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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. well, the smoke in SEA is not limited in spreading by borders - Based on the satellite data, Cambodia too has its share and being sandwiched between Thailand Laos and VN - have you noted the last few days that Hanoi has been #1 polluted city in the world?
  2. totally agree but it is also my understanding that the Thai revenue dept must inform clearly if ALL income or only assessable income is necessarily reportable. Funny how well over a year into this new interpretation and we have such little info from the Govt.
  3. I note, and see that these are supposedly quotes from the Thai Revenue Dept concerning the filing of tax forms - I see that it says exactly what I have been reading in the TRD instruction web site plus what I have been reading plush what is mentioned in webinars etc -"assessable" income - and that phrase in English means to me that if one has a US govt or other government civil pension that is not taxable except in one's home country, then that plus SS is not taxable by DTA either, and/or an LTR, one doesn't have to file unless they do have some assessable income. If like me they have no other income, then filing is not required unless they are changing the rules on not having ASSESSABLE income. Until I see that in the TRD, where ALL income whether assessable or not must be reported and filed then I will do nothing.
  4. Actually, I with my wife have a house in CM so understand the "burning season". But daughter now in college in BKK so we are renting a house (have dogs) in Prawet district of BKK and since I bought a 2.5 micron meter years ago, I still would check the pollution level here in BKK - it has been over the WHO safe limit (37) more often than not for the past 18 months. Some days after heavy rains, it does go down some but sometimes not at all. Like out of the last 2 weeks for sure, only 2 days was the level in the safe zone while some days it has been flashing "red" almost as soon as I turn the meter on. We live in a mooban that is heavy with mature trees and lots of bushes and even some open fields so it is not like a crowded streets daily bit. I usually measure the pollution in the early AM 3-5 as that is when I take the dogs out to do they business and there is seldom any traffic at that time. Just saying, SEA IAW the NASA satellite, is more red than green always IMHO. One also can google AQI Thailand anytime and see the measurements all over the country. Need good filters in the house and masks whenever going outside IMHO unless one moves to a non-polluted area.
  5. was the husband retired and drawing a pension or social security? If so then there should be some paperwork there at their residence. The embassy might not know anything about him. My Thai wife is aware of my pension and the resulting annutiy that she will receive upon my demise. I get an annual annuity breakdown which specifies exactly how much she would receive monthly when I do pass away. Does his wife even understand what is required upon the death of a foreigner? Embassy has an answer to that and what is required in Thailand when that happens. Anyway, my condolences to her and any family/friends he might have had. Hope she is taken care of...
  6. well that is a personal thing. I am a firm believer in obeying the rules even if I think theyr are ridiculous. I have read the rules and have stated my opinion. Just because you interpret something different, it is sorta like an <deleted>, everyone has one just like an opinion. I have never told anyone how to file their tax forms, get an ID from the revenue dept of whatever, only what I think it proper for me. We all have different income and each can report his as he wishes, I am not suggesting anything different.
  7. yeah but now they can't really implement it until 2026 at the earliest since this year has already begun without that scheme in place.
  8. must be someone that everyne will run out to have his agency do their taxes for them, but I am basing my opinion and options based on my reading originally from this forum which provided many avenues of information. After reading the same, over the past year or so, I understand what my obligations are. All should be aware of their DTA if there is one with Thailand and that individuals income situation as defined by the Thai revenue department. There are other agnecy reports about failure to file if one is required to file and the consequences of not doing so which it seems maybe 58% of the poll responders to filing or not.
  9. I have read the DTA and the articles are clear about US only can tax SS and CIVIL SERVICE pension - that is me 40 years of service including my 4 years militart,
  10. If anyone has a govt pension that is not taxable by any govt other than the one providing that pension, then documentat should be available through the retirement office paying the pension. I can easily go to my OPM retirement account and print up the necessary years of proof that it is a US govt pension. Just as I need the documentation for my foreign bank account report - get that info from the US stateside bank - so anything they get from the Thai bank just confirms my reporting. Having been required for over 60 years (except 2 in a war zone) I had to file my income taxes, no escape whatsoever.
  11. very easily, I only have a US civil service pension which is taxable only by the US govt and I have been getting only that pension for more than 20 years already. I have documentation and the immigration folks already have had it plus the BOI got all the documents for my LTR so the Thai govt has that info if theyknow how to find it. If not and they contact me I will gladly show them that proof.
  12. I Am of the opinion based on what I read, if you have any income sourced in Thailand then you are supposed to file the tax forms but I could be wrong - should check the trd web site for Thai sourced income to be sure.
