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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Thailand only interested in tourist's money, the more millions the better, giving expats and long time residents any kind of rights is something Thais are NOT fond off citing 'security' issues, and paranoia everywhere, Thailand is lucky in the sense that she can still attract millions of tourist every year and this is why their reluctant to give expats any rights...
  2. Yes you'd think it would be a good solution but with prison overcrowding everywhere around the world and crime rate are going up and up not many countries can afford themselves the luxury of a single cell to a single inmate,
  3. Prison and rape of prisoners are well known events all over the world, almost synonym, not much can be done to prevent it from happening, in many cases its even goes unreported, how can you punish someone who's in prison for already other than adding to their sentence, which in many case its not much of a deterrent anyway, in this case a complaint was lodged, again, will not change much at all..
  4. Good on you guys, well done, there's no room for abuse of animals anywhere and anytime...
  5. Boy, that is a LOT of urine, so what now? they gonna stop people in the street and ask them to pee into a testing tube or drag them to the police station to do it? either way, too little too late and it's not a workable method to control the use of drugs...
  6. So what now? 1 million in bribe not good enough now? i have heard about cost of living going up but this is breaking all the bribing rules.. secondly, anyone dumb enough to overstay that long and work illegally like in your face guys, deserves what he gets...
  7. Thailand is a backward country in many ways and the Gunja issue is one of them, when a politician pick an issue and takes upon himself to be the crusader of this issue right or wrong, just to show that he's the boss and he knows better, there's isn't much you can do about it...
  8. Correct, the mafia will always be there, but at least let those involved know that once the get caught the will pay dearly and let them think very carefully if they wanna take the chance...
  9. If he's found to be guilty, long prison term will only too lienian for him, people like him facilitate criminals and terrorists in committing their dirty deeds which includes fraud and murder on international scale...
  10. Should have said 'the driver was taken to hospital' nothing worth than someone hitting you or you car and run away, in this instance, mob justice was spot on...
  11. A good outcome for a change, you read a lot about how many Thais takes lives in all sorts of circumstances and here we have someone who give life back, kudos to the lady...
  12. This is what happens when relationship goes sour all the sh$t comes out and as it was said a million times already, for some, it is the case of all if fair in love and war...
  13. I will really start to pay more attentions to such articles of theft when the Grand Palace or the Temple of the Emerald Buddha will be nicked with no one know where they're, other than that, this is business as usual in Thailand...
  14. Thai treasury department print and mint new design banknotes and coins like on a daily basis, (mainly commemorative coins) myself as a collector of Thai coins and banknotes has already gave up on following what are the new coins/banknotes that are going to be minted today...
  15. More like a brain fail... in a train/car/pickup collussions, the train will always win...
  16. The laws of crime percentage to be committed in such large demographics detected/allow for the odd bizarre /senseless crimes to be committed and Thailand has no shortage of them...
  17. Such people should be punished severely just to deter others from trying to do the same, couple of those getting long prison sentences will make others think 10 times of doing it in Thailand...
  18. It took 40 days for a simple letter to arrive from Chonburi to Melbourne, not sure if with tracking it will make it any faster, I asked my local Aus. post why is it so and didn't an answer that made me feel any better...
  19. I live in a condo on Pratamnak hill in Pattaya near a Thai temple where droves buses full of Chinese tourist are visiting everyday to offer homage to some to a statue of Thai figure prince by offering those loud firecrackers all day long 7 days a week, so 8 millions more of them that will make the whole area as if you're in a war zone, and there isn't like a place you can lodge a complaint like as it's of a religious nature and bring revenue to the temple...
  20. Pretty much and worse of what going on in Australia at the moment where bunch of teens, girls and boys, are on a daily basis hijacking, robing, shooting involved in high speed chase with the police with fatalities only to be apprehended and released on bail few how hours later again and again, many with prior offences and the judicial system and the police are clueless and powerless as how to put an end to this mayhem..
  21. Companionshipnionship, someone, on your behalf, to communicate with the outside Thai culture and everyday arrangements, or perhaps someone to take care of you in all sorts of daily life, someone to be there if you need help and myriad of other reasons and i haven't even touched on the intimacy part...
  22. First of all you're comparing two hospitals 40 years apart, secondly, you're a foreigner, had you been a local seeking treatment your glowing report of the quality of th service would be far less positive...
  23. Word to the wise and from experience, in case of a serious ailments take the first plane back to your country, at least you speak the same language, you might have some government or private health assistance and you'll be treated in a good and clean facilities with the latest in medicines and medical innovations, unlike half backward Thailand...
  24. Sure, bore the sh$it out of them with your nonsensical posts and stories and I'm sure they'll be glad to leave and never come back...
  25. I'm too trying to get my head around the resional of closing stores in order to save money, so what now? Thailand will not have duty free shops anymore?...
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