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Paul Catton

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Everything posted by Paul Catton

  1. Dear Xylophone, As always I hope all is well with you. I am not despairing for myself, especially that my "median valuation" rose by $25,000 within the space of of a month. My despair is for destitute families, that had scraped together, a significant amount of money for a deposit on a "HOME" and then found themselves being snookered, thus caught between the fabled rock and a hard place, being both, significant property devaluation and similarly the inflated cost of fiance trough, and huge mortgage rate increases.
  2. Update for the thread, last month we bottomed out at a $585,000 valuation median being early November. There were many reports in the media that many people were experiencing negativity equity, and, with much higher interest rates had forced them to walk away due to affordability of their home ownership.. This month, after a change in Government, we have gone from the estimate of $585,000 valuation median, to $610,000 valuation median, as of today.
  3. I do not believe it is outdated information, although certain parts, do contravene the current Thai Immigration Act, I feel it might be a "warning". All of the "bold font" in my post is "copy and paste", especially, the "Capitlization and Underlining" of TOURISM from the Wellington Embassy as posted. Anyone able to define TOURISM. Brittanica says Tourism, the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services.
  4. The 3/6 appears to be back in vogue according to the Thai Embassy, Wellington, New Zealand. https://wellington.thaiembassy.org/th/publicservice/19038-visa-exemption Visa Exemption วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 9 ก.ย. 2562 วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 13 พ.ย. 2566 | 33,499 view Visa Exemption Royal Thai Government Grants Visa Exemption for Tourists from India and Taiwan from 10 November 2023 to 10 May 2024. For more information please visit https://www.mfa.go.th/en/content/india-visa-exemption-2 The Royal Thai Government Promotes Tourism with a 90-day Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme for Russian Tourists Starting from 1 November 2023 to 30 April 2024. The Royal Thai Government Promotes Tourism with a 30-day Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme for Chinese and Kazakhstani Tourists Starting from 25 September 2023 to 29 February 2024 For more information please visit https://consular.mfa.go.th/th/content/13-9-66-2?page=5d68c88b15e39c160c008173&menu=5d68c88b15e39c160c008174 For passport holders of the countries listed below are not required to obtain a visa when entering Thailand for TOURISM and will be permitted to stay in Thailand for a period not exceeding 30 days each visit, entering by Air only. If entering Thailand at immigration checkpoints which border neighbouring countries (overland crossing), the permitted period of stay will be 15 days each visit. The exemption to this is Malaysian nationals crossing overland from Malaysia who are granted a period of stay not exceeding 30 days each visit. If planning to stay in Thailand for longer than the permitted period, a tourist visa must be obtained before entering Thailand. Aliens who enter Thailand under the Tourist Visa Exemption scheme and would like to leave and re-enter the Kingdom will be able to stay for a cumulative duration not exceeding 90 days and the duration shall be within a 6 months from the date of first entry. Passports or travel documents must be valid for at least 6 months upon the date of first entry. Aliens entering Thailand under the Tourist Visa Exemption scheme must provide proof of adequate finances for the duration of stay in Thailand at the port of entry (i.e., traveller’s cheque or cash equivalent to 10,000 Baht per person and 20,000 Baht per family).
  5. Shelled scampi, deep fried in batter was on the menu, more expensive than the fish. Wouldn't know about Soi Cowboy, never been there.
  6. Therefore you will not go to the Source, and educate yourself from a contrary opinion, but wish me to reproduce the same posting on a "open forum" wasting this servers capacity for storage or a data entry crash etc...
  7. Since when? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes Links all cited throughout the decades.
  8. 66 million have never get off there arses to support anything in unity, except for lining the streets of London for the passing of Her Majesty, Elizabeth the Second. 1/66 is an astounding participation.
  9. Off to bed now, hopefully Hezbollah haven't kicked off tomorrow.
  10. I have a real life outside "Asean Now" in the real world. For what you wish to immediately convey, I'm sorry I don't fit your schedule.
  11. Lying, is an "intentional distortion" of truth. Posting upon an open forum, the currently accepted atrocities against Palestinian Children, each were being slaughtered every 10 minutes pro rata. Reuters were the source.
  12. The warder doesn't live in the cell with the prisoners.
  13. You are not getting this either. @Neeranam wasn't lying, he gave his opinion based on reports and wasn't factual. Let me clarify: Both, Babies and Children were/are still being killed every 10 minutes in Gaza.
