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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. I find ir especially strange that the 15 Oct interview write up in the ThaI Examiner has now been altered to remove "expats" while retaining "foreigners". If I wasn't so old, I might seek out why this was done, as they had ti in thre yesterday but now it is gone and now that interview is in each of the categories. Guess someone complained?
  2. read the Thai examiner article on the same guy's interview about this subject - he specifically mentions that expats are included in the NIT plan.
  3. Read the take on the dep finance minister's interview on the NIT and he specifically mentions that they want to get ALL adults including expats in the tax base and that ALL ADULTS would be required to file the income tax form 91. I am not expert whatsoever on tax situations other than my own - I realize I won't have to pay any tax here unless treaties are broken and laws changed except even so it sure means more paperwork every year for nothing.
  4. Yesd, as of yet they have not changed the laws on submitting tax forms for EVERY TAX RESIDENT, it still says if one has assessable income. But according to the dep finance minister the NIT would encompass ALL adults in Thailand including expats and other foreigners and that every tax resident would be REQUIRED to file the 91 tax form! At the very least, additional paperwork for some of us.
  5. Dep finance minister specifically mentioned that expats and other foreigners would be included in the tax base. It may not mean expats would definitely pay any more tax but would have to do more paperwork for the Thai Revenue dept. I am not worried at all about ever having tp pay any income tax here, just interested in the subject as it does affect me in adhering to the tax laws about filing.
  6. at this rate, if the party is dissolved and the ministers/parliamenarians are stripped of their positiions as those previously, then pretty soon they will run out of potential candidates. Seems to be a big difficulty in finding suitable people with no known corruption/crimes during their lives/careers. Potential international businesses will tire of having to go through the selling process AGAIN and AGAIN before they can really begin to make money here. Next thing will probably be a return of the military govt.
  7. just additional paperwork for all!
  8. I agree it will take some time but previously we were told this would be several years down the road, this from the dep Finance Minister says it is URGENT that they do this now. ANyway, this govt may not even be here in the short run. In any case, I am not concerned. Unless they do change all the laws and rope me in too, then I will just share my time with the PI, VN and here.
  9. Chiang Mai: Read the Thai Examiner article dated 15 October 2024: says duirng the 1st three months of 2025 ALL adults in Thailand will be required to file the tax form PND91. The deputy Finance Minister says that the govt is aiming to bring in expats or foreign residents inThailand into the system. Says that ALL foreign residents in 2025 will be required to file a tax form. Says that the finance ministry and Revenue dept have been working on this and that it is an URGENT plan as Thailand is already classified as an ageing society. AM sure this will wake up some folks, and wonder why the AN note was so much tamer and nothing about expats except to say not to worry?
  10. Suggest AN users read the 15 October Thai Examiner which says just the opposite. That ALL ADULTS including expats will be included in the new tax schemes. I am not sure everyone has seen this but it is about the negative income tax and to support the aging citizens of this country. This article is under the "LIVING" category. Just saying as this indicates that expats specifically are targetted in the NIT scheme. oh well, nothing new, just more confirmation but certainly sounds more like they want it to happen sooner rather than years later. My opinion only
  11. Well it doesn't look like anything will be published anytime soon - guess we need to wait until next month or December of the new tax forms or January next year or 2050 or later when they finish discussing what ever it is they are debating or which ever government happens to be in power sometime.
  12. Doubt that for sure - I think Starbucks obtains from the same sources around the world.
  13. A sad state of affairs for sure I recall walking by a house provided by welfare from the city, for a woman with 10 kids, she had never been married, each kid had a different father and each time a new birth, the welfare folks increased her monthly stipend. Her house was bigger and nicer than the one I grew up in. I am totally against welfare and providing a "lIving amount" for this kind of person. Once one gets away with it, then there is standing line outside the welfare office for those that quit working for a living, just show up at job interviews, look like crap, dress like crap, talk like crap so you don't get hired, the only requirement is you have to actively be looking for employment..what a sad joke on Joe Citizen paying taxes on low wages.
  14. If yuo recall, last year the big news in local media was the fact that a cup of coffee at Starbucks was more expensive here in Bangkok than it was in Gerrmany! Unreal.
