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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. If google translate could put out perfect or close to the original then they would cease to be a need for anyone to study a foreign language. I have seen some of those "translations and actually laughed though it isn't really funny. But, to each his own but if one plans on a long time staying in this country then to obtain a better feel for the people one should learn to speak and understand the language well. MHO but who am I?
  2. First wife (20+ years) died after breast cancer; second wife (now 22 years). One a farang and #2 a Thai. Both seem the same to me, as women are basically the same in my book. They seem to want security, maybe a kid or two, and a husband who doesn't stray which in today's world could mean health problems for them. It is a must that we talk and set our goals with each other and what we expect out of eavh other in the relationship. I consider myself lucky in both marriages that those two ladies shared their wishes with me long before we got hitched together. Each marriage resulted in a daughter, both of whom anyone would be proud to claim! Blessed I have been for sure.
  3. yes and he being a foreign national and also a "crony' (IMHO) of Putin and Trump, could really care very little about US intelligence and how it is collected. As mentioned above, you can bet the other 4 eyes will be double checking whatever intel they might consider passing on to the US so they can protect their sources.
  4. Sounds to me (have studied more than 10 languages) like you are too picky and expect way too much from your GF. I think since it is available here, YOU should take lessons and explain to the instructor where you have problems understanding your GF. Once YOU master Thai, then you won't have to listen to her in English. This is Thailand and of course it depends on what you plans are for the future. But to continue in this same problem relationship, when it is YOUR problem understanding, I can't sympathize with you but do so for your GF. I do wish both of you the best. No matter how well you can control your language, comparing onself to a native at all times in every situation is FUTILE to say the least, having suffered that often and it can be a detriment to your study unless you accept that fact. IMHO anyway.
  5. yeah, I heard one of their firsts went out on their trial run and still sits on the bottom somewhere in the S. China sea. For the Thais to even consider buying such a wasted, and useless military hardware. Who will they possibly fight, Myanmar? Cambodia? I don't think a sub would them much good against any other country. As a matter of fact, why should they waste money on a military of much power in the first place? Almost as bad as the US, who has to Borrow money to give for other countries' military.
  6. FYI [email protected] is doing a webinar on how to fill out the Kasikorn forms _ 1 pm Friday 29 November.
  7. one form for Americans is for FACTA while the other is for UK, for CRS . good luck
  8. yeah, but actually worked out better this way as daughter really happy in # univ here and also keeps taking classes at the #1 Univ in Korea during breaks here. She is a Liberal Arts student so just as well as any US college including the one that accepted her.
  9. Not really, even the worse of politicians do have an occasional good idea. Illegal immigrants are by definition, CRIMINALS and since our jails are already full with our own criminals, it is time to send the illegals back to where they came from. We should make sure that our immigration laws are amended to say that illegal immigration means "no citizenship" nor "benefits" of any kind. Our government has let millions of these illegals into the country, and i realize many are probably "good" people BUT there are too many running around the country with no leash on nor can our immigration people keep track of them. I mean what does the average person consider 60K Chinese males of military age come into our country illegally? Some are known gang members from a world wide gang known for drugs and human trafficking. so those organizations or businesses that actually hire their cheap labor, just need to pay more so regular Americans out of work can earn some money. I mean looking at egg prices today is ridiculously high! as are many other groceries. Plus, most low paying workers will never be able to affor a house - used to be the American dream. Time for those tax breaks 45 did for the richest to start giving their record profits back to the workers! MO anyway..
