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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 13 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    You could have used a vitriolic Thai bashing post to bounce off ( there's rarely a shortage), although I see Sean didn't mind.

    Jenifer, well said. But we know, don't we, that online forums of any sort are likely to attract cynics and wise asses and a few trolls and a few biting flies buzzing around looking for blood. I have put myself into that better category you describe, and have met many similar folks who feel as you do, who seem to be the majority of expats living here. I'm still learning my way around. Remember that happy people enjoying life here or anywhere else  have little or no time to play on forums, so the angry brats and cynics will vastly outnumber the positive folks. People are human and basically the same inside, there's no reason to make broad prejudiced and stereotyped generalizations about Thai people. Such remarks reveal more about the speaker than anyone else, mostly their ignorance and lack of understanding. That said, there's nothing wrong with a barbed commentary here and there if there is a point to be made, and there's nothing wrong with making a moral stand on something like corruption, but this forum gets to sounding like a south park cartoon or the old men in the balcony in the Sesame St. show

  2. 1 hour ago, Iforbach said:

    Actually for people who want it great ,,,so many people moaning  , if u ain't going use it why comment , pointless ,  as always I say if you don't like thailand as a whole ,,just go home easy this is just general view ...

    So according to you nobody should post an opinion that you don't approve of? Legitimate crticizms are not allowed? In an opinion and comment section? And did these people say they don't like Thailand, or are they simply pointing to the facts, failures, and broken promises which anyone who looks can see? Are you making the rules here? Is this your website? If you don't like these comments as a whole just go somewhere else and read happy thoughts which never criticize

  3. 5 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

    not sure the secret service needs to get involved, they're counterfeiting private property of the Federal Reserve. They should be upset someone is beating them at their own game.

    "Private property of the Federal Reserve"? Not sure how you conjured that up. Money is the private property of he who holds it. Duh. If this were pursued it would certainly be under the secret service, the FBI, and the treasury dept. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Orac said:

    If he is passng off fake 100 dollar bills then making Thailand/Pattaya 'look bad' will be the least of his worries when US  Secret Service get involved.

    I don't think the secret service will put one guy with an allegedly fake $100 bill at the top of their list. I think the whole US government is probably on the verge of mutiny, and ready to throw Trump under the first bus that comes along. Besides, I've seen "novelty" $20, $50, $100 bills that are only printed on half in order to get people to pick them up off the floor, often with advertizing on them. Or, he could have just run off some really bad prints on his own printer, and these bar girls would never know the difference. Not secret service priorities. Doesn't fit the profile of major criminal organizations. lastly, I really don't think anyone in the US gov't or anywhere else gives a flying F what what goes on on the streets of Thailand, be it murder, mayhem, or counterfeiting by amateurs baiting the pathetic bar girls. 

  5. On 1/22/2017 at 2:17 PM, deronnax said:

    What a bunch of embittered, angry haters on this forum. Low life people. When I read all your angry comments, wishing me to lose all the money and telling I deserved it (because you decided so ?), I feel being a better human being, and I thank god I'm not you.


    I live a good life, I don't need to post mean comments on forum to offload my frustration.

    Well you learned two lessons. One is about rental contracts and the risks of subletting. The other is that this forum is populated by ignorant, shallow, prejudiced, bigoted, mean spirited know nothings, of the type that voted for Trump in the USA, and they take pleasure in the misfortunes of people like you. So if you post here expect to weed through buckets of verbal diarrhea in order to get any useful advice if there is any. But the best advice for this would come from a Thai lawyer. I wouldn't waste time throwing my problems in front of this forum like raw meat to hyenas, these people are not experts, all they know, if anything, comes from personal experiences, which may or may not be useful. Just as much of what is said here is speculation or flat out made up.I have read this forum long enough to know there is no useful advice for me here that I can count on, and I seek info elsewhere, mostly from long time expats whose credibility I can size up in person. Good luck to you friend

  6. 12 hours ago, getreal said:

    I know racial profiling is not poitically correct inthe wesr but it might be a good idea to do it here.

