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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. CTH people call center, if that's who I spoke to in Thai, doesn't seems to be on the ball

    and enquiries to them re services, fees and channels are waste of time,

    they have dummies sitting there manning the phone.

  2. wink wink nudge nudge

    and we will wake up one day a see an amnesty bill or Thaksin has passed

    Do they think people are that stupid?

    So they think Thaksin will allow this ...

    Three ring cicus

    Assuming he will come back, still, half of the people want a piece of his

    money and the other half want a piece of him, dodging the bullet will

    so much harder for him living in Thailand, as many people despise

    the man.

  3. Allow him to withdraw 300 million and then freeze his accounts. Well done.

    And That whatcha ma call it " shutting the barn's doors after the horses has bolted"

    typical Thai Grang Jai attitude,

    and when he get caught, it will be raveled that "only some of the 300 millions have been

    successfully recovered by the authorities, the rest of the loot nowhere to be found"

    wink wink, nudge nudge....

    • Like 1
  4. I can foresee a sub committee, a full fact finding committee and a study committee

    is being formed to deliver the final verdict to the Thai government with a request

    of 100 billion baht to by bigger size condom for the Thai youth... now, who should

    get that lucrative contract to supply those rubbers??

  5. Thaksin, being such extremely polarizing person, run the risk of

    great harm being brought on to him by all sort of people with their

    own agendas,

    If he return to Thailand, the task of keeping him safe from the hoards

    of people who hates him will be monumental, as compare to securing

    his parameters in small, well isolated, country, where guns are not as

    common as in Thailand,

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