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Chip Allen

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Posts posted by Chip Allen

  1. No surprise that Jeff Sessions would clash with Comey. I've known Sessions for years from working in media in Alabama. Sessions is a natural for the Trump administration. Completely without scruples and totally devoted to advancing his own career, regardless of the effect on others. Sessions is one of the most bald-faced liars I have ever interviewed and fits in well with Trump's gang.

  2. 6 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    To those who feel "hated" by Thais, I'd suggest looking inward for possible explanations as to why.


    While Thais are not exempt from the human condition, and sometimes experience pangs of jealousy or resentment just like everyone else, to suggest that this is an overriding sentiment felt towards foreigners isn't supported by the day-in day-out experiences of most foreigners living here. 


    Social media, the internet, and TV have made most Thais well aware that plenty of Thais and foreigners around the world enjoy a high level of affluence, often - it should be noted - far above what the typical expat in Thailand enjoys. For example, there is always a drama or two on Thai TV depicting obscenely rich Thai families which make most expats look like paupers in comparison. The notion that the local natives are overly jealous of one's wealth sounds rather conceited to my ear.

    Your analysis is well presented but I don't think the average Thai examines things that deeply. Xenophobia is rife here and although wealthy Thais get respect that is not due them, farangs tend to be resented and distrusted. There is the unspoken and unproven feeling that we are profiting at the expense of Thai people.

  3. 1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    I do believe that, in the 19th century, The USA was prepared to got to war over one woman.Her name was 'Pettic-Harris. She was being held by the Risuli/lord of The Riff. I dont remember the actual country(perhaps some one will advise me) President Teddy Roosevelt sent a platoon of marines to ensure her release .


    Quite a difference from the current situation. They can detain our nationals on spurious Lese Majeste charges, starve and abuse them in prison and nary a word from our diplomats. I think Teddy's administration had a  better grasp of how to deal with governments which lack the "freedom gene".

  4. 19 minutes ago, psyvolt said:


    Bugger me, it's not hard then where to choose then is it. Move there if you think your pension will show you a grander lifestyle in your goldern years.

    Don't come to Thailand and then complain that the Thais are acting Thai (I swear some ppl have a screw loose, and actually forget they are a guest in THEIR country, and not that they should be grateful and give you a hip hip hoorat everytime you walk passed for gracing them with your presence), and the beers getting more expensive (reality check, they're not raising beer prices just for you, the Thais also pay the same price), tbh, just don't bother coming at all to Thailan, we farangs will thank you for it later!

    EXACTLY the kind of lock-step, mindless sycophancy that the "Thai Way" set is famous for. No one denies being a "guest", no one expects "fawning" or applause. No one is REALLY concerned about beer prices. We DO expect our concerns to be taken seriously, rather than greeted with a "go home" chorus every time a grievance is aired. Expats with a larger than average income, pump a considerable sum of money into the economy and expecting it to be as easy as possible to do that, is NOT an unreasonable expectation. Blind protectionism and xenophobia is the root of the problem.

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