    The UK has a terrible record with child abusers, fourth in the world behind south africa, india and zimbabwe according to research.

    These scum frequently prey on child her and in other SE Asian countries. 

    Putting up with a bit of extra scutiny would be worth it if it meant keeping the kids.safe. 

    OK, so you stand at the airport and pick out the ones you want to detain and hand them over to Thai police. 

  7. 18 hours ago, elliss said:

    Farlangs  ,     from the Western   Civilised    World .  ??


    Don't be so <deleted> arrogant. Yes, farang culture has it's dark side, but so does yours and everyone else's. It's not a matter of civilized or uncivilized.  Human beings get upset and lose their tempers and it's part of human nature. It's hard wired into the DNA and the amygdala deep inside the brai. There was no harm done, no crime committed. The farang had a legitimate concern of the safety of his child. He was responding in an emotional state being protective of his child. That would make anyone upset. I suspect that the Thai driver was careless and perhaps even reckless, fully culpable for the situation, so there is plenty of culpability to go around. And I have seen more stories of Thai men committing violence, taxi drivers committing crimes including road rage etc., more stories of Thai violent actions than farang. Right here in Thai visa. You know it. So point the finger at yourself as well, because it's a sure thing that you have lost your temper at someone in the course of your own life, don't be a hypocrite


  8. 12 minutes ago, blackcab said:

    So he was all alleged to have committed a crime in Cambodia. The Cambodian authorities released him. Exactly what has this got to do with Australia?


    Does Australian law allow the government to prosecute their citizens for crimes committed worldwide?


    How would the Australian government collect evidence to prosecute the alleged crime?

    read more carefully. He was wanted for crimes committed in Australia and escaped in 2007 while on bail during his trial. THEN he committed crimes in Cambodia, and just about every where he went afterward I suppose. 

  9. I've chatted with MANY beautiful Thai girls since I first visited Thailand in 2013, met quite a few and dated a few. I remain good friends with many, many of whom would probably be happy for me to be a boyfriend or maybe husband. I met all of them first on Thaicupid.com then text, skype, and maybe meet when I go there. I am 60 years old, but not particularly well off, not enough to totally support someone. That weeds out all the opportunists and gold diggers. If anyone starts coming on strong I tell them I can't just jump into a relationship or a marriage, it has to be a friendship first. We need to take time to get to know each other. I can't see mapping out a life and future with someone before the first few steps are taken, and for me that means spending more than 6 months out of the year there and knowing where I'm going to live long term. I don't think it would be fair to the girl if I couldn't make a commitment and live up to it, and going back and forth to the US isn't going to be workable. Jump too far and too quick and you may be asking for trouble. There's no need to be in a hurry. Some girls are "shopping" for husbands, and when they find what they want, they pile on. So make sure you're comfortable and not being rushed into something too fast. What people say here about the families and being expected to pay is true as far as it goes, it's a cultural thing, fine if you like it, but it's not the only way to go. And take it from me, there are PLENTY of fish in the Gulf of Thailand. Take your time and if you feel comfortable it's right. If you don't feel comfortable don't go any further until you are. Make sure you understand each other as best you can and are on the same page. Hire a translator if you have to haha 5555 . I met a wonderful and beautiful 50 year old Thai girl, she was a singer like me, a beautiful voice, lonesome for companionship, I enjoyed every moment I spent with her playing music and singing in Bangkok clubs, but not as a boyfriend - just friends and companions, I used to love her singing voice and the way she laughed and even cursed out the cab drivers with F bombs, and she was a former Buddhist nun yet!! She laughed at my warped american sense of humor, which she had her own thai version of, she'd send me pornographic video clips for laughs, yet she was too shy to have ever let me give her a big hug and friendly kiss - something about devout Buddhist girls i guess. I called her my soul sister. . She asked me a few times if i thought I could "love" her, and I said I didn't know. I don't really know how that works, but I know "love" comes in many forms, wears many different clothes, doesn't necessarily follow the script we have in our heads. She wasn't making much money and life was hard, and took an opportunity to marry a danish guy and move to Denmark, and I was happy for her but sad because I had thought we might put a musical duo together once I settled there and do some great things.  I thought she'd disappear after she got married, but she still sends me little notes and greetings every day, pictures of the food she cooks (Thai girls draw a lot of pride and self esteem from culinary skills) little "happy Monday, or Tuesday" flower greetings. I have a number of other lady friends to visit when I go back, it's all good. Here are some pics of "Amy" and me

