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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

    Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

    All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

    Thank you for enlightening us, oh wise oracle. You sound like a Trumpie

  2. In the US in my area it was the liquor commission who would raid strip bars periodically because the law was written such that nudity wasn't a crime but nudity where alcohol was served was a violation of liquor license rules. Nudity in and of itself was found by our supreme court to be protected under the 1st amendment so it cannot be made a criminally enforceable crime. Strip bars would be raided periodically, and if there were no drug or prostitution issues (that is if they didn't get caught blatantly doing either) they would just absorb the fine and enforced temporary shutdown as part of the cost of doing business. If the club were stupid enough to let drugs and sex run rampant they'd be shut down permanently and prosecuted. This sounds like just about the same thing. This place will probably reopen with business as usual once their fine is paid, am I right? In my location the strip bars would make sure the local mayors and town aldermen got the necessary "favors" to keep the system greased.

  3. my take on it, i wouldn't see why she slashed the guy for no reason, and why is he keeping quiet,? not defending himself, or not had time to come up with a feasable answer as to why she slashed him .

    Yes. Like, duh, "this crazy woman with a baby tried to rob me and when I resisted she stabbed me". It would take quite a bit of doing to explain why a woman with a baby had to fight someone off with a knife. Assuming that the woman is not guilty of being a violent psycho, a mother protecting a baby would be a force to be reckoned with. And a man attacking a woman with a baby is beneath contempt. Considering the number of crimes committed by motorcycle drivers I find her story credible. If you look at where he was cut, his arm had to have been very close to her person for her to get that powerful of a cut into it. I think that he had hold of her with that arm, and held her long enough for her to slice the knife right through before he let go. Too bad their police probably lack the scientific and forensic skill to make that determination. Either way I would guess that his punishment will be light

  4. I've been to Thailand 3 times spending as much as 2 months at a time. I stayed in the Jomtien Beach area, been to walking st, Nana, Soi Cowboy, Bangla rd, and I ask to inevitable rhetorical question: Why does anyone go to Thailand, to such places, without studying and familiarizing yourself with what goes on there and the risks one needs to be prepared to deal with? How about just talking to people who have been there? How about going online and reading or watching the stories? Well, rhetorical question means I already know the answer. Stupidity, naiveté, or a one track mind focused only on reveling and debauchery as if there is no risk whatsoever. And if nothing ese, DO NOT GET THAT DRUNK IN THAILAND EVER!!! Unless you are among trusted friends who can watch out for you. My opinion from my 60 years on this planet incIuding 15 years of alcoholism that getting that drunk has no purpose and can only impede your enjoyment of a night out no matter what happens. I drink a beer maybe at each place I visit, I drink slowly, I might do a shot with someone, but I am careful not to get drunk. carry law enforcement grade pepper spray and stay alert enough to see a potential threat before "she" knows I know. Being sober means I am not a good target. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but even at home in the US, you know not to walk around in certain places while drunk. I live in a city and it's a total no brainer. But I feel sorry for these poor schmucks who learn the hard way. Now sometimes the devil in me kinda hopes someone will make me a target, I'd kinda like to see em take a facefull of pepper spray, and I could say "oohhhhh, I thought Thai people LIKED spicy, I gave you spicy, you like?" And if I were PARTICULARLY evil at the moment I might make sure the spray got at some particularly sensitive places. I wonder if Thai police would be interested in my being an undercover "deputy" and a decoy for this type of thing? It's widely done in the US, quite successfully. But it would only work if the punishment fit the crime, which it obviously doesn't. So, another lesson in the way Thailand does things. Nevermind.

  5. Good for you for looking beneath the shallowness of tabloid reporting and ferreting out the truth. Miscommunication and emotional overreaction are a common human malady leading to misunderstanding and unnecessary distress. You are a wise person, you must feel like the guy in the bible casting his pearls (of wisdom) among the swine. I see that I was a little out of line and prejudicial, and learned (or relearned what I already knew) once again to refrain from judgment when not all the facts are avail\able and the sources of the story not checked. You have done your job today sir!

  6. What do you wish to see for evidence?

    Its not hard to find both parties on Facebook. Just type in their names n you can see both. The Thai "stranger" is not exactly a stranger as mentioned in the report. In fact on seeing her Facbook, She is actually quite well known for helping strays in Thailand and re-homing the pooches. ( she has even posted detail accounting spending of the pooch in the report as well. )

    You don't need much evidence as if u do your own research on it which takes less than 10mins and a little common sense, You be able to see what is going on.

    I help stray dogs myself in Thailand and though not on the extend of the person in the report and I kind of understand why her concerns on not giving up the dog for adoption. When I go on holidays, I find the best place n person who is able to take care of my dog well. So it is important for the person to find the best adopter for the dog.

