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Posts posted by Solinvictus

  1. 1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

    I believe that it will be seasonal, it is after all the same family as influenza. There will be a natural strengthening of the immune system which will reduce the symptoms and the death toll and we will carry on as usual until the next pandemic. This virus was a good practice run for the future.

    I believe you're right and hopeful we are going to see many positive changes for the better of society in the near future.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Its green cheese again dude. Pigeonholing all Trump "supporters" based on specious assumptions and then saying "ok, disprove it". Yeah thats how the world works these days I reckon.


    But here, my friend is a Professor of International Relations.He supports Trump because of Trumps actions towards China ( a view that I share). He wishes Trump would tone down the Tweets but he thinks its funny the way Trump makes folks heads explode.


    Is he any worse thatn a Biden supporter who is voting for the Dems to get free stuff? My kid was a Warren fan because that way her student loan would be paid off.


    When you look at political support, look at this way; Trump speaks to everybody, he doesnt promise individually. The Dems promise that chicken in every pot to any group that makes enough noise. Taxpayer Abortions for Transgenders? Open Borders? Pay off student Loans? Diversity in Boards? Imposition of blatantly rascist policies? Sieze firearms? Ban fossil fuels? Edd "mass incarceration". The

    laundry list goes on.

    Let me fix it then:

    That is the thing about those that oppse the ex-reality TV show star. They don't care about policy. They simply like the promises of free stuff and the hatred of America.


    The difference between Trump supports and those that hate him..is the hate.

    Well honestly what would you say is the main reason folks support him?


    You know, about China, I like how Trump is handling it also. About if a Trump supporter is worse than a Biden supporter, well given the situation, I’d vote for Trump too over Biden.


    What I would like to do is re-straighten your comments such as ‘free stuff’ and ‘They simply like the promises of free stuff and the hatred of America.’

    As opposed to corporate bail-outs and the naïve view that ‘trickle-down economics’ works? Friend, don’t you see they buy more stocks rather than investing in workers. All these jobs are terrible as far as wages and benefits. Do I need to go into the banks? Earbuds? Middle income household salaries the past 40 years?




    All the while and I already wrote about this here, corporations (which are people) are continued to be bailed out, corporate hand-outs you know, ‘freebies’ as some with twisted views have. Just saying.


    I suppose next, you want to white wash the $21 Trillion unaccounted for by the Dept. of Defense.  Need a chaser?

    • Like 1
  3. 59 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Ignore the Warming, readsome books and vote Republican LOL

    To cut more social security or expand it? Continue war? How about the gold standard?


    There should be a new party. One that supports having guns all the while being more progressive and that destroys the notion that government regulation is evil. What we have now and the current DEM and REP have allowed is worse than that of more 'big government.' 


    You see what so many current Republicans cannot grasp is that 'The Markets' are a tool we use as a society. If the tool isn't working well it needs to be improved. Oh did I mention being out of touch with about half the population..


  4. 38 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    why do you assume that? What gives you the power to determine what people think? Answer: nothing. Its made up.


    All the points in your post flow from the same flawed premise set forth above.



    Assume he is an ex-reality TV show star? That is a fact... But, okay, I respect your view. Not flawed, I told it how it is. Make a counter to it. Did I mention the such has been talked about for awhile now. Might want to expand your sources for viewing what is going on in the country. Of course some people like his hair too, but hey that's another assumption according to you right?


    So why do they support him? I'm dying to know.


    Due to finding out some quite astounding information this past evening, I actually appreciate Trump more despite all his poor qualities.


  5. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/fbi-charges-harvard-chemist-two-others-in-chinese-research-cases/2020/01/28/f5e09086-41ee-11ea-b5fc-eefa848cde99_story.html?outputType=amp


    Here is a picture from it if you'd rather read a short interesting part. Arrests recently done in the US. Involving lab virals being smuggled.  There is a biolab in Wuhan also. Interesting times indeed.


    Bill Gates stepped down recently.


    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, Brickbat said:

    All World Leaders SERIOUS about this tragedy....EXCEPT THE Clown in the White House . All he cares about is his RE-election. Americans who voted for him , aren’t you ashamed ? 

    That is the thing about those that support the ex-reality TV show star. They don't care about policy. They simply like his image and his rhetoric.


    But now mix that with going up against Joe Biden, the guy who basically enables republican agendas and now can't even talk or do on-air interviews without indications he is unfit both as a leader and mentally.


    So folks we are left with a global epidemic all the while being led by the government that only help themselves due to the travesties in leadership going on at the top. Without everyday people in mind rather, Wall Street. Both parties are not good. Just a few weeks ago UBI and socialist like policies were and have been demonized for quite some time in the USA (40 years).


    Thanks to FDR and D. Eisenhower the policies that helped the middle class 'boom' and provided several civil programs aimed at raising the middle class has helped those 50 and older. Yet in the 2020 election the youth vote did not turn out and/or were suppressed. Those 50 and older decided to vote against similar measures for their kids. Why? Well they can't grasp paying $5 more in taxes with $0 hospital bills rather than paying $0 in taxes but a $15 hospital bill not too mention the bad name 'socialism' has. That and older blacks in the south forgot about their history and missing Obama's VP, 30330 Slow Joe Biden.


    Kinda funny isn't. You know how socialism is okay for the wealthy and their corporations yet hated on TV when it helps lower income people. You even get regular posters and people hating on such assistance. All the while the military can't even perform a successful audit; From 2008-2015 there has been (Fact) $21 Trillion missing and unaccounted for. Corporations get bailed out and are getting bailed out again!


    I say to you now after I have already bored you with this much, you know the readers who would need a 'chaser' after reading anything other than the doctrine of Sean Hannity, anyone still supporting the markets, continued bail-outs, lack of workers' rights, blah blah, well, when has propaganda ever been so strong as now?! The next generation of people are going to be much more progressive than the boomers. Once again it is the boomers, who have reaped the rewards, (those over 50) from progressive policies and the very same people, IMO, foolishly, voted for more of the same status quo. #naive.


    It comes to a point where some folks are naive towards their government and others adhere to it.



    • Like 2
  7. So the question is will foreigners who have been within the country (maybe can't tell unless they live near you) be hassled if out going to buy things or going for some outdoor exercise. Yes. If you do happened to be checked you must prove you haven't been out. I'm not surprised about the story other than the hospital was able to contact her, eh, nope. Not surprised. TIT.


    What will you both do? Just staying inside without having to go back to Wang Noi should be fine right?



  8. 1 hour ago, Logosone said:

    I'm actually amazed how poorly the Swiss health system is handling the crisis.


    Switzerland is not covering itself with glory in this crisis.

    I remember sitting at a restaurant over hearing these Swiss guys talking about science/engineering matters and I was like I should really stop watching FoxNews and CNN. I also felt inferior with my American education... ????

    I might of had a few drinks in me already...Ordered fondu.

    • Like 1
  9. I have a Lenovo Y520. Its fine in Thailand's heat but well, I have fans and the air condition on all the time though.

    I wouldn't go so far as to say such laptops are 'not a good decision for warm countries.'


    I have had no problems with mine. As far as the noise level this Y520 is very quiet and fast.

  10. Yeah there are people in my village that do morning and afternoon walks/jogs. I'm going get going on the jogging myself too. Some wear masks and others don't. (Thais)


    I'd say wearing a mask will surely look good in front of other Thais as being a foreigner. I doubt for a jog I will be wearing one though.

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