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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Well, no one knows what the exchange rate going to be a few months or a year from now, but at least you get 5% interests compared to the 1.3% you get in an ordinary deposit account and you can only do it with USD, Try one year and see which is the best...
  2. Not sure about 'best and brightest' but many Thais are excellent agriculture workers sought after in many countries around the world...
  3. Consider putting the 800k in a FCD account in Bkk where you can earn 5% p.a interest and pay 15% tax and use it as proof for the 800k that the Immigration department accept now...
  4. Maybe with a better health system in place less will die, every Thai person dreads the the day they will have to rely on so called '30 baht public health system' which is scarce, long waiting list, absence of modern technologies and latests medicins, that can be described at best as inadequate...
  5. Stealing from supermarkets has become an international plague and not only in Thailand, in Australia for instance customers angry at the cost of living with the big supermarkets and retailers that $9 billion were stolen last year, so we can say that Thailand is still far, far behind...
  6. Any one who trust and pays any monies of give personal details on this Tik-Tok and similar, should have their heads examined, and although not deserving of losing money, by now any one and every one should be familiar with those social media pitfalls...
  7. Before you put the money down make sure of the neighborhood, noise level, parking, traffic, position of the unit in the building and the which way it's facing, and all other important issues that you only discover once you have paid and moved in but by then it's too late...
  8. I would have exchanged Thai courtesy and respect to each other for any of the selfish, pushy, and inconsiderate behaviour of people in other countries including those who fancy themselves well to do, modern and educated ones...
  9. And probably a big chunk of it on fire crackers in a temple in Pattaya near my home...
  10. Except Iran and other women hell holes countries, 18 is the age of consent, unless of course in Thailand where open prostitution is permitted and allowed but you have to be at the right age of 20 at least, so if a woman is 20 years and one day old, she can, and encouraged to sell herself, no questions asked...
  11. I'm sure you're familiar with my recent post complaining about intellectually challenged members in this forum, well, i had your kind in mind, those who call others stupid while there are other ways to politely disagree with someone...
  12. You wouldn't be laughing if you had paid a large sums of money to buy a property in those places only to be rattled by hooligans, and yes, Thailand still has a modicum of laws for the keepers to uphold, so let them do their job of get out...
  13. Let's see what else he can do to better conditions at the airport other than taking photo opps and stating the obvious...
  14. Nevermind the pork metaphor, this country has laws that people are expecting to be upheld, and if the keepers of the law don't do their job which, we the people pay for it to be up held, than they do have the cause and the rights to complain...
  15. My blood pressure hits the roof when i see a naked cutie, off the chart i tell you...
  16. Never, wait until your demise, because once you transfer the property to her name you HAVE NOTHING, and knowing Thai people and the influence their families put on them once it is out that this is the situation now, you'll be sorry you did...
  17. Such as? please i challenge you to point out to any other nation, religion, creed or group of people that have been through and suffered as much as the Jewish people have been for centuries, looking forward to be corrected...
  18. I'm sure that our Sheryl will come in soon to help, but from experience, better shop around among the big hospitals with what your requirements are for the best price...
  19. Are you still, in this day and age, find anything Ironic in this less than all there world? I'm saying that ICJ should have included N. korea and Iran among the judges to REALLY be ironic...
  20. women and the elderly - it is permissible to kill and kidnap": the verses of Hamas' halachic law are revealed The IDF spokesman announced that in the activity in Khan Yunis, a Halacha book of the Shura Council was found that was distributed to Hamas terrorists before October 7, containing instructions for the terrorists. "The Zionist society is an armed society that has come to take our land and shed blood. There is no difference between men and women, old and young - therefore it is permissible to kill and take everyone captive,'' i12 1 comments IDF Spokesman in Arabic Lt. Col. Avihai Adrei announced this evening (Monday) that during an IDF operation in the Khan Yunis area, a book of Halacha verses of the Shura Council was found, which was distributed to Hamas terrorists before the attack on October 7. In the book it is described that there is no difference between men, women, old men and boys - and that all of them are allowed to be killed and kidnapped. 2Viewing the gallery The Book of Halacha Verses of the Shura Council of Hamas The book of halachic verses that was found belongs to the Shura Council as mentioned, the institution whose job it is to advise Hamas on religious matters, signed by Ahmed Behar, the chairman of the council who was thwarted. The book was distributed to the organization's terrorists, and it contains articles, halachic verses and instructions to the terrorists on how they should act and treat the enemy, the abductees and when They are allowed to kill. The book states that "the Zionist society is an armed society that came to take the land of Palestine by force, to defile the holy places and to shed blood. Most of them are conscripted for mandatory military service, therefore - every one of the Jewish occupiers are fighters except for boys and the mentally ill who are exempt from service." In the book it was emphasized that "there is no difference between men and women, old and young. That is why it is permissible to harm them in killings, and to take them all as prisoners of war. All this, if you manage to kidnap them while they are still alive." IDF spokesman in Arabic Lt. Col. Avihai Adrai. "unequivocally contradicts the Hamas narrative" ( Photo: IDF spokesman ) The IDF spokesman in Arabic published the verses of the Halacha in response to the fact that a few weeks ago Hamas published a 16-page pamphlet in English and Arabic containing claims justifying the terrorist organization's actions against Israel in the attack it carried out on October 7. In the same document, Hamas stated that there was no intention to harm innocent civilians , and that the organization does not harm the captives. It was also noted that the terrorists who participated in the attack did not have permission to kill those not involved during the invasion. Among other things, Hamas claimed that "Operation Flood al-Aqsa was a necessary step and a natural response to confronting the Israeli plans being made which aim to eliminate the Palestinian issue, control the country and its Judaism, and resolve the sovereignty over the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy places." Regarding harming Israeli civilians, Hamas wrote: "Avoidance of harming civilians, especially women, children and the elderly, is a religious and moral obligation that Hamas members grow up on." "For years, Hamas has been claiming to the international media that it operates under the faith and religion of Islam, and that the organization's actions do not stem from hatred of Jews," the IDF spokesman said in Arabic. "What is written in the books Admin note:https://www.ynetnews.com/article/sylv1crq6
  21. Thailand is a paradise for road's rules breakers, never see a policemen on any roads, be it highways or locals, drivers of all sorts of vehicles just do what they like to do without fear ( nevermind that IF they get caught, couple of banknotes changing hands will wipe the slate clean) so no one should be surprised when these kinds of accidents are happening and WILL continue to happen...
  22. I agree that anyone and everyone is not above criticism, but when a march and a protests against the war in Gaza includes neo nazis there, and others waving banners with the words Jews and similar, mixing the two subjects, that fair criticism become an anti semite event...
  23. Hardly any nation, group of people or religion have survived since biblical times the way Jews did, I'm looking forward to be corrected with facts...
  24. Here's some facts, Jews have been persecuted,loathed and driven out from places of domicile since biblical times by a myriads of kings, armies, nations and empires throughout history, no other nation on earth have been through what the Jews have suffered, and it's still going on today if it's not about Gaza, than it will be about something else, the world never needed a reason to hate and willifies Jews and nor now, and since many of them are living in Israel now, so Israel have become a target too "Why are we suddenly allowed to publicly criticize Jews?" Because it's the world's favorite people to blame and hate....
  25. Wait until you get few Confused emojis for your post and maybe a laughteror two as well...
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