    There is alot of misunderstanding on the adopter part and I can see she is emotional as well. And if she can just calm down, I am sure she will get the dog.

    b4 you see any report and pass a judgment kindly do some self investigating 1st. I am in no way related to the Thai " stranger " I just have to be fair.

    Don't just write off a Thai as a scam artist in every report you see. Even though u have to be careful in all your dealings. Not everyone in Thailand is out to get your money. There are genuine ppl who wants to help and are fair and I have met quite alot here.

  7. There is a lot of misleading and false information in this article and it is surprising that the reporter did not contact the rescuer in Thailand to verify. First of all this "adopter" did not lose £7,000 . Many people around the world and in Thailand had and have unconditionally donated to ensure the care and medical treatment of Ballon. The rescuer has been been looking after Ballon since last September and it is a lie that this person has been in a battle for over a year. The rescuer has records for all donations as well expenses incured. The person looking to adopt only got involved late last year. The truth is the rescuer felt bullied by the person wanting to adopt Ballon,and elected not to allow for the adoption. Now this person is spreading a false story to make people think she is the victim. Not the case, the ongoing personal attacks on the rescuer is the unfortunate outcome, which impacts all legimate Thai rescuers. End of story.

    You got proof?

    Nobody owes you proof. Do your own homework and research, you lazy oaf

  8. Vigilante justice sounds nice except when they get the wrong man, or the punishment doesn't fit the crime. easy to call for it when the crimes are gruesome, tough to hear about if the guy gets beaten to death when all the guy did was steal some things but people's emotions got out of hand. mobs can get unruly pretty quickl

    You're right. In the US there are a staggering about of black men with death or life sentences for crimes they didn't commit.

  9. "Cheap Charlie" is often a derogatory term used to characterize a "farang" who doesn't dish out money freely to Thais and cater to their sob stories of family hardship. A farang who doesn't like picking up the tab for everyone all the time is referred to as "Cheap Charlie" by Thais. A farang who merely meets the agreed price for sex without additional tip is called "Cheap Charlie" by Thai girls. The Thai newspaper should be clear about this being a derogatory expression and why.

    Your point is taken, but does it really matter that the people who don't get to leech off you think you're a cheap charlie? I'm a cheap charlie amongst the manipulators and smooth operators, but I'll give the shirt off my back to genuinely nice people, and I have. I've picked up tabs without a thought if there's no reason not to, it's usually insignificant, and the people are usually nowhere near as well off as me, and I qualify for poverty status in the US. I've helped out some wonderful Thai girls, devout Buddhists, with rent when they were out of work, they had taken care of me when I first came to Thailand and had major problems including losing my wallet and credit cards. For me, I know about all the attitudes and name calling, but those people will never be in my social circle in any way that I have to care what they think. I think I'll get a T shirt that says "Cheap Charlie and proud of it." That should keep the flies away. 5555555

  10. I wish someone would spend that much money and come rescue me, I'd be devoted as a puppy! point being, not about me, but there are an awful lot of human beings on the streets of Bangkok and other cities, worse off than that dog, and 60 million middle eastern and african refugees escaping from horror and living in horrible conditions, probably could feed and house a whole family for a year or more for that kind of money. It's funny how we can turn a blind eye to our fellow humans while saving one solitary needy animal. In the US there are a lot of perfectly healthy street people begging for money, but there are shelters and food banks and welfare here, and when I see them I say to myself, he'll be OK, I would rather save it and give it to the beggars on the streets of Bangkok where there is no safety net and it really counts.

  11. Is there no end to senseless deaths in this country, this one really tugs at the heart-strings, complete lack of responsibility and supervision and a child dies. One can dress up the reasons anyhow you like but bottom line is the grandfather and grandmother are guilty of negligence . Though as others have said I doubt if anything will happen to the adults. They will just hve to live with their stupidity fore the rest of their lives and their family. Stupid is as stupid does, very very sad.

    RIP little one,

    I want to go to bat for the sentiments posted here by another Thai person, yes I agree that there are many senseless deaths in Thailand, as there are everywhere. Thaivisa reports on Thailand and outsiders might get an exaggerated sense that Thailand is worse than other countries, but sadly it is not, I see these things just as often here in the US. We have even worse things such as parents who deliberately kill their children. Just today a child suffocated to death when he was left face down sleeping on a plastic mat. The parents want to shirk their responsibility by blaming the mat's manufacturer. It's all tragic and painful.

  12. So you don't want Thais to be blamed for anything that also happens in other countries? OK, we will leave out any reference to Thais. We will even change the names so that no one will know that anything happens in Thailand. Then Thailand can adopt Communism and become a totalitarian state where all media is tightly controlled and no one ever has to take blame for anything.

