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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. Wasn't sure where to post this query, in Thai food or Western food, or even what is it called in Thai,

    anyway, Seiten is made from wheat, seitan has little in common with flour or bread. Also called “wheat meat”, “wheat gluten” or simply “gluten”, seitan becomes surprisingly similar to the look and texture of meat when cooked, making it a popular meat substitute. Seitan is also high in protein, making it a popular protein source for vegetarians. Asian restaurants often use seitan as a vegetarian mock meat, and seitan is also the base for several commercially available products such as Tofurky deli slices.

    Any one seen this product around?

  2. Best bet will be the on-line dating websites, that will give a snapshot of he worth sort to speak

    on the wanted/coveted " I want you" ladder of social placing, there she will learn first hand

    what cannot be thought in school, how to tell a good person from a dickwade,

    what you teach her however, to be vigilant, switched on and generally aware of someone

    that doesn't add up or doesn't feel right, and by all means, consult a friend for advise and

    another per of eyes and ears,

    at 47, if she look half decent, healthy have her own money/job/security and a bit of English

    she can do well with the 50-70 years old retirees that are here by the thousands.

    • Like 1
  3. Dose any one else other than TrueVision provides news channels service as CNN, BBC Al Jazeera,

    Fox news etc., etc., at a reasonable cost in Bkk ?

    as I'm not interested in any other programing having a smart TV and getting all my entertainments

    channels of the air, I find it very hard to get the above news channels for free,

    all suggestions and comments are welcome.....

  4. In theory, the ROP people should be able to answer and make sense of the new order,

    however, since it's a new order, in practicality, I would suggest to give it some time

    for the knowledge to trickle down to the low level people who man the phones and the

    email with the members before you can get a coherent answer to your queries.

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