  15. This after promising to stop the fire insurance for Californians. Gotta figure that being born in a rich family definitely spoiled him and even though he ha lost more money than almost everyone we have read about, he still thinks only of himself and could care less about all those people that have lost their lives, homes, dreams. Now I read about the insurance companies reaping big $ just like the health insurance people do too. If he gets his way and continues, he will probably just close hospitals to anyone who can't pay for treatment! Yet, many of those same people that lost everything will still vote for him - go figure!
  16. I agree that it really should have been written with "Every Thai Tax resident" as in some other articles written about this negative tax initiative indicated that all tax-residents would be included in the new expanded taxbase, where those making below the certain minimum would be paid cash which would come from the higher earners. Unless they wise up and obviously there is not 100% agreement yet, those wanting expats to remain and more to come stay here then they will find a shrinking number of expat tax residents for sure.
  17. Basically, IMHO reading the comments about Americans from so many AN users, it just confirms their opinion of the a "LOW_IQ" populace. As an American I just have to agree that Americans have been IO lowered by a poor educational system that has just gotten weaker as they continue to throw more money at it, just like the health care system - the most money spent per person and worse health care nowadays. COLA for Americans this coming year is 2.5% and the health care systems increased by an average of 13% or so. Americans number among the unhealthiest in the world!
  18. Yes being a pizza lover for years, and being in Thailand for years, I am well aware that the price of a pizza here is far more than a pizza in the US. But, for some reason, the prices have always been higher here and expats and locals too I guess continue to support those pizza shops
  19. Well, the response to this is that expats should avoid those restaurants charging the western prices. Tourists will see this too and learn to avoid those restaurants because they can only support the restaurant with foreigners as locals cannot afford western prices. Once tourists and expats do avoid the restaurants, they will have problems unless they lower their prices so will hav e to close or let workers leave. That is why in the west, competition means that restaurants have to offer better prices if they want to keep their customers or those folks will go to the cheaper place for the same type meal.
  20. Presnock

    Too much rain?

    Yesd and if you recall, most of the dams and reservoirs plus some rivers dried up entirely due to "drought" conditions which reversed itself even more so this rainy season. I recall the Thai weather bureau predicting that early on this rainy season, rains would be very light (turned out false) but during Aug heavier rains could be expected (correct for sure) and it has continued since then. I note on a daily basis for the past couple of weeks, the predictions for rain to stop and temps to drop are extended on a daily basis to the next day. But if one looks around the world, every day are more videos of extended and historic flooding with heavy rainfall.
  21. Yes by throwing money at the poverty has proven throughout the history of just about every country imaginable to be useless in that it just translates into the poor begging for more instead of acutally creating jobs for those people, I have watched many years of this in the US as they still try to solve the poverty by throwning good money after bad over and over. my opinion on this issue anyway.
  22. Actually began under Obama - took crimea and O just watched!
  23. suggest that everyone read the best sellers by DR. William Li, a Harvard trained doctor, researcher and other titles who has been doing research on foods and diets in relation to diseases that plague all of mankind. Older men are recommended to eat a diet heavy in Tomatoes and other "red" or "pink" fruits, especially pomegranates juice and or seeds to help prevent prostate problems and to help with the pharma treatments. Recent findings by researchers in diets and particular foods are turning out to be amazing even to the researchers in the prevention and treatment of diseases including prostate problems including cancer. Just a suggestion, as I am no expert in any case medical or pharma. My father died of prostate cancer, telling me that the treatment was worse than the disease and if it came back in his case, he would die before going through the treatment again. I myself have read Dr. Li's books, many findiings are fairly recent but I do notice now that other medical newsletters are picking up the same suggestions for older males (or for different diseases for women) diets heavy in "red" fruits like mentioned above. Best of luck and good health.
  24. Selling? except if you are a foreigner then you can't really own it , maybe 49.9 percent only with a Thai as the REAL owner.
  25. Totally agree - all we see here I consider the source, then I go research it myself. I don't ever link even if I am quoting something controversial. I mention where it came from but if anyone is really interested then they can google it themselves. I don't want anyone quoting ME as an official source as who knows what to believe nowadays. Just look at the candidates for President and VP of the US - nothing but lies from both sides. A scary situation as one will be the leader of the USA!
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