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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. what about taxes too, as the LTR is set up for "rich pensioners " sorta like the US, used to be prior to Reagan, the rich got hammered for tax dollars but he dropped them down into the same arena as the less wealthy workers. That is why the republicans continue to be supported so strongly by the rich. Meanwhile the numbers of those fleeing that party are reportedly growing due to other policies and beliefs. I could never be a democrat, but dropped fm the republicans and went independent...maybe it is time for a 3rd party with power to elect and not just defeat one of the other two party candidates.
  2. well I am sure Europe supported the US help in WWII or you all would be speaking German only
  3. I got my regular notice that mine was due, so the next day, 15th b4 the date due, and tried to log on but it said the site was down temporarily for 3-6 hours so waited til the afternoon and tried again, got through immediately filled in what needed filled in checked all other items correct and sent it in and within hours got a message from immigration that it had been accepted. just awaiting the next due date message. Sure beats having to make a trip to the immigration office...now if we could just do a yearly update on line too, and no 90-day reports life even with taxes is great.
  4. sometimes a sore throat is a sign of dehydration, sometime like L.lace it is something else. I just read that a horrible cough is going around in the US that many folks can't get rid of. Local pharmas gladly give you some drugs after explaining about the sore throat. Many "home" remedies too...real (not fake) honey, black pepper and sugar melt in your mouth and swallow slowly as it coats the throat....just go see a doctor though if it doesn't go away...maybe need tonsils removed.
  5. can also just show a Thai driver's license for photo id also...keep hearing most people say that they have NEVER used it.
  6. Yeah ask the regular Afghanis - those everyday workers, women students etc, if it is better now that the US soldiers left and the Taliban and ISIS are running things? One of the latest laws - only a female doctor can examine an Afghani woman yet Aghani women are not allowed to go to school even -how can they become a doctor to check on the females?
  7. yeah all those religious leaders that fled IRAN when the SHah was there, even though towards his leaving in '79, life had changed tremendously for a Muslim state. Women wore western fashions, teens listened to western music, females were allowed to go to all levels of school including government paid for college and women could become just about anything as far as a career went. Then, the Muslim Imams in France zoomed back into the country and SLAM BAM maam get out of school cover your head and body all the time. Same thing for Afghanistan, let an exile be the one the US supported to become the leader - crooked as all get out, even stole a planeload of US cash as he story goes. He sure didn't unite the different warlords against the rebels.
  8. One can also check "accuweather (your location) for air quality at the central office (your location) I check each day and to date, the readings are fairly close to what my personal monitor says. Though in the past, I heard that one central reading area had a local fire truck come and spray the area near the monitor for half an hour. Their readings were always a lot lower than that of my monitor.
  9. lazada and I'm sure shoppee too have many monitors for sale. Some are large, some have multigases readings, some are small enough to carry with one when jogging or walking outside. some only measure the 2.5 microns. check them out and see if any meet your needs/requirements.
  10. one is not limited to 65k oonly per month, just a minimum of 65k each and every month of the 12 months.
  11. Well, if your bank is based in one of the signatories of the OECD agreement in July of last year, that is exactly what HSBC will be required to do..BTW China was a signatory of that agreement too.
  12. The LTR visa, unlike other visas prohibits tax collection by the Thai government from the holder due to Royal Decree. I do not agree that if the govt changes the law, that it will affect the holder of the LTR. If the govt could and did change that law, then believe they would probably wipe out the DTA's also. But these are my opinion only and there are too few people who really have any idea what is going to happen.
  13. Lazada and probably shoppee both have all kinds of measuring widgets, cheap and/or expensive - can check to see what gets measure when you turn it on. Today air is horrible here in BKK.
  14. yeah I was always taught for chapped lips, try horse crap, rub some on your lips and you will stop licking them which causes the chapped lips. I never tried it but just thinking about it taught me a "valuable" lesson. One never really knows when such a recommendation could or could not be valuable.
