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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. Hi all,

    Looking to buy a BBQ for home use, checked www.bbqthai.com but they have gone to pricy for me

    (need compact 2 burners one) is ther other alternative to bbqthai?

    if you have a used one in good nick PM me,


  2. Thanks a bunch guys and particularly to CB, we are eager to know

    What’s behind the g/f story of a Olive trees up in the nowhere,

    I myself intend to investigate the matter more seriously and maybe,

    Just maybe do something about it on a more professional basses,

  3. Hi All,

    Dose any one knows of any Olive groves or multitude of Olive Trees growing in the CM area?

    was told that 15 years ago the Royal sponsored Project has experimented with Olive Trees from Petchabun to

    Chiang Mai but so far I can't find trace of any Trees much less Olives or Oils from said


    Thanks Guys,

  4. Hi,

    Any one knows of a “drop shop" where one can leave his or hers unwanted items for sell on any of the auction

    Website? They to operate in other countries, namely UK, Aust, and the US,

    having a lot of stuff to sell and being a busy person and not an eBay savvy it would be a boon

    and good sense to let someone handle the sales for would be vendors, based on a cost plus commission,


  5. Interesting article.

    I would like to hear if growing/harvesting olives is (1) labour intensive and (2) what kind of a return/rai are people seeing.

    The olive tree is the oldest cultivated tree in existence and can live for thousands of years. It can survive poor soils, with little water, and its hard, thin leaves are adapted to prevent water loss, so it's an extremely hardy and forgiving tree.

    Olives flourish where there is good drainage and cool winters, with hot dry summers without humidity.

    If you want to grow olives, you've got to fertilise, water and prune to maintain the shape and health of the tree. Olive trees are tough, but one thing that can knock them out is wet feet.

    Normally water once a week, say 10 to 20 litres. But you'll come to a stage where the tree will sink its roots down, so you'll need to do less watering but over a longer period of time. A good soak to get down to about 600ml, where the feeder roots are.

    Like any fruit bearing tree, you need to prune on a yearly basis. The ideal time is after harvesting, which can start from April/ May, to September. Cut the branches that cross in the centre of the tree to open up the canopy to allow the light and the air through. This assists fruit ripening. Another important reason to prune olive trees is to rejuvenate the tree to produce fruit and wood for the following year,

    good idea to use a lot of composted chicken manure. For a one year old tree use 1kg of fertiliser, spread around about a metre in diameter, two year old tree, 2kg of fertilizer, three year old, 3kg, four, 4kg, five, 5kg of chicken manure. After that stick to 5kg per tree with no change due to the increase in year.it is advised to start doing it after harvesting and pruning finished and spread it over six months.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi All,

    Came across this article in the Nation news paper regarding Olive Groves experimental


    “About 15 years ago, Thailand, under an initiative of His Majesty the King, also took its first tentative steps into olive growing. Luchetti himself, at the invitation of His Majesty, helped launch the program, and today olive groves can be found in areas between Phetchabun and Chiang Mai. “


    Has any one have a comment regarding the viabilities of such venture?


  7. Bina JB and

    Thanks for the detailed information, a lot to ponder and to think about,

    However, I could buy the milk from milk producers will take out

    All the hard work of raising stock and I’ll just worry about the cheese

    Production more for fun than profit,

    Thanks again,

  8. When I was about 10 my dad got me started collecting stamps and he use to buy them for me. I remember he got me a whols sheet of raising the flag at Iwo jima. Since I never did much with them after I left home I finally passed them on to my oldest grandson about 15 years ago. Should check with my daughter and see if they have any idea of the value. I doubt if he still has them.

    Anyone have any idea what a sheet of "Raising the flag at Iowa Jima" might be worth? That is back when a stamp cost 3 or 4 cents. :o


    you are not going to get reach any time soon judging from the link below:



  9. Hi,

    Anyone with an idea what application to use for video grabbing that

    can we capture and save and watch streaming media such as video clips of all kind without the stop and

    go, jerking, and long pause of such media, ( youtube, tutorials, news segments and so on)

    what easy for layman application or program can do that? And if it's free it's better,


  10. Hi,

    I was wondering if in Thailand an acknowledgement of debt must have a special phrasing or contain certain words to be legal?

    For example in France, the amount must be written in letters, not in digits. Anything similar in Thailand?

    You will need to elaborate a bit more as to what do you mean

    Acknowledgment of debt as the law here in Thailand is not a clear cut regarding

    Debt and if someone owes you money and you don’t have the correct documents to support the claim you will never see you money again,

  11. Hi All,

    Near my prime now, retired of my choice, no financial worries or constrains and not much to do here in LOS I been toying with the idea of actually bringing to fruition lifelong quest and try my hand at making and producing an artisan cheeses out of any kind of milk available in Thailand, cow, sheep and goat, admittedly I have no experience in cheese making but I was hoping to take a workshop or a course either in Australia or Israel where cheese making reached an art level to give me the basics of cheese making and try to start a small boutique style cheese making business starting with the basics of cheeses and progress to better and harder to make verities,

    The perfect scenario would be nice if I would be able to sell the products but if not I’ll just give them to my friends to enjoy,

    Every county I visit I see huge varieties of homemade and artisan cheeses being offered at many venues from hyper markets to farmers markets, only here in Thailand we are forced to buy/eat what the supermarket supply us with which usually is the generic kind and if you want something a bit fancy you have to fork out bit of dosh to enjoy the “imported “cheeses, this operation can happened in Bkk where I’m or find a up country place close to the milk source, I did extensive reading on the subject and cheese making on a homemade level is not all that complicated just follow the rules and hygiene and through trial and error good results can be achieved,

    I think is Doable, What do you think guys?