    Here's the new story:

    "A four year old child died somewhere because it was left in a hot car while parents were attending a funeral. It's OK, no one is to blame because it happens in every country in the world. Do not accuse us. The names are censored so that the country does not lose face. Anyone who discloses the identity of this country will be prosecuted for slander".

  13. And the funeral; of the little one in three days. RIP. little one. Sorry.-

    In the afternoon when it was time to go home Sangharn could not find his granddaughter and a search was made. It was not until 8pm when a villager found the lifeless body of the girl in the back of the car. They frantically tried to revive her but it was too late.

    So they couldn't find the little one in a few hours?

    But before blaming the Thais, here's a great example: It seems that kids also die under the same circumstances in more developed countries.:

    More than 36 children die in overheated cars every year in the United States, research shows, adding up to more than 600 deaths since 1998.

    . A child’s body temperature can rise up to five times faster than an adult’s. A child dies with a 107 degree body temperature.= 41.6 Degrees Celsius.


  14. "This is not the US". Duh, really? I hadn't noticed. Gosh I thought the whole world was like us. For some reason you'd like to invalidate the legitimate concerns of farangs whose countries themselves have successfully addressed these issues. Like it or not the US is an example of that. It's the one I know the most about, therefore I can accurately cite from that example. I do not think the US is superior to the rest of the world.. The US has in many other ways violated its own ideals and is no longer a true democracy. The US has gone downhill and done reprehensible things and I will be the first to point to those things as some of the many reasons I plan to move to Thailand. Our police have been murdering black kids and getting away with it. Donald Trump is an embarrassment to every democratic principle. We killed thousands of civilians because our president lied to us and fought an illegal war. Point to that I will agree. You and the rest of the world, INCLUDING Southeast Asia have every right to criticize the US for that. Morality and immorality and human rights are universal. So what are you defending? You think it's OK? Like a wife beater telling his neighbors to ignore the screams and mind their own business? You think that citing cultural differences invalidates criticism from the rest of the world? Guess what? I spend several months a year in Thailand, every year since 2013. I don't need to be lectured on Thai culture, I have been earnestly studying it and have a pretty good handle on it. . Like it or not Thailand has been an ally of the US since the 40s. We would defend Thailand against any attack. We have a fundamental right to highlight abuses such as human trafficking and mistreatment of women. These are basic human rights that transcend cultures. Or do you also support the "right" of your Southeast Asians to beat women?


    She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

    Get a life people, It's a commercial.

    I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

    OK, I'm going to TRY to let you in on how the world works and hand you a clue. Those of us with a bit of maturity know that this is ACTING and it is a DEPICTION of someone getting slapped. OK? we get that. Just as we know that the crying broken hearted girl is neither crying nor broken hearted. And people shot in movies don't really die. What you can't seem to wrap your mind around is the offensive nature of the depiction of a boss seriously abusing a female servant/employee as if it were acceptable behavior. Your comment is calloused and indifferent. You are apparently too numb and insensitive to such issues to understand the public reaction. That's on you, it's not us. The degradation and abuse of women is a serious cross cultural issue, in Thailand and elsewhere, and anyone who appears to portray it in a deliberately demeaning manner especially in a commercial promoting a product, with about the same insensitivity as you apparently have, deserves to be pilloried, as do you for making light of it. And as to what's worse in other countries I can tell you this kind of thing not tolerated in the US. And let me add there is a big difference between genuine and legitimate dramatic portrayal of violence in a story line and frivolous unnecessary degradation. So here's another clue. What's in the movies is not the same as something like this. And video games aren't real. This commercial was frivolous and made light of something which was quite serious and hurtful. In the US you don't cast a black person in a subservient role such as picking cotton or shining shoes in a commercial to sell clothes or cars or anything. Why? Because slavery and racism and servitude of black people under white supremacy is a horrible legacy in OUR country. But if a movie tells a story in which slavery and racism is part of a legitimate plot line in which its basic truth is not otherwise degrading to black people it's a WHOLE different matter. If it's a comedic portrayal in can be done in a way that is not offensive. If you have trouble getting this ask a woman to explain it to you, preferably a black or african woman. Meanwhile, we are farangs with a heart and a moral conscience, and of the things we have that are "better" to do, this is one of them. To speak out on behalf of the way women are portrayed, and in fact regarded in real life.


    The US, the US, the US.........

    This is not the US - this is South East Asia. In fact fair to say that cultures generally begin to differ vastly as one moves Eastwards from a line of longitude drawn half way across the Atlantic Ocean

    Maybe this might help....

  16. whether the maid was hit is not the point. the point is the implication that within thai culture abuse of domestic help is acceptable.

