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Don Chance

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  1. AA is a cult. It is magical thinking. It is like a drug or placebo. It will work for a while then fail. Unless you get some psychological help or improve yourself.
  2. If you fail passport control or overstay a robot will come out and shoot you with a laser
  3. Welcome to Satanland you farang - BAD BAD BAD!
  4. Easy. Just get on a plane and change countries.
  5. Order this stuff DIY https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/12-Pack-50Cm-X-50Cm-Soundproofing_1600441821210.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normal_offer.d_title.79da5b4dZ2K8Rk
  6. Mold. Leave Thailand, it is full of it.
  7. THey think you area walking ATM, what do you expect?
  8. Should change this to forum to "AssmanNow.com"
  9. If you invest that money in the SPY for 30 years you should average 12% per year. So if you retire and stay in Thailand for 30 years it will cost you about $100,000 in lost interest and capital. Or $3000 per year.
  10. Why don't you put a cover over it. Better yet take the bus!
  11. Easy to get bored in Thailand when so few people speak English. Go to India. You will never get bored for sure. Thailand is a place for tourists. If you want to be a tourist for the rest of your life it will be a disaster.
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