  12. from what i have seen on thaivisa and various blogs, many farang teach for around 40k baht a month. That is 1300 baht/day.

    It seems to me like you could use the following business model:

    buy a product

    rent a space

    hire someone to sell that product

    hire someone to make sandwiches

    rent a space

    hire someone to sell them

    it shouldn't take you very long until you can generate more than 40k baht a month and not have to do anything but collect your profits.

    bangkok is such a busy place that everywhere you go someone is selling something. i dont see any excuse besides laziness as preventing someone from making money.

    i wouldn't even under estimate how much money those prepared-at-home a-la-carte food stands can make. i think farang take the wrong approach. they go and try to build a restaurant and sign a million baht lease. whats the point? keep it simple and do it like the locals do it.

    The quickest way to make a million in Thailand is to start with two,

    I should know, I have been there,

  13. Hi,

    Mindful of the sensitivity of these kind of issues I

    Have posted a request for an opinion regarding a bona fide

    And legal movies down load sites and it seem that the post was deleted

    Without as much as informing me,

    Is this customary or I’m missing something here?


  14. Hi,

    Question to the Thaivisa Insurance people,

    What consuetude “ pre existing conditions” ?

    Dose a person who say, had a minor heart problem 10 years a go

    And since then lead normal life should declare it as pre existing conditions?

    Would a person as such be denied medical coverage just because past ailments?


  15. Anyone know where to buy a bread machine? I tried robinsons on suhk and also Emporium(had 1 model only ,obscure brand)

    Recently I have done an extensive research on buying Bread maker for my self,

    The best selection and price in the US, alas, can’t use it because

    Of the wrong voltage being 110 while we need 220,

    Next best place is the UK, they have all the latest Panasonic models at reasonable prices

    And the voltage correct too, however, paying for the item and shipping it to where ever

    Is a problem as the sellers only accept local payments,

    Around SE Asia counties there is nothing worthwhile to buy, either, outdated machines

    Or the very basic one, now if you are buying bread making machine might as well

    Be capable of producing all kind of breads and other dough precuts like the Panasonic


    Australia has one or two brands, none of them is advanced enough to do all the kind

    Of bread you want to have the choice to make,

  16. look at it as sacrificing for the greater good..........lol. if everyone thought like you nothing would ever be built.

    Please, do not get me wrong, I have nothing against builders, building or progress, I have a belly full against builders who have no respect or considerations for the right of others to live in quiet and peace after work hours and holidays like in any other civilized country,

  17. Hi,

    A new 20 plus storey Condo is about to be erected in front of our Building that will guarantee us at least 2 years of hel_l, noise ,dust and overall health risk, 7 days a week, 18 hours a day in this up market neighborhood, this building is in a very close proximity to our building, meters apart,

    A. What does the law says bout working 18 hours a day 7 days a week with respite even for the most sacred holidays?

    B. What can be done to legally or otherwise to curb this impending nuisance ?

  18. Hi,

    Needed a recommendations for a local law firm/lawyer that are competent in litigations to deal with dishonored cheques ( or checks) given by a foreigner,

    Lawyers should be able to communicate in English and have fair fees decent attitude and be efficient and prompt,

    BTW: Anyone with firsthand experience as to how to go about such problem and what are the final outcomes?

  19. Hi,

    Can any clue me as to the origin and the cause of the following messages I get into my mail box twice a day for many months now and what can be done to stop them?

    My local ISP claim not to have any knowledge or control over this rough mail,

    when i have tried to check with http://combat.uxn.com/ i find out that this is a non functioning website,



    Subject: Alert Message!!!

    Dear User

    Your router has detected and protected you against an attempt to gain access to your network. This may have been an attempted hacker intrusion, or perhaps just your Internet Service Provider doing routine network maintenance.

    Most of these network probes are nothing to be worried about - these types of random probes should NOT be reported, but you may want to report repeated intrusions attempts. Save this email for comparison with future alert messages.

    Your router Alert Information

    Time: 10/21/2007, 19:29:16

    Message: UDP Flood to Host

    Source:, 32551

    Destination:, 32842 (from PPPoE1 Outbound)

    Visit the UXN Combat Spam web site to get more detailed information about the intruder - http://combat.uxn.com/

    1. Type the intruder's IP address into the IP WHOIS search engine

    2. Click the Query Button

    3. Detailed network and administration information will be displayed

  20. A colleague of mine thinking of starting Foie Gras farm,

    Is there one operating in rural Thailand?

    One would assume that some knowledge dose exist

    Having some Thai workers being employed in Israel

    Till the whole industry was shut down couple years ago,

    Any one with first hand knowledge having been

    Associated with said business? And as well as to the

    Viability and long term business sustainability,

    Please refrain from voicing you opinions as to unpleasantness

    Side of the business, I think he is well aware of it,

  21. Looking to Buy 1 Rai or bigger of main road frontage (or close enough) in or around Khon Kean city center,

    The land can be with any dilapidated or disused structure on it,

    Please PM for more Info and replies,


  22. Looking to Buy 1 Rai or bigger of main road frontage (or close enough) in or around Khon Kean city center,

    The land can be with any dilapidated or disused structure on it,

    Please PM for more Info and replies,


    There is a company called Bangkok Asset Management (BAM) with offices on Na Muang road in Khon Kaen (close to Charoen Thani Hotel) They have a large range of "shop houses" and commercial properties plus undeveloped land.

    Hope this is of assistance.

    Thanks a lot for the Info, I make the necessary inquiries soon,

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