    Well put, too many ignorant trolls here have virtually no sensitivity toward women, I suspect many of the farangs here embrace the idea of Thai wives to be virtual slaves and concubines, more or less bought and paid for, kept in line by physical threats. The "honor" killings and acid face attacks in other countries probably don't faze them either. Just another news item to write wisecracks about. Here in the US we have the horror of the way black people have gone through slavery and racism, now most of our civilized people refrain from insensitive portrayals, the same goes for our native Indian population (from whom we stole the country and massacred them in the process) You and I and the intelligent readers here know that the outcry will help move the abusive culture forward through this exposure to our public scorn. So this story is a good thing. The comments of the insensitive trolls sound to me like chimps and pigs squealing and throwing feces around. You hear me trolls? I think these louts need to be slapped by their bosses. I volunteer.

  17. She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

    Get a life people, It's a commercial.

    I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

    OK, I'm going to TRY to let you in on how the world works and hand you a clue. Those of us with a bit of maturity know that this is ACTING and it is a DEPICTION of someone getting slapped. OK? we get that. Just as we know that the crying broken hearted girl is neither crying nor broken hearted. And people shot in movies don't really die. What you can't seem to wrap your mind around is the offensive nature of the depiction of a boss seriously abusing a female servant/employee as if it were acceptable behavior. Your comment is calloused and indifferent. You are apparently too numb and insensitive to such issues to understand the public reaction. That's on you, it's not us. The degradation and abuse of women is a serious cross cultural issue, in Thailand and elsewhere, and anyone who appears to portray it in a deliberately demeaning manner especially in a commercial promoting a product, with about the same insensitivity as you apparently have, deserves to be pilloried, as do you for making light of it. And as to what's worse in other countries I can tell you this kind of thing not tolerated in the US. And let me add there is a big difference between genuine and legitimate dramatic portrayal of violence in a story line and frivolous unnecessary degradation. So here's another clue. What's in the movies is not the same as something like this. And video games aren't real. This commercial was frivolous and made light of something which was quite serious and hurtful. In the US you don't cast a black person in a subservient role such as picking cotton or shining shoes in a commercial to sell clothes or cars or anything. Why? Because slavery and racism and servitude of black people under white supremacy is a horrible legacy in OUR country. But if a movie tells a story in which slavery and racism is part of a legitimate plot line in which its basic truth is not otherwise degrading to black people it's a WHOLE different matter. If it's a comedic portrayal in can be done in a way that is not offensive. If you have trouble getting this ask a woman to explain it to you, preferably a black or african woman. Meanwhile, we are farangs with a heart and a moral conscience, and of the things we have that are "better" to do, this is one of them. To speak out on behalf of the way women are portrayed, and in fact regarded in real life.

  18. It never ceases to amaze me when people come to Thailand without researching basic things like travel - even a cursory search turns up MULTIPLE forums with warnings about taxis and meters and all of the scams connected thereto. I was well aware of it before I ever set foot at Savarnibhumi for the 1st time. Someone should provide informative leaflets at the point of international arrivals, or at least a large sign placed strategically. Something like "WARNING! Use only metered taxis and do not accept rides from any unauthorized taxi or from a driver who doesn't use his meter". Simple enough. Should we run my suggestion by General Prayuth? 55555 hahaha

  19. Shocking how anyone could do this to a defenceless baby this could only be done by an uneducated moron sorry but it just makes me so angry, so many other options available in the 21st century, dont want family use a condom go on the birth control pill but dont have a child then try to murder it, so wrong in all accounts just no excuse for this type of behaviour.

    Infanticide is generally the result of insanity not stupidity. Do you really think stupid people kill babies? To be perfectly honest, your post is an example of something that could only have been done by an uneducated moron.

    holier then tho are you , and dishonest . Jim never said stupid , you did , you are not capable of being "perfectly honest" , anyone that uses that phrase is lying from the get go ......... ahhh...the name calling and sad attempt to belittle someone from behind a keyboard , my my you have all of markings of a douche bag .

    There are mental issues which can arise following birth caused by the pregnancy hormones, post partum depression is one, I'm not making excuses for anyone, but it's not uncommon for women to become mentally unbalanced after a birth. Pregnancy, birth, mood swings and the responsibilities of motherhood for someone who is not ready or capable of handling it can be stressful enough to push someone past the breaking point. Meanwhile, squabbling like children doesn't contribute to the conversation, pointing fingers and name calling are self centered indulgences and do not reflect the seriousness of this tragic story.

  20. The comments about Mexico and South America are spot on. If you can FIND a website that honestly reports such things you will find those places at the top of the lists for murder and violence, ALL (DUH!!) due to the drug trade and the organized criminals. It's so bad in South America that children are fleeing their families in order to not be killed or forced to join gangs. Why do you think immigration across the US border is such a big deal? Because of these child refugees swarming over from Mexico. I've spent three winters in a row in Thailand and never once did I feel the least bit unsafe.

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