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Chip Allen

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Posts posted by Chip Allen

  1. 17 hours ago, Aj Mick said:

    Some of the countries that abolished the death penalty decades ago may be far from civilised, but more are among the most civilised...... and they are certainly far more civilised than any country that retains it, no matter how developed the economy of such retentionist states is. 

    Lethal injection is the most merciful means of execution ever devised. Death is not a punishment when you spare them years of misery in a prison environment.

  2. 30 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

    Disgraceful to see a photo like this for a crime that in the real world is civil and not criminal, just the country is so backward Handcuffs I ask you.



    Yes, but Thailand is not the "real world". It is a military-governed country grafted clumsily onto a medieval society. It has absolutely no regard for world opinion or prevailing legal standards in other countries. Even though I adhere faithfully to the local laws, I have no illusions that I could not find myself in a world of trouble, simply from a misunderstanding or failure to dot every "i" and cross every "t". You walk a tightrope when you live here and those who ignore this fact, do so at their own peril.

  3. Ostensibly, many here believe that expressing opinions can be criminalized by Thailand and the rest of the world should just shut up. What about the insane drug laws in the UAE, where those bringing blood pressure meds through the airport are subject to imprisonment in very harsh conditions? There is no rational .defense of these kinds of laws. Words are not criminal and it cannot be considered criminal to control your blood pressure. International toleration of these laws is the crime, NOT violation of them.

  4. An extremely bad move. As long as Thailand insists upon brutal and immoral prison conditions. the death penalty is a blessing for those who find themselves incarcerated in this medieval country. When Thailand has prison conditions on par with Sweden and Switzerland, we can talk about eliminating the death penalty. Until that time, it is an escape from a kind of misery that Asia has not imposed on foreigners since World War 2.

  5. 10 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Thailand's Government has the right to prosecute anyone in Thailand, wherever they come from

    I am sure that this law applies to Western Counties as well , otherwise French people could go across the border to Belgium , post illegal photos, then go back to France again

    This law does NOT apply to western countries. I cannot imagine a scenario where mere WORDS uttered on the internet resulted in the arrest of a foreigner who visited Europe or America. It is sheer insanity. You would have to actually threaten violence or commit fraud to run afoul of western law. It is the worldwide standard for legal sanity.

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