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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. I'm a bit miffed as to what are the ruling on the followings :

    I have entered the kingdom on 24 April 2013, have renewed my retirements permit

    on the following month 12th of May, I will be traveling overseas on the 8th of August


    my question is, do I still have to do the 3 months report on the 24th July

    or now I should look at the 12th of may as my starting date? if this is the case

    than I should be ok for the 8th August trip...

  2. Solution - Just step aside! tongue.png

    "The pair were standing on Walking Street in front of the P72 Restaurant when they were asked by a motorcyclist to step-aside so he could park. Initially Mr. Kozlov refused to move which made the driver angry. He placed a call to friends who were asked to attend the scene urgently.

    Before the rest of the group arrived Mr. Kozlov claimed he apologized to the driver and assumed the problem had been resolved.

    A group of 8 people arrived consisting of four Ladyboy’s, three teenagers and one woman who, without consulting with the bike driver, set-upon Mr. Kozlov and his girlfriend who were able to escape and made their way straight to the Police Station."

    Your run of the mill pack of rabid dogs at work...

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  3. I would think the Thai police would look into this large amount of money, this sounds like drug money to me. Although I did have to retrieve from the Bangkok Bank 215,000 baht for a down payment on a automobile.

    If you live in the Pattaya area do not buy a automobile, the roads are not set up for this, It is an accident with a motor bike waiting to happen guaranteed....

    I think you forgot to take your pills this morning mate....

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