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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. If an American, they really like the first page of your 1040 for proof of income, I had 1099R's, monthly anuity etc but they really liked the 1040. Best of luck, for me the "PERFECT" visa.
  2. oop! memory must be going! thanks for the correction!
  3. yeah my US govt sponsored health insurance sent 15-page coverage for 2024 and said for hospitalization was unlimited coverage but BOI said that wasn't sufficient and someone else with the same health insurance told me to send a note to the health insurer to get an email back stating that hospitalization coverage was more than 50K USD and BOI accepted it immediately and within a couple of weeks I was stamped in. Now I go for my 1-year advising of my current address. Really easy as anyone could take the completed Form 95 to the BOI office with my PP but I will go since it is so easy on the trains. Heard that BOI will be moving from Chomchuri to 1 Bangkok on 25 March.
  4. The health insurance or 100K $ must be able to cove 50K USD hospitalization.
  5. If any problems occur, consider the State Department Credit Union. Do not have to be a US govt employee or state department affiliated at all. They gladly provide one an account even though one has a home address telephone number from a foreign country. They provide varied credit cards. keep a regular eye on charges and advise you of anything suspicious. I had my BOA account of 50 years terminated as I had not US address or phone. They provided great service now for 5 years. No problems with them at all. You can contact them at "sdfcu.org". Best of luck
  6. great reply! as usual with varied suggestions. Pillow can be a big problem, especially if your sleep position doesn't match the pillow and mattress. Best of luck.
  7. basically it all comes down to how simple one's finances are in my case tax forms (2years and just the 1st page), one letter from my health insurer providing proof of at least 50K coverage and my passport pages. DId all on my computer at home, within 3 weeks had the LTR. I wasn't concerned with the taxes on income as mine is a US govt civil service pension but do like no 90-day reports, getting bank letters, etc plus yearly visit if necessary for address confirmation seems almost too easy based on all the years of retirement O. Glad they came out with the 50% cheaper too.
  8. Congrats on that. I hope it is the best fit for you as it is for me! I do my 1-year address report to BOI within the next 2 weeks. Seems really easy based on their note of the visit.
  9. Mike, I don't nnow about you but I have included several of these folks chatting with you on my "ignore" list as I fail to believe that they will ever awaken to the threat of the current leadership in the US. Enjoy life, ignore the idiots IMHO is the best for some of us,.
  10. He definitely was a customer on the island, not just a visitor IMHO he is a sick individual for sure
  11. but is that medical care free from the US here in Thailand or overseas. I have hospitalization free too if I am in the US but I am not so I pay for myself and my family full coverage here in THailand from a US health insurance company. If you want to avoid taxes here on remitted income then get a a visa like the LTR. Even ifyou work here you can get that and pay less tax. But this is all part of the OECD plan that 136 countries I guess figured this was the only fair way to get their share.
  12. based on what I read here which are people's opinions of course, very few of them have ever actually been at war anywhere except on a computer. I spent 10 years involved in the VN war getting shot at often and even as a govt employee in "peaceful" country have been involved in terrorist killing of co-workers. I am very familiar with war and nothing is pretty about it. This is a war in which one country is an agresser which started in 2014 and continues today. Shame on the war mongers who really have no idea except to bad mouth folks on this forum.
  13. we well since that is your argument, locking you out of my things to read. Bye Bye enjoy
  14. What I fail to understand if you are correct is why then did they do it LIVE in front of the cameras except to humiliate Zelenskyy? Trhump has been wanting to retaliate for the lack of support in 2019 when he needed dirt on Hunter to counter Biden in the pres campaign. For the Pres and VP to lose their tempers in front of the cameras shows me just how unqualified they are for their positions.
  15. so where did they finally catch him? Pakistan a supporter of some of the tribes in Afghanistan.
  16. Trump wanted dirt on Hunter in 2019....check it out
  17. Like I said, we all have our opinion based on the life that we have lived. Some show what little they have participated in life IMHO.
  18. I feel embarrassed myself. I could never vote for someone like him and while we are at that point, I sure wouldn't vote for biden nor kamala. When the rich and powerful began selecting the partie's candidates, each one seemed a bit worse until now and we are at worst by far. A traitor to the oath they each take.
  19. Oh that can't be true as Trump wants to make it the 51st State.., Guess he wants to improve it? Always been a friend but he has a way with that too.
  20. no matter what one's background IMHO, the president and VP of the US should act a bit better than this televised SHOW, somehow thinking that their "public" would love seeing them try to humiliate Zelenskyy since he did that to Trump in 2019 but not before the cameras. I as an American was embarrassed that Trump actually tried to defend Putin. If Trump is the "great negotiator" that he claims to be, why doesn't he get Putin to stop attacking civilian targets within the Ukraine. Military targets with modern technology are easy to find, but targetting civilians and necessary facilities providing electricity and water for the people should be avoided except Putin just hopes the Ukranian public will give up. I would think that after 3 years of having military superiority that the Russians should be over this, now having to use N. Korean soldiers and arms plus buying from Iran too. I will gladly admit that I have no love whatsover for Trump the draft dodger due to "heel spurs", had them my whole life, spent four years in the military and 10 in the VN arena. He and Biden brothers in being draft dodgers. Trump went on to college to play all the sports there so guess those heel spurs were only temporary. Since those days, everything I have seen about Trunp is lies and only for him.. .Like his promise to stop "chain migrations" and definitely no family members from prison - except for his wife of course the "escort lady". I also noticed that most Americans paid more taxes in the US than he did.
  21. Unfortunately, Trump gave in to the Taliban on the withdrawal timing because Trump knew that Biden and Co. were inept in the military field and Biden just wanted out of there as fast as possible without thinking that the Taliban would just sit around and wait until we were gone before doing anything. Now - STONE AGE or worse for the Afghanies after tasting freedom! Michner's "Caravans" was exactly correct when we entered.
  22. Yessir, as mentioned at the beginning, this is an opinion forum - opinions are usually based on life experiences so therefore very few have the same exact opinion. Mine is based on volunteering to join the US military in 1964, spending 10 years working the VN problem, no draft dodging. Working for Uncle Same another 30 years in some S%$#$hole countries and some really great ones too and well familiar with government employees of all types, some great some not so great, just riding the train to get their bennies. I'm retired now, couldn't stand the cold weather in the US so moved here to Thailand. I still love this country and plan to stay until I'm gone. At least here, I can associate with whom I wish and easily avoid the rest and ifin the US it would not be as easy to do so.
  23. That is exactly the status quo for Trump, always has been and always will be IMHO. He is a useless human being who has pulled the wool over too many people hoping for something better, but he just is not truthful so he tells lies after lies....
  24. I'm not referring to Biden's and his generals final withdrawal - they had little time to do it as Trump the great negotiator had already given a date that he knew Biden would be in charge for the Taliban to pour into the city. For 20 years the females were allowed to go to school, hold elected offices, work outside the home, no covering of face nor were they forbidden to make eye contact with a male not of their family. Just like any of he Trump deals, give away anything important just so he can claim being successfull. I enlisted, didn't have a family doctor to write about MY heel spurs affecting my draft position. He and Biden were twins in that regards too. His local constituents didn't have anything good to say about him when I worked in Seaford Delaware after my initial VN days.
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