    amy and me2.jpg

    amy me haufmann.png

    Amy Me Tiger best.jpg

    Screen Shot 2016-09-30 at 12.41.15 AM.png

  10. 2 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    OP do you think it is normal for her to be head over heels in love with you ? Do you think meeting her twice is enough for you to make a life long commitment on? Do you think it is fair towards any future child that you and the gf have children even before you know each other, as the potential of a divorce is much greater if the couple don't know each other? Think with your head and not your .....

    Well, he's thinking with his head enough to come here for advice - that's better than most. He's got some sort of caution light flashing, and that's good

  11. 4 hours ago, Smiles said:

    He bought the fish then bring it back to release into his own fishery pond. He caught the fish from another fishery pond.

    We have people like that here, they pay a quail or pheasant farm to set loose birds they raised and kept in cages for rich and powerful dirtbags like former US Vice President Dick Cheney, who in spite of the coddling managed to shoot his friend in the face rather than a bird. Yup. Halliburton exec, bought and paid for the war in Iraq with the lives of soldiers and civilians, can't even hunt like a man or shoot straight. At least fishing is harmless. So if he wants to be a big shot, let im. Let him have his moment in the sun. It's a nice smiley happy story for a change. It's good for business, good for tourism, and at least it's not another god awful suicide by balcony jump or Thai wife steals everything from farang husband and runs off with Thai boyfriend story. 

  12. 16 hours ago, Truscott said:

    If you go swimming in the Amazon, expect to get nibbled by Piranhas.

    things that you learn when young/inexperienced. I think they know now. Also, when swimming in the Amazon, don't have pockets filled with cash that you don't need to carry. Also, make sure you have copy (not the original) of your passport. Also, well, rewind all the way, and READ THESE THAIVISA STORIES BEFORE YOU SET FOOT IN THAILAND!!!  Duh. But come on, what did any of us know when we were 26? 

  13. 13 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    no one seems to mind the parading of suspect black guys before the press. no complaints mr general? re enactment around all the major shopping centers to follow. police will collect all goods purchased and cash withdrawn during the re enactment. suspects post bail. case closed.

    It's not like there's gonna be a lot of Nigerians complaining - as a matter of fact there's probably not gonna be a lot of black people complaining in Southeast Asia in general. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see that Thailand has a problem with their police officers hunting and shooting black kids as trophies. As to the ending, bail accepted in the form of 568 credit cards, which might just happen to turn up again in another bust

  14. shame about the cambodians, they come to escape abject poverty of their homes, no doubt "sponsored" by some third party. I see a lot of very young Cambodians working at the resorts in Koh Larn. It's the same as our immigrant farm workers in the US. Officially denigrated by out hypocrite Republicans who are happy to hire them to work at  their luxury mansions and kitchens landscaping, cooking, and cleaning for less than minimum wage, paying no taxes. 

  15. 17 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    I normally stand up for Thailand but I have to say on this occasion.....if it is considered  "quick thinking"  by the "Special Operations Room"  to have a look at the CCTV cameras....I'd hate to imagine what  "slow thinking"  looks like?

    Whoever writes this stuff thinks that it's not a good story unless enough dramatic cliches which sound like they're lifted from old tv cop shows are thrown in. Maybe they're trying to stay on the good side of their benefactors. Not a free press in Thailand, or haven't you noticed? Good story though. As to tipping or rewarding, we don't know whether the cabbie would have kept the stuff, probably yes, so we don't know that a tip was appropriate, on the other hand, a reward might encourage more of the same behavior slim chance as that might be

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