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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. well if you are an American, then Trumps' voting with Russia and N. Korea has to be a shock as it has NEVER happened before, especially when all the countries alligned with the US voting against the dictators. If you are not an American, then put up your 5 million and you can join us in the US of A. as a "Gold Card American".!
  2. well being the owner of vehicles from early 2000 until recently, I had to have my vehicle inspected every year in order to get a new sticker and googled the inspection of vehicles in Thailand and it states yearly too for pickups and cars.
  3. I'm not sure if you are telling the truth as you believe it or just ignoring the laws. Unless it is a very special pickup, then yearly inspection is required to renew the sticker.
  4. well in the world of AI, believe that more and more the Thais will recognize the need to merge data, sharing banking, immigration, tourism, hotel stays, whatever, so that they don't continue to be embarrased at these shortcomings..but then again, kill the goose that lays those golden eggs..maybe never.
  5. and funny you say that when we read than many of the radicalized are radicalized in our prisons. A sic society for sure and a horrible belief classified as a religion. Just look at their history if there is any doubt.
  6. Yessir, I lived in a fundamentalist Muslim city for a couple of years. Horrible stories almost daily. In most Muslim countries, and some western countries (WOKE now) allow girls to be married at 12 years of age or upon reaching puberty! In most of those countries, girls have to marry whomever her family decides. In some of those countries, if a girl refuses to marry a certain person, her parents might KILL her or the suitor will rape her and then she MUST marry him or be killed or kicked out of the family. These people are STONE AGE thinkers, perfect example too is the Taliban in Afghanistan - while the US forces were present, females could go to school, work in any shop/profession, become elected officials, judges, doctors etc but now they can't go to school at all. Those holding any profession have been sent home. They can't go outside without covering their faces, and can't make eye contact with any male other than their family. A women reportedly can't be examined by a doctor unless the doctor is a female yet females can't study to become doctors. Sick people that are fleeing their countries for the west, where they want to change the western laws and in many countries are legally protected and they then begin to try to change to sharia law. US laws (woke written) protect them from US laws that prohibit this type of life but most US judges just go along with the Muslim group. Previously when they migrated to the states, they assimilated into US neighborhoods and lived that type of life but now they have learned that if they join together, they can become elected officials who then can get the laws changed. A totally sick religion and males in that religion. I still wonder why the women after almost 2000 years of this type living still accept it. Then again, since 638 and the death of their founder, the two separate families still regularly kill each other. SICK.
  7. supposedly, part of the OECD agreement is about corporation tax of 15% which they want the signers to achieve so those 136 signers of that agreement should be staying put unless they can find a suitable home somewhere.
  8. yeah I wonder ofter what he and Putin discussed for over an hour after the trumper kicked out his advisor/translator and had him tear up notes another time....scary to have him and ELON running things now!
  9. well supposedly (operative word here) the DTA between the UK and Thailand should mean you do not pay anything extra here...I would think that any tax that could be charged to Thailand would be less than that in the UK and then a tax credit ..but I am no tax expert for sure, just on my own anyway. Good luck to you as I think the Thais will try to keep expats here as opposed to scaring them out.
  10. include in your daily diet cooked tomatoes or tomato paste - red fruits/veggies for the lycopene which does wonders for the prostate. add to whatever pharma your urologist prescribes.
  11. well wife, kids, or not, I am an American and not matter where I go/live as a tax resident, I still owe Uncle Sam. I accept that and have for some 60+ years of working and paying taxes. I fail to understand the anti-tax folks thoughts even to the point of failing to follow the laws of different countries. But, my opinion and am sure YOU might not like it.
  12. on top of that quote from Trump was his ending the Ukraine war in one day too - unfortunately, he since that began has tried ot alienate the entire western world against Zelenskyy claiming that he is a dictator not elected (false - 2019 elected for 5 year period) and that Ukraine INVADED Russia and that he would get Putin to quit if Ukraine guaranteed 50% ownership of rare earth minerals for the US! to pay back the war equipment provided by the US.
