of non thai decent - based on looks - whispered if I wanted some chemicals was astonishing. For the first time I recall I did not feel very comfortable in that part of town.


    Maybe the police could modify the current "X-Ray Outlaw Foreigner" drive to  "X-Ray Outlaw Foreigner selling drugs on lower Sukhumvit" drive.

    If they wanted to they could outfit an undercover farang with hidden cam to record all of those drug hawkers and then come back to clean up. Is that too easy? MMMM, lots of tea money they'd lose if they did that. 

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