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Chip Allen

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Posts posted by Chip Allen

  1. 1 hour ago, than said:

    Thai Law B.E 2527 Legislation Procedure for Co-operation between States in the Execution of Panel Sentences specifies that applications for transfer shall be considered only for detainees:

    • Not having been convicted of a crime of lese-majeste.

    In addition, the Thai authorities will only agree to a transfer if, on the day of the commission, the remaining penalty is more than one year.

    Amazing how the Lese Majeste offense is deemed to surpass all other offenses and circumstances. Logic worthy of an Islamic Mullah.

  2. On 7/1/2017 at 2:55 PM, spidermike007 said:

    The stupidity of "illegal Immigration" is a worldwide plague. Everyone benefits and no one suffers from it.



    To clarify, I said that I believe that neither Thailand, nor the US could function without illegal labor. I believe this to be the case. I am sure many other countries can do this, just fine. Thailand and the US are too dependent on a class of laborers who are willing to work for less, outside of the system. And we are talking about millions, who fit into this category. There are simply not enough Americans or Thais, willing to do the hard work they do, for low wages, and no benefits. That is a fact. I have seen this all over Thailand. Without Burma and Cambodia, to a lesser degree, Thailand would be closed for business. The country would literally shut down.




  3. On 2/9/2017 at 9:01 PM, The manic said:

      Anybody who wears crocs publicly has lost the will to live or the right to respect.

    Anybody who wears expensive leather shoes in the rainy season and wants to sacrifice them to the "water gods" has CERTAINLY lost my respect. The aversion to Crocs is just the latest snobbery trend. They are popular because they are more comfortable than flip flops and are equally waterproof. At 67, I am not trying to win any clothing awards, nor am I applying for a job. I show up clean, well groomed and comfortably dressed. Thus far, no one has a problem with my dress. If they do, they can tell me and I will comply. They need to concentrate on collecting fees and shutting their mouths.

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  4. 4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    makes one wonder why it even exists (yes i know the immigration act 1979)

    It exists because someone needed to add an extra requirement to make it appear that he was "tough on farangs". That's it in a nutshell. It would serve a purpose if you changed your address, but merely reporting the same address every three months accomplishes nothing. This kind of thing is a hallmark of bureaucracies everywhere. "Requirement inflation" is even mentioned by Max Weber, who wrote the definitive work on bureaucracy.

  5. Trump is the most hated President in history. Depp's comments are merely one example. Trump's death would be no loss if there weren't a plethora of worse Republicans waiting in the wings. Pence is a frightening choice but not as loathsome as Paul Ryan. Orrin Hatch is the only sane possibility. The entire Trump administration is rotting America from the inside.

  6. 2 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    and to get back to topic...this is their country, their people, their culture, their rules.....


    they are free to do what they deem fit without foreign interference or long expired colonist dogma's...


    should it be the chesty cuties in the Nana Plaza floors or the PM's views on twerky twerky cuties, they are free to do what they feel....open up and chill down a bit guys...:burp:this is the 21st century...colonies are far back, christian croisades long forgotten...and those wishing to preach views close to muslim extremism can ask for asylum in any correlated country far behind....


    we are guests in this lovely country, and those who hate it, just leave it....no point in arguing for years?

    Nope, doesn't work that way. If you want to be a part of the 21st Century, you have to JOIN it and abide by certain standards. The "sovereign country" garbage is for those who eschew Western values and lionize multicultural, value neutral ideas. North Korea has a culture too, love it or leave it???

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