  13. salad bars also include beans - plenty of protein there too. I have eaten there in different locations over the years and never had any ill effects. It is not any more expensive than most other western food restaurants.
  14. go someplace else! Japan and S. Korea are safe for young western girls but then again, a lot depends of the maturity of the young ladies. My daughter now 21 has been taking courses at Korean universities during her university term breaks here and says S. Korea very safe for young girl unless they hang out in bars! Japan I know several friends whose young ladies visited and had a safe and happy time there. I have spent many years living and working overseas and not sure about the safety of young folks today as they seem to be a lot wilder than I was but then as a teenager I spent a couple of years in a war zone so I probably might not be a good judge of character for young folks today. Tell them to avoid Laos too. My daughter grew up here in Thailand teenage years in CM with no problems though - all depends on the individuals it seems to me.
  15. just like 24 hours to end the war in the Ukraine...since he screwed that up by listening to Putin and couldn't Ukraine to guarantee the US 50% of the rare earth minerals, so what did he immediately do, threw Zelenskyy under the bus and blaming him and Ukraine for Russian invasion of THEIR country. Then Trump calls Zelenskyy a dictator without an election which he was elected in 2019 for a 5-year period ignoring the fact that the whole world knows Putin is a dictator! who continues to prolong the war hoping to garner some more of the Ukrainian lands. Next of course will probably see Trump trying to take over the Panama canal, changing the Gulf of Mexico into the Gulf oa America, and then sending troops to occupy more of Greenland! A scary time for sure!
  16. Well basically, it sounds to me like you are the one listening to the wrong sources, I may be wrong but what I have seen and heard sounds different from that which you are quoting.
  17. Yessir a very scary situation, a Russian sweetie running the intel shops, and inept IMHO others running the other shops, plus the worse of them all running our govt att definitely a scary situation!
  18. Suggest you wake up, he began destroying our international relationships, costs in stores, with his promises of taxing every friendly country just about, then signing 80+ executive orders, manalong these same lines, so that is why things are tanking like the stock market too. I am no expert but can read and hear and this is my opinion about the problems.
  19. Well, speaking of that, I myself have taken the oath several times, sometimes as a military person and then several times as a civilian employee. I recall Trump had to take that oath too and then failed to abide by it so I truly do not understand why so many people continue to support and defend him. IMHO the word "traitor" might be used but then again, this is just my opinion.
  20. Yeah, just like firing those Nuke experts - then realizing who they fired and no one to watch over the nukes and now that they have to get them to come back, they can't access their contacts! Talk about inept folks runnning the government as the big excuse of Trump and Co., sounds more like his typical blame the others and not himself!
  21. Thailand didn't sign the FATCA agreement with the US until April 29, 2024 so anything you signed earlier wasn't the FATCA agreement. When immigration informed me and others 5 years or so ago, that we couldn't use a joint account but that it needed to be a sole account, so I changed my BB joint for a sole account user and had to provide my US ss# at that time. I did not even think about FATCA until last year or so. Anyway, I will be going to BB local branch this week and will advise all what they tell me about the forms. They haven't sent anything to me, I got a copy of what I need from expattaxthailand. As for no Thai tax number, on the w.9 form is a space for indicating why no tax id number if a tax resident here. No assessable income so...
  22. unfortunately, more than one is running things in DC now!
  23. Too late everyone - pro or anti Trump - the useless politicians controlled by the PAC's monies IMHO had the right people appointed to the proper office to approve or disapprove any counter measures to any of the laws pertaining to this. We watched the 6 January bit on LIVE tv and videos, yet we allowed the MAGAites with Trump as their champion to change what we witnessed with our own eyes. Then a Congressional committee documented even more damning evidence of that insurrection. American IMHO is on a downword spiral and I wonder if there is anyone out there that can stop it or slow it down over the next 4 years or if it will spill into the international arena. I sure hope my feelings are misguided but ....
  24. well Biden is just a braindead worm was most of his presidential time and prior to that was useless for the masses while he was a congressman - he was the Kamala for Obama who was almost as useless as Biden was as a president. This has been and remains my honest opinion.
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