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Posts posted by P4K

  1. so yea is patayya like phuket in terms of scenery and is it much cheaper than bangkok? and Ive been travelling different countries for the past year without any sort of insurance, how ig of a problem is that here? If i get murked or something is medical very expensive here?

  2. im 21 but I dont have a highschool diploma, so Im guessing I have no shot at an ed visa? If I leave for like 3 weeks every 3 months can I repeat the whol 60 day entry + 30 day extension or how does it work?

    You can attend a language school and get a ED via and extensions of stay without a diploma.

    You have to apply for a tourist visa at an embassy or consulate to get the 60 + 30 days. You could get 3 or 4 of them back to back without anytime in between.

    So I came in on a 30 day visa exempt entry then I got the 30 day extension for 1900 at the pguket immigration office. Youre saying that if I go to laos I can get 60 more days then extend that for another 30 again?

    Also if its possible to get 3-4 of them back to back how come people pay like 50k for that elite visa thing? Not to question your expertise or w.e im just actually curious lol

  3. What exactly do you mean by partying? A couple of hookers back at your place, or a couple of beers at the local pub?

    I think I got the bargirls out of my system last time I was there haha so yea excluding them but yea I think every time I go out I'll spend at least like $50

  4. I'm thinking about moving to bangkok for a few months so if I'm curious how much I'd need to spend per month for the following:

    a nice furnished 1b condo (no more than half hour outside of city centre)

    food (probably like 90% of it takeout)

    money for partying (probably like 6 times per month)

    and transportation money (possibly might rent a scooter but Im probably just gonna stick to taxis since I dont have a license and bangkok traffic is crazy)

    So yea I think thats pretty much it. I understand there are a lot of variables to this but whats the max I would be looking at per month? And whats the minimum budget I would need?

  5. I'm a 21 year old guy currently planning on possibly living in thailand for a few years so I want to learn thai as fast and effectively as I can. II want to get to the point where I can understand everything and be able to speak a bit also. Im canadian so Im guessing that the prononciation will be one of the harder things to learn. So yeah should I get a personal thai tutor or can I just learn this stuff on the internet?

    Also excuse me if there was already a thread dedicated to similar topics.

  6. good suggestions, thanks guys

    I think it will be very hard for you stay in Thailand for any amount of time as you are only 21 years old,not many visa's

    for you age."ed visa" is the only one that comes to mind

    Since you either won the lottery back home or come from rich family you can also look into the elite visa.

    I actually come from a dirt broke family and no I didn't win the lottery lol, I'm in a unique line of work and I work very hard for my money.

    And for the guy assuming my budget is 2k a month its not. For housing I said Im willing to pay up to 1k given that its a very nice place but all in all I think I wouldn't want my budget to be higher than 1.5k MAX and I prefer cheaper tbh. As for why I chose thailand I haven't fully made up my mind yet but so far I really like everything about it. I plan on visiting phillipines and maybe cambodia (as I heard it very cheap but to me it seems sketchy tbh). I want to check out tokyo and seoul also but not to live there as its pretty expensive. Also I've been travelling a lot lately so I kind of want to settle down for a few months so I can work more then continue looking around which is why I'm considering chiang mai for a few months.

    As far as the girls go in thailand I always liked asian girls and didn't expect there to be many hot thai girls, but to my surprise there are actually lots of hot girls here, but yea for the people offering me relationship advice I have no intention of settling down with anyone and Im aware that these girls are only after your money haha

  7. If you go by the Thai governments survey of the quality of life in Thailand in 2007. The highest rated was Chiang Mai at 87% covering all aspects of life from internet to hospitals to social entertainment and shops. Bangkokarrow-10x10.png was rated the lowest at 15% and Phuket at 20%. Apartment rentals are definately a lot cheaper from $350 upwards with exceptional quality from $500. The added bonus is the humidity is not as bad as the south in the north.

    yea I've only heard good things about chiang mai so I'm definitely gonna check it out. I heard during the winters at night time its jacket weather? I also see that it has the higher population than pattaya and phuket which is a +

  8. thanks for all the suggestions, though it seems everyones opinions are different haha. Im thinking about checking out chaing mai as I know a guy who lives there and can show me around a bit. Maybe I might check out pattaya also idk. As for this visa situation what would my options be to stay longer? I don't think the "ed visa" is an option for me as I don't have any education past highschool (for which I don't even have the diploma at hand). Would going to phillipines once every 3 months then repeating the visa exempt entry option with extensions work? I work online btw and have been travelling a bit now (mainly eastern europe) and thailand is my first asian country but I really like it and would love to be able to live here 6 months out of the year. I'm gonna explore options but so far out of phuket and bangkok I prefer bangkok a lot more, I grew up in toronto and its a pretty big city itself so i think I sort of naturally prefer big cities over small cities/towns but i've heard good things about chaing mai also.

    btw which city in thailand gives you the most "bang for your buck"? As in which is the cheapest?

  9. So I've been in thailand for 5 weeks now (spent 2 in bkk and the last 3 in phuket). I loved bangkokarrow-10x10.png due to the fact that its a big city theres so much to do and everythings very cheap. I came to phuket cause I got a house with 2 roommates till the end of the month and from what I see its a pretty expensive spot compared to bangkok but the tropical environment is pretty cool. So at the end of the month my roommates are leaving and I'm gonna be alone.

    I'm a 21 year old guy and if I'm gonna be living alone I prefer a cheap city where I can get a decent 1 bedroomarrow-10x10.png apartment (or maybe condo?) for 1000usd> per month (cheaper is better). Somewhere that still has a decent amount of tourists since it seems hard to make friends with locals due to the huge language barrier. Also preferably somewhere that still has a good nightlife scene


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