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Chip Allen

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Posts posted by Chip Allen

  1. I'm sixty seven and I am happy to report that life SUCKS at ANY age. It's just a matter of degree. You're welcome. I enjoy living here and I am glad I could live out my final years in a country like Thailand. I don't give too much thought to pain and suffering because they are a constant at any stage of life. I was suffering from  back pain in my thirties. It's only slightly worse now and mitigated by painkillers. FInd things to be HAPPY about and forget the downers. Cheers, mate.

  2. One of the tragic facts of being American is that we assume that ALL countries want freedom. Many thrive and prosper without it. Being a jerk is not exclusive to Americans. Thais take the trophy for xenophobic worldview and would much prefer than you did a bank transfer of your money to Thailand and never bothered visiting. Just too much hassle to deal with people who get angry and upset for entirely legitimate reasons. The actor's comments were certainly unwise, but I encounter situations on a daily basis that would end in violence in many western countries. Bow down and obey.

  3. "Hate" is a bit of a strong word, but when the mask is torn off Thai people and society, you see some very ugly things that you wish you had never seen. The "Thai right, farang wrong" mentality is so pervasive and resistant to reason and compromise that you sometimes feel that the former European colonies of Asia, such as Cambodia, actually offer more in terms of pliability and adaptability to sane social norms.

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