  15. Yeah and maybe have to take out aloand to pay that 500 baht fine! for that amount, I am sure there are probably folks willing to disobey the signs anyway. Just my opinion!
  16. well this mornng I took the dogs outside - monitor says 125 and flashing RED! If you even walk in this crappy air right now you probably won't make it to the gasping stage. I do think that after exercising in polluted air one should have their lungs checked. Good luck anyway
  17. Yeah a friend of mine bought his own monitor for 2.5 micron pollutants in he Chiang Mai area. He read the daily reports of the pollution and they were always way below his monitor so he learned where the district was monitoring the pollution and then reporting. He went to that location, prior to the district team taking a reading, the fire department had a water truck come to that area and spray the monitoring spot for over a half hour and did this whenever there was going to be an official report. After this, I bought my own monitor and still use it daily many times.
  18. Negative on that. SPorts teams even buy masks that restrict air intake prior to having a game with another team at high altitude. I jogged for years wearing a mask with no problems noticed.
  19. yeah and at the same time those broadcasters of the meetings and at least one article in the Thai Examiner indicate that there are still some fairly strong Thai that are against this new tax policy as originally stated. However, since the initial reports of that, I have not seen anything at all from them or those against the new program nor anything of substance either. It is great that a couple of folks have researched official documentation and have provide us with that material so that we can formulate possible actions based on what the RD/Govt finally decides which might not be until next March 2025. Enjoy whatever we came here for until the deadlines are met.
  20. IF inheriting a few big $$$ and retirement eligible, just opt for a LTR visa, 50,000 k and then no taxes, no 90-day reports etc. and all legal
  21. That is what they said at the beginning "all" income remitted into Thailand, then as reality started checking in from within and from without, DTA's etc, watching other ASEAN countries how they are handling it etc. But if you don't pay taxes on your income in your native state due to a national law included in the DTA, I am pretty sure they will try to make you pay here. It will all boil down to possible law cases against them as well as so many not actually making any "assessible" income for them to count on. None of us knows for sure what the outcome will be nor when it will become clearer so just hang in there and enjoy whatever you moved to Thailand for.
  22. Yessir but you gotta let all those refugees in to counter the number of illegals pouring in from the south on a daily basis. I think I read the other day that over 300K illegals crossed over in November for a new record. Gotta give them all shelter, food , education (some through college even). I am not against immigration but unless something is controlled it runs amok - EU is having the same problem with boat loads daily either making it or drowning. A horrible situation made worse by tax dollars going to the <deleted>hold countries but instead of improving conditions for their citizens, they just send them to the developed countries. Now it is affection elections too as far-right folks are getting more and more support from the citizens tired of fighting for their benefits. But, daughter is doing well at the number one university here and is happier than anytime since prior to the pandemic. She even has her future mapped out and where she will go to school after this stint in Thailand. BTW, I am a former government worker who spent many years at the Embassy in Thailand but all that goes for naught when some counsular officers says "not approved".
  23. Not doubting your intent but you assumption that folks may do something about it but looking around, I notice very few farangs wearing masks and the news recently has carried numerous articles of the pollution in the air. The PM signed an agreement with Cambodia to supposedly lower the pollutants and he has reportedly ORDERED the Thai AF to do all they can too to help but every year we hear the same stories from the government officials and yet the same pollution or worse is here. I first came here in the early 70's and when burning season came so did the smoky air. Then there was very little corn grown and I don't remember much of sugar can either but now with those added to the burnings, and together with forest fires set to clear land or clear underbrush so they find mushrooms, the pollution is with us longer and longer and stronger it seems every year. Look at the NASA satellite showing fires in SEA and S. Asia. Cambodia the other day was completely red with the wind blowing the smoke into Thailand! Thailand too has a lot of fires going...until the government gets serious enough to force the local governments to arrest the fire starters nothing will change in my opinion.
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