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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. hey that sounds to me like you have gone over to the dark side! better luck next time if you decide to switch back
  2. Can you work here with the DTV - YES but you cannot work for a Thai company on th DTV- http://https://www.getworkflex.com/post/understanding-the-dtv-vusa-for-thailand-what-employers.need-to-know if you can meet the obligations, the 10-year LTR might be best for you but it all depends on your income and health coverage. see this link and you can better understand the DTR requirements limitations.
  3. that is why I mentioned "radicalized", for some places like where I was, I was told by several locals that 4-year old males begin a that age to HATE the west and Christianity. If I am not mistaken, even some areas of Christianity had their women wear head covers when going to church. But that is not the worse thing for the women, being slaves their whole lives. Think how the Afghani women must feel now, almost 20 years of being able to go to school, work at any jobs including elected officials and lawyers, doctors when western troops were there, now back to the Stone Age! But I dofeel that immigrants should not be trying to change my country to reflect their cultures and beliefs while basically affecting the daily lives of many Americans.
  4. Yessir O was useless too, just like Kamala, not qualified at all to handle the US problems, let alone anything of importance in the rest of the world either. IMHO anyway! I really don't think that I could a lot better in that position, but I couldn't do any worse and I wouldn't want it anyway.
  5. oops forgot, as long as one RELIGIOUS radicalized belief in all those virgins upon martyred death, those bombers will remain. Live in a fundamentalist city for two years - saw it all first hand including terrorist killings of my friends and co-workers. Not a pretty picture, but from what I read the fastest growing religion in the world today while westen Christianity fades...talking with folks here, the same thing among their young - Buddhism fading too. Such is life.
  6. Summer just arrived here with predictions of temperatures in ther 42-43 C range - already summer storms wreaking havoc in the NE and N while south still flooding.
  7. Yeah have to agree with you, I was a govt employee during his years as President and those others too, saw the interworkings of their teams, but just the fact that he wore any uniform seperates him in the minds of ALL vets but that doesn't mean we have to love him too!
  8. yeah reading that bots are now talking with each other, guess that next war may be mankind against the AI bots. Idon't believe I will be here for it but worry about my kids. Best of luck to you, have a great (HOT) day!
  9. Well you also have not seen me write any praises of any of those mentioned either. Bush may have worn a flight suit, but to call him a vet would not be fair to most vets. Many presidents have led the nation in a war and did so successfully by listening to veterans. But I am not a fan of politicians and very seldom do I agree with much of what they do. I also spent many years as a government civilian so have been around a lot of real losers in my opinion anyway.
  10. and if he isn't? those European NATO countries are only a couple of minutes away from possible nukes. If Putin wasn't afraid to scarf up Crimea in 2014, saw the reaction from the west, then that is why he went ahead into the Ukraine. He has lost way too many soldiers because of the military equiipment privided by the west but he also has gained a lot of knowledge about the world. too scary for me!
  11. well at least I think she would not be praising PUTIN though I also believe she would have been an absolue HORRIBLE president! Totally unqualified IMHO.
  12. Being a vet in a hot war zone separates those from every other being. Yeah, many of their families too end up suffering even if the vet survives. I spent a several years in a hot war zone both as a vet and a civilian. Does it affect one? of course it does and for me, it definitely makes me look at non veterans' opinions too both those that went to combat and those that stayed behind and supported those fighting troops. All veterans are brothers and by attacking the Veterans Administration which provides support for the American vets, could be a catalyst to motivate the American public. In any case, I realize opinions are like A%%holes, we all have one and have to recognize we all have a varied life experinces. Have a good day!
  13. Well so far, I have yet to see him act any different than that which I thought about him anyway long before even the first presidency. He was a spoiled rich kid and thus grew to be a humongous narcissist that believes he is the GREATEST of all things! Unforunately for people like me, we will have to suffer 3+ more years of his crap and who really knows just how dangerous that time will be for not only the USA but for the entire world.
  14. have you ever been in combat? Just wondering.
  15. anyone doing whatever they can to avoid serving to me is shameful! but I bet more rich kids avoided the draft than poor ones but one will never see those figures.
  16. I had heel spurs too, I wasn't exempt, in fact the draft board contacted me about 2 months after I had spent 4 years in the military, including 2 years in VN. I played sports in HS too with the heel spurs and never considered that it should be a means of avoiding military service, unlike Trump.
  17. he got his dad's doctor to say he had heel spurs so he was declared 4f meaning he was unfit for military service. Then he went on to college where he played in all the sports guess his heel spurs only exempted him from military service which didn't exempt all those with heel spurs. Biden too was exempt as he had asthma. Two really great American patriots (not).
  18. On top of all this, the AI industry fired most of those that brought them to prosperity but now those human workers have designed computers/robots that can further the prosperity of the AI industry at a much cheaper price so those human workers, well educated are now out there fighting for any job in which they can survive. There is no loyalty from the large companies as they continue letting people go too and hiring folks at a cheaper rate. Today, housing costs are way beyond your average wage earner. The American dream of home ownership has long passed the average person. On top of all that, taxes need to be raised by the local, and national level just to stay open and give all the benefits to those unable or unwilling to work for themselves. Talking to family and friends in the US makes me really glad I am still here in what I STILL consider paradise. Sure hope it continues for at least 4 years before we see just how bad things might become. I don't dislike all that has been accomplished early into this administration but sure don't understand a lot of other issues nor how they are being carried out. Hope all here fm the US appreciate what we do have here.
  19. That is why it is good to have a credit card with a great fraud check always!
  20. actually, from HS sports, I found the "high" from running - did a couple of marathons even (body didn't like that) but ran hundreds of races of various distances until 65 and since only roads or sidewalks available outside, decided to save my knees and switched to daily 6km walks which I still do at 78+ along with other exercises and a healthy diet maintaining my weight for many years and no health problems at all during my life. Blessed for some reason but most likely due to my lifestyle and happiness in life with a great family. Hope you too enjoy life as much!
  21. I agree with you except the drugs bit as I was raised and worked in an absolute "no drug" policy but did also see that eventually some restrictions were allowed due to the excessive numbers of people trying weed. But like always, we each have our own opinion based on our life. Best of all worlds for you too as I feel I am still in paradise.
  22. do not agree on your take for illegal drugs - if it was only a minor escape from reality but didn't affect one's life and others that might be okay though I still don'tg understand the "thrillS" as I have never indulged and will not during my life. In many cases they aren't even working, just milking the cow free. Some resort to crimes too. I see that many countries in Europe facing the same problems. Meanwhile we continue pumping monies into those S&%thole countries from which many are fleeing to Europe or the US. But 60K CHinese males of military should not have been allowed to mingle into the US with the other crowds. Scary situation.
  23. but the problem as I personally is that drugs are bought by stupid (in my opinion) users and illegal immigrants continue to be wooed, coddled, housed, school'd once they get in and this by the democrat cities that often take tax monies away for citizens' programs including schools to provide for those immigrants. I realize that the US has needed and continues to need legal immigrants for many jobs. But unless those immigrants become productive citizens then they need to return to their original countries.
  24. BOI wanted two years for mine when I did it last March. also, last year they dropped the "visit the BOI office for questions" instead asking folks to call or send email. But they always answered immediately either way!
  25. Health insurance must have at least a 50K USD hospitalization. MY insurer brochure said for hospitalization " unlimited" but BOI couldn't accept that so a fellow insurer said to ask the company for an email response saying that the hospitalization was at least 50K USD and BOI accepted it immediately.
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