  14. I do not deflect from truth. Truth to date is yet to be determined, no longer is written by the victors. I have no qualms debating these significant and consequential matters openly, whether my viewpoint is adverse or not to otherwise opinion, I do not stoop to absorbing rhetoric for any influence.
  15. If the bricklayer is Yozzer Hughes, perhaps, more so.
  16. Rhetoric.
  17. @Neeranamwasn't exactly lying, but perhaps didn't convey his sentiment "concisely". A child killed on average every 10 minutes in Gaza, says WHO chief | Reuters My children are my babies, and without exception, no child should be subject to slaughter. Forget about being pedantic. "40 babies being decapitated." - "Fetuses cut out of the wombs." - "Babies being roasted in ovens." all rhetoric...
  18. What does make sense is that Cod, Haddock and Plaice has had an overseas patronage for the past 4 decades and supplied by various "cool store" operators. Managing the first ever "Fish and Chip" shop in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, back in the lates 70's and early eighties our frozen fish fillets were always supplied with the skin on, in 10kg boxes. Making "proper" chips was seasonal. The available Lebanese potatoes changed from a good starch content to a more sugar basis, with end results that they became dark and oily. The "cool stores" had frozen chips to fill the gap.
  19. Hollands Puddings - delicious.
  20. Not according to Peoples Republic of China. Taiwan Province, People's Republic of China - Wikipedia However, being off topic, debate this elsewhere, as it's another storm in the brewing whereby unresolved historical events and foolhardy interference will dictate catastrophic effects. Possibly
  21. I do read the news on Tass as well as BBC, CNN, and perhaps the highest circulating UK tabloid as well as local content. The Ukraine is not as cut & dry as the western media portray. Likewise, the tension between the mainland of Peoples Republic of China and the province of Taiwan (Republic of China).
  22. Your opinion, noted. Everyone certainly doesn't agree. Some, perhaps many, maybe even a majority might be in agreeance. Believe whatever propaganda source you wish to absorb. My choice of news reporting is with journalists that are actually on the ground there amongst the fray.
  23. Propaganda’: Al-Shifa director refutes Israeli fuel claims Muhammad Abu Salmiya says Israeli claims that the hospital refused fuel are “propaganda”. Speaking to Al Jazeera, Abu Salmiya said: “Israeli officials reached out to me twice about providing the hospital with fuel: once to offer 2,000 litres [440 gallons] and then another to offer 300 litres [80 gallons]. Keep in mind the hospital needs from 8,000 [2,113 gallons] to 12,000 litres [3,170 gallons] per day. “The same person called me at 2am and said the 300 litres can be picked up from a specific spot that is dangerous and susceptible to shelling. I told him to send it or a larger quantity so we can operate a generator via the Red Cross. “Israel wants to show the world that it is not killing babies. It wants to whitewash its image with 300 litres of fuel, which barely last 30 minutes,” Abu Salmiya said. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier said Israel had offered fuel to Al-Shifa, which suspended life-saving operations after running out. Netanyahu was asked in an interview if Israel has a plan to get fuel into Gaza to power hospitals. “We just offered Shifa hospital the fuel, they refused it,” Netanyahu said. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2023/11/12/israel-gaza-war-live-israeli-army-surrounding-al-quds-hospital Hamas denies refusing fuel from Israel for Al-Shifa Hamas denied it refused 300 litres (80 gallons) of fuel from Israel intended for medical use at the besieged Al-Shifa Hospital. “The offer belittles the pain and suffering of the patients who are trapped inside without water, food, or electricity. This quantity is not enough to operate hospital generators for more than 30 minutes,” Hamas said in a statement. Hamas is not associated with Al-Shifa Hospital management, “nor is [Hamas] part of its decision-making structures”, it said. “[The hospital] is completely subject to the authority of the Palestinian health ministry.” https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2023/11/12/israel-gaza-war-live-israeli-army-surrounding-al-quds-hospital
  24. Mixed messages as usual. The exact locations where Chinese police would patrol were not yet released but would be areas Chinese tourists gather in large numbers. However, a later statement by a spokesman to the Prime Minister denied any patrolling would take place and only that the two forces would share information.
  25. Watched it last night, screened on a "freeview" NZ, TV channel. Brilliant.
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