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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. so not paying any taxes on earned income for he last 20 years...you sound like one of those that they are hoping to catch with these new laws written for you in particular that will catch others too.
  2. Well I for one would not be intimidated by not knowing my financial situation in relations to this or any other new tax laws. They can claim all they want but I am well aware of the laws concerning my finances so all they have to do is change the laws and THEN let us know. Until then I am relaxing and enjoying life here without worrying about something that may or may now ever happen here. Good luck to all.
  3. Totally unacceptable. I would write to you VA office HQ and ask if there a particular problem with late reimbursements. I am not familiar with your program but I am a retired US govt employee who has medical insurance through the US govt and at the new year, they changed the overseas agent and since then I have heard similar stories to their reimbursement. I hope mine is due to new on the block so to speak. good luck on getting any satisfaction.
  4. same thing in the US - that is why the govt is taxing Chinese-made EV 100% which of course the Chinese are complaining loundly! They think they can get around it by producing EV's in Mexico or Canada, and then selling them in the US.
  5. I have always been an advocate for reciprocal laws between the US and foreign countries especially for land/house ownership, businesses, taxes on non-citizen tax residents, etc.
  6. Well I think the US CRS and OECD decisions were also to catch tax residents who were not paying any taxes on their income as well as the money launderers too. I sympathize with those low-pensioners that were below their home country tax table and who will be caught by this latest scheme if it comes to fruition. Good luck
  7. Until we see if this will come to be in the foreseeable future, we just wait...right now my LTR does in fact stop any tax if the DTA was not there next year on remitted pension funds into Thailand. Good luck to all..., who knows what government will even be in place next year?
  8. TRUMP as the Greatest Negotiator every (just ask him) did all the negotiations with the Taliban and set the stage for the earlier withdrawl that Biden the braindead couldn't figure it all out plus poor senior military caught in between the two. Never forget, those 20 years of US troop presence meant that females of all ages were able to go to school and escape the evil replacements. As for the Chinese, I just recently read that a Chinese student was caught using a drone to photograph a naval shipyard in the US. According to reports from immigration, the abundance of Chinese males of military age are pouring into the southern border in record numbers. Biden and co. useless anyway, can't get the republicans to work out a deal on the immigration. Our congress is just about useless except for comedy skits. All they seem to care about is getting re-elected and not on attempting to fix all the problems the country now faces. My opinion anyway as I do not like Trump nor Biden - both useless except causing big problems.
  9. The tax on remittance never entered my mind, I have a US Govt pension income only and the DTA unless they wipe out those treaties too I am okay. would have to reconsider options!
  10. Mike, glad it's your choice...gonna be a roller coaster ride for sure over at least the next 6 months...good luck!
  11. yessr, these less than nimble fingers still think the brain is in charge like when I was typing at a much younger age. Yes lycopene from tomatoes.
  12. since Sept 2018, China is a signatory on the OECD rules of exchange between countries of banking data..
  13. yes you are one of those that they are changing the world tax laws to find...funny you announce it on an open forum.
  14. LTR also has no 90-day reporting to immigration so that procedure is out as well as current Tax ID law.
  15. well, they would have to change the current tax ID law as it says one needs to get a Thai Tax ID within 60 days of remitting ASSESSABLE funds into the country. Since some of us IAW DTA's and current visa, like me, they won't have any assessable remittances so no need to file an income tax form nor get a tax ID. Now, yes they could change the current tax law on ID's and yes they COULD go to world income taxes here in Thailand but....TIT and who knows what will be the next scheme or the dropping of this scheme. Best of luck to all!
  16. When I lived here in the 70's, there was talk every rainy season about moving the capital to Ayutthaya but that floods every year big time.
  17. well even before they filled ALL the canals, I was here in the early 70's and Bangkok flooded a lot more then. Used to have rafts/rowboats at most intersections to help people across the street. I lived on soi Thong Lor (55 Sukumvit) in those days and my daughter used to catch the Siamese fighting fish in our yard throughout the rainy season as it remained under water almost all the time. Before it was all of BKK under water and now more localized and does drain better in my opinion.
  18. Yes, when BOA cancelled my account of 50 years as I had no US residence, I was able to open an account but I used my Thai address so am sure they will be exchanging data under the CRS or whatever but I have no problems with that yet... have and LTR and US DTA to help protect my money as I pay my US taxes regularly. Good Luck
  19. only chance might be providing tax filings with the Revenue Department but don't really have any idea what will be affected if this latest change becomes fact.
  20. depends as many may have low pensions or social security that is not "assessable" for taxes in their home country but as the Thai tax tables are different, these pensioners or SSl recipients will possibly be taxed here in Thailand unless they are protected by a well stated DTA concerning their income. Hopefully very few will be affected.
  21. well, both the US and Thailand are signatories on the CRS program and they entails sharing of banking info on foreigners within their country that have bank accounts. If you are remitting funds from your country to Thailand and your bank knows that you are a tax resident in Thailand, I do believe that they will share data - what all that entails I haven't the slightest idea. If you have been filing a tax form either in Thailand if a tax resident or in another country on income from the other country and have accounts in both then they will be sharing data on your banking...this year will possibly be minor compared to what might arise next year. I am not affected yet but TIT so am sitting on the fence right now waiting for the next GREAT tax the expat program. Good luck!
  22. well, I can fully understand the problems they are having coming up with whatever tax changes that they think could help them and we see on this forum than the majority of folks don'tr even understand all the tax problems from their own country - now the locals if they cared at all would have some "experts" advising them but we know that will never happen. The bossman has directed them to find every baht possible immiediately so who is stuck out on a limb so to speak - the expats who have no options, either stay and pay or go. Hopefully most will not be affected with the final program on tax changes.
  23. heard a shrink response to this many years ago - the average SEA females' bodies are about the same size a western girls bodies when we were reaching puberty and therefore are attracted to that size woman. Works for me. But guess it is all in the eyes of the beholder.
  24. from what I have heard, it is based on the integrity of the individual who should know if he has to file or not, if one doesn't have assessable funds remitted or whatever, one isn't required to file a tax form. The RD may have info on your stateside account or from local banks on your monies remitted and contact you about why the funs are not assessable. I can provide documented proof so don't plan to do anything right yet. '
  25. that is why I take a tablespoon of tomato paste daily with breakfast. Other lycogene sources (other than tomatoes include, carrots, pink guava, ) lycogene is from reddish colored veggies, but tomatoes have the most and instead of a lot of raw tomatoes or stewed tomatoes, etc, I find that the tomator paste is the best source for me. there are a couple of best sellers out right now - available in the top book store near Siam mall area are two books on food research, the books by Dr. Willam Li a Harvard heart specialist, plus serveral other titles including researcher. His books, one tells what food/plants can prevenet, and even cure cancers and other diseases, while the other describes the best foods to eat for living a healthy long life. The researchers have already determined that all the diseases that kill people such as heart disease, diabetes, cancers, obesity, Alzheimer's, etc are all caused by the poor diets of people and I guess there are a small % by generic transmitted diseases too. I recently bought both books and am amazed at how eating healthy can help one live a better and longer life. Good luck.
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