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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. BANGKOK: -- After discovering that Luang Pu Nenkham Chattigo, who also goes by the moniker Phra Weerapol Sukpol, spent Bt95 million to buy 22 Mercedes Benz cars, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will also investigate to see if the monk was part of a money-laundering racket.

    Buddha bless this stinking dude to HELL,.... Where the hell did he get the money from???

    Rice pledging scam pilferage ? losses of 300 billions comes to mined, and he's/was the bag man

    • Like 1
  2. Promote Thainess to the world you say aye? it has been done so vigorously for many years now

    by young, pretty Thai "students " working very hard for the glory of the mother land in all

    of those massage parlous all over the world, why I know personally many men who decide

    to visit the mother lode of Thainees in Thailand after just couple of visits to those culture

    centers, and they never stop coming again, and again, and again,

  3. This was a tragedy waiting to happened as number of other temples are keeping tigers

    and other wild animals for show and tell and act as an attractions for visitors to come

    see and donate, and yet, no government body has a problem with un qualified people

    raising wild animals, you try to keep a tiger in your back yard or condo and see how

    fast the authorities will come to bear on you, but monks are exempt..

    • Like 2
  4. What the article fails to mention is the number of photographs being aired on various cable TV new programmes of the pious Luang Pu Nenkham being feted and kowtowed to by quite a number of senior police and military types.

    I wonder why, and I wonder why the said senior police and military types were paying him this interestingly sycophantic degree of respect in the first place?

    Duh... that because he hold their money,,, so they better be nice to him...

  5. What about investigating customs? None of this happened without complicit help from customs officials.

    Sure can, but who will investigate to investigators? more investigators, more committees,

    study group, " special force/unite? where will it end? the whole country is corrupt to the

    the core, this is the way of like here, it has been like that for centuries and it will go on

    like that, give or take, for centuries more, you can dress, make up, coiffure and doll

    up and ugly women to be this specular looking broad, but inside, deep down she's

    still an ugly women,( and old proverb)

    • Like 1
  6. Cannon fodder those poor soldiers, sad, very sad, pointless loss of life, I guess life in

    Thailand is cheap, no one seems to make a fuss of the mounting toll of dead soldiers

    and civilians, this is not the right way to defeat the terrorists, go and learn how it should be done

    from courtiers that had to deal with similar situations else where in the world,

    learn from them and implement....

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