  10. almost like Thailand, if you have big bucks, you are not guilty of any crime
  11. I can't link for folks as it would take several pages if I could remember any of the news articles I have read about the problems with the illegal immigrants. Some states or City leaders of a particular party, had criminal laws amended/changed so that any theft of ariticles under a certain value i.e. 1000 USD 950 USD 900 USD, etc and this IMHO so that many of those places would not have to fill up the jails with Blm rioters and their spawning of gangs to loot department stores and since none of the "criminals" stealing articles would carry only less than the stated amount so the police could not arrest them. Other changes allowed some of these criminals to not have to pay bail to be released on their own recognizance and then be arrested again and again and again - no joking, as one criminal arrested for armed hijacking and released 8 times during a year, was shot to death by an undercover police officer as he tried to hijack the policeman using a pistol! Other criminals since there were no available space to let them live in, the city closed schools so that the illegals could stay in the school buildings - what about your kids and learning? - other city employees elsewhere were given shorter work weeks (without the pay for that) because the city was short on funds to take care of the the illegal immigrants - so those workers can't hardly survive anyway as pay is not that high so why should tax dollars go to non-citizens who are in need? In some states, like MD, in one county they received a hold and wait or fed officers after the feds received an arrest of a known criminal but this particular country did not like the ICE folks and when the officers arrived, that criminal had been released so that the ICE officers could not arrest him - known for several violent crimes! Sorry those are just off the top of my head and you might understand why so many people are against the allowing of illegal immigrants to continue pouring across US borders daily!
  12. [email protected] advises that the following webinars are scheduled: 28 Nov Tax planning update and strategies for American expats 29 Nov CRS requests from Thai banks and filling out the forms 5 Dec Tax on Superannuation and Australian Pensions in Thailand 12 Dec Tax planning Updates and strategies for British expats. good luck on taxation in Thailand to all expats
  13. I didn't need to do most of that, only join an organization on their long list (American citizens abroad), I did need to provide my foreign address but none of the other things as I was doing it from Chiang Mai. Anyway just saying yeah things aren't getting any easier for sure.
  14. SDFCU.org, a US bank will accept pension payments (mine) . Easy to apply and great service for the 5 years I have been there when BOA closed my account. google them and they will provide you with any requirements.
  15. US one doesn't need a US address or phone number - Google "SDFCU.org" it is for State Department Federal Credit Union. you do not need to be an employee of the State Department nor of the govenment. When BOA closed my account for no phone nor address in US, I contacted the SDFCU and was immediately given an account. They welcome us and for 5 years they have been great with no problems.
  16. I spent 7 years in the Philippines - I was a scuba diver (got certified as I learned of PI assignment) - some of the greatest diving in the world, warm waters tons of sealife and available dive sites. Local food not as good as Thai foods but western foods also available. Lots of expats there - complaints on forum there sound somewhat like here. big or small cities located throughout. English is spoken widely. If ex military, I heard that the immigration there is much easier for one. Lots of golf courses. Anyway PI was my second choice for retirement and if tax problems here arose, that is where I would move to. Expensive all depends on your lifestyle and where you want to reside - within the major cities more expensive, but lots of outer cities much cheaper. They don't tax foreign income either.
  17. well like I said if he qualifies for the LTR, she can then ride on that - no taxes on foreign income remitted, in and out of country as often as desired, no 90- day reports...in the long run I think even cheaper and good for 10 years...just saying as I had a retirement O for 20 years and when I read about the LTR I immediately changed to that visa as it is perfect for me. But either way, best of luck as this can be paradise.
  18. IMHO based on how I notice many local drivers is that too many learned about road rules (if any at all) and driving originally on a motorbike/motorcycle. Cutting of corners even on mountain roads is totally an alien concept to me. I originally wondered why all the horn blowing before entering a blind turn and after seeing so many close calls began to better understand and change my driving habits here. And, based on yearly fatalities on the roads, one would think that the govt would change a lot of the rules on motorcycle use. I know, a useles idea as TIT. Best of luck out there!
  19. if you plan a long stay and meet the required qualifications, the LTR in the long run may be easier and cheaper and your better half can get an LTR on your visa...Just saying.
  20. LarryLEB: try "carl(at)expataxthailand.com" as that may be better.
  21. Well, I got an email from that site, and it had a block with the word "register" in it so I clicked on that. DId you send an email to that web site so that they know they are talking with you? I don't know what to say but if I get any other info I will pass it on.
  22. That is why I suggested one read only the last part. Maybe Trump hasn't read it but it sure seems that those he is selecting to run the different offices fits with the project goals.
  23. Best to deal directly with bank as banking and id info should not be sent via email unless encrypted. good luck as I noted elsewhere expattaxesthailand.com will do a free webinar on filling out the documents 29 Nov at 1 PM. Free consultation for 15 minutes can be made. register at the website for webinar
  24. immigration accepts your copy of pp with your signature certifying it!
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