  13. well if you are a regular reader of this forum and local media, you would realize quickly that a pitbull is the #1 culprit in attacks, sometimes even the owner. I as a dog lover and owner form many decades realize the owner usually sets the habits of their dogs but still here, we read that "the dog had never attacked anyone in years" yet they have even Killed people here. I find it hard to understand why this breed has not yet been outlawed here too. My opinion but based on many stories over the years here and elsewherer.
  14. well as a 78 year old farter, I learned many moons ago that blowing those farts while fouling the air tremendously, never stuck to any of my exptremeties. I can understand why any adult would even contemplate smelling ones hand, let alone stick the hand down into the farted area unless something else erupted besides the gases.
  15. If asd they say they will be working with the immigration to id folks meeting the 180 day stay then they also will be able to see who has an LTR visa exempting taxes on remitted funds and in addition, I have reported over the years that my income was a US civil pension, I even have my passports for my US govt assignment to Thailand so they should be able to figure that out but if they can't, the I will gladly send them the necessary proof of my income and copy of my LTR (which also was provided to the BOI for issuance of that LTR)
  16. just like someone obviously briefed the ASEAN news and African news folks late december when they thought they had already gotten approval for the worldwide income taxation scheme which was reportedly partnered with the 15% corporation tax so it seems to me anyway that someone in a higher seat decided they didn't like the worldwide tax scheme so unless something different happens next year, then the earliest would be 2026 for that scheme to be initiated. Wonder if we will ever get much current information from the TRD or FInance ministry.
  17. From what I have read, but also note I am not a tax expert by any means but if one does not have any ASSESSABLE income then there is no requirement to file nor get a tax ID number. That is my opinion and I am sticking to it and not filing. I realize that the TRD will probably contact me to advise them of the source of my monies and show that I do have an LTR visa unless they get that from immigration prior to contacting me. But, best of luck to all in your endeavors this tax season...I do believe the worldwide income bit will continue to fester as it seems some powerful people don't like it.
  18. People with no assessable income remitted either by LTR or certain pensions, ss etc from the US cannot get a tax id and also do not have to file the tax forms.
  19. apparently, based on the numerous comments on this forum, not many people do appreciate paying taxes to any country - now people are upset due to the CRS FACTA and OECD changes to taxation in many countries but these programs are in efforts to get everybody paying what is considered by govts to be one's fair share whether or not individuals agree. I am not a fan of taxes but realize the need for them. Unfortunately, too many govts and politicians abuse the use of their citizens' tax payments. As an American, I have never considered never paying my taxes no matter where I have lived. There are still some countries that are more lenient in the taxation of different groups of people, i.e. the Philippines and expat pensioners but eventually Thailand may or may not do the worldwide income taxation scheme to capture expats but maybe just to catch their own citizens that have managed to escape the revenue department. Best of luck to all.
  20. Actually, what may have happened is that after the ASEAN Briefing on 16 Dec and African Champber of Commerce news brief about the Thai's desire to pass the Tax change laws/Amendements or whatever before the end of the year, Puchai and Co,. told those people that they had finished the draft of hte new bill but then although the majority agreed with the Corporation part of the bill, possibly some locals disagreed with the worldwide income taxation so the Finance Ministy separted the two so that at least they got the Corporation part of the bill passed so they could implement it by 1 January 2025. That would indicate to me that the worldwide income taxation won't become effective until at least 2026 since they couldn't begin taxing people until the beginning of the next tax season (calendar year). I just made the mistake of (assuming) that the corporation bill and the worldwide income taxation were all part of the same draft that the finance ministry has been working on, Hopefully, the ministry or revenue department will provide something more on this issue soon.
  21. I agree, my family and I have eaten there quite often. All meals are tops and not too expensive.
  22. Yeah, but as a fan you obviously are of Mr. Trump, how do you like his already changing his mind on many of his campaign promises even before he takes the oath again? I am definitely not a dem fan but also not a Trump fan but just like you, I have an opinion based on my life experiences. Have a good year - hope we all do.
  23. I queried ex pat and was informed that they are closed until 3 Jan for the holidays. They noted that they answer my query on 3 Jan. I did find the 40-page Thai document but after trying to xlate it, I lost it and now ccan't find it ...will check again tmw. Even the latest ASEAN news and AFRICAN news about the law, included the worldwide inome taxation with the corporate bill. who knows..Anyway those agencies should have picked something up anyway. We'll see. Have a good one...off to working out..,.
  24. I did find the law in Thai script but can';t get the xlate to work on it.,..40 pages long. Will continue search....
  25. you got tht right, even earlier this week, Pichai said in an interview that the indivdual tax was paart ot the Corportate law that the govt was trying to pass before the ned of the year so that it could be implemented for 2025. I will continue searching around to see if I can vcme up with anything. Have a good one....later
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