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Posts posted by soc

  1. On 14/09/2016 at 5:32 AM, TunnelRat69 said:

    This has gone on long enough - what de hell is a hoon??

    Australian(& Kiwi)name for a mainly young reckless driver, spinning the wheels unnecessarily, burning rubber, speeding & being a complete dick head when driving, with no thought of anyone else.

    Unfortunately we have a lot of them.

    Hooning is now an offence.

  2. 8 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Because if they don't they are branded racist infidels and being branded racist is now apparently worse than being a paedophile in the new politically correct world

    l am proud to be an islamaphobe.

    Lets look at the real meaning:-

    islam, well we know what that is,

    phobe, Latin for "to be frightened of"

    Well, l'm not actually frightened of them, but l fear what they will do.

    So l am an islamaphobe. And proud of it.

    Better than some PC fools who are actually islamaphiles

    phile- Latin for "love them"

    And as for the term "Racist", well l don't consider that l am & it doesn't bother me if some one wants to think that l am----their problem.

    l have met many racists, of ALL colours.

  3. 21 hours ago, MissAndry said:

    "The dead woman was named by Australian and British media as Mia Ayliffe-Chung, from Derbyshire, who was reported to be days into a three-month working holiday in the area after having worked in a bar in the Gold Coast. "


    Another good British name, was the victim Muslim?

    l think that she was half British & half Chinese, & British by citizenship.

    What a pity.

    Cut down in the prime of her life.

    The bloke that did it should be tortured then hanged.

  4. A friend of mine worked in Saudi, in the 70s.

    Very entertaining stories.

    l don't know if its true but he told me that the company that you work for is the issuing power for your EXIT Visa. Not the Saudi Government.

    Apparently you need this to leave Arabia & if its inconvenient for your employer to let you leave, you don't get this Exit Visa.

    Can any old Saudi hands  enlighten me on this subject?

  5. On 8/17/2016 at 6:04 PM, RuamRudy said:


    I am not advocating that we open our bank accounts to Africa or continue to accept limitless migration to our shores, but we still need to recognise the part our countries paid in destabilising the continent. There was a similar lack of empathy by the ruling classes at home, whether it be the highland clearances, the Irish potato famine, WW1 etc. But the systematic approach the west took exploiting Africa - and I am not sure you can discuss it without including Belgian Congo - was far more devastating and long lasting.

    The attempts at atonement, however, seem to have generally failed to improve things for the majority, if not actually made things worse - the pouring of billions of dollars into the pockets of corrupt officials, and the support for corrupt governments through political and military support etc. I don't know what the answer is, and I agree that it isn't handing bad men more money or guns, nor is it handing European passports to all and sundry, but I still think we should be involved in helping find solutions to the myriad problems.

    l think that we are involved in trying to assist Africa,  l myself, donate to 2 organisations.  One is women's health in Kenya & the other is the Fred Hollows Foundation, who specialise in eye  problems(in Asia as well as Africa).   Among my friends are a missionary couple who spend their time in Madagascar.  l also know of a Dane who gives his time advising on Agriculture in  Mozambique.

    These are but a drop in the bucket, but there are many people doing this as Government money tends to get siphoned off.  The key to it all is education, without that Africa will never advance.

  6. 7 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    We (the empire building west) spent hundreds of years perpetrating unimaginable horrors on the continent, raping, looting and pillaging everything that we could possibly profit from. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that our current quality of life is partially build on the blood of Africans of the last two centuries. In my opinion, the first world owes it to Africa to make amends for the barbarity we showed it.

    SOME people spent hundreds of years raping(l suppose?)looting(definitely)& pillaging Africa, that is true.

    Most of it could not have been done without some African assistance.

    Chiefs got rid of perceived troublemakers by selling them to the Slavers.

    Tribes waged war to capture slaves.

    Africans had slaves long before us or the Arabs arrived on the scene.

    Then of course we exploited the minerals, l don't deny that.

    Have you ever seen the eager would be African Miners lining up to work in the gold & copper mines? A great honour for them.

    But to balance all that, what about the thousands of dedicated colonial officials & missionaries who brought peace, stability & prosperity to African peoples?

    (Does not include the Belgians in the Congo!).

    We owe Africa nothing & they were & are barbarous before we came along.

  7. Never, ever had any trouble with Australian Customs.

    Never ever been searched or questioned even when l have declared what l thought might be prohibited items.

    However l get delayed at Passport Control every time.

    So much so that l've just come accept being questioned & delayed.

    Could be something to do with my passport getting wet at one time & the ink in some stamps ran.

    But l used to get delayed with my old passport too.

    l've flown into L.A. about 4 times & never had any trouble.

    Honest face, l guess! LOL

  8. 4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I was working in India once and the event electrician tried to force an American/Thai two-pin plug into a UK-style three pin socket. Quite incredible.

    ln PapuaNewGuinea it was quite common to use pliers to twist the vertical flat bladed Taiwanese prongs to an angle to make them fit into the Australian-type PNG socket.

    l think Taiwan is 220v & PNG is 250v. Just to complicate matters.

    l have also seen naked wires from a light socket on the ceiling hanging down & connected to a water-heating element, immersed in a bathfull of water!

    The native owner of the house was a university graduate(a Surveyor, not an Electrician, obviously!).

  9. 4 hours ago, seajae said:

    now this is starting to get creepy,  tracking all non thais in Thailand through their phone is a joke, I rarely even turn mine on unless I want to use it. Have to wonder which idiot has suggested this, first they want us to fill in forms to tell them all our personal details and now this, have to think it is a certain thai that simply doesnt like farangs and wants them all gone, really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this sort of crap.

    l think that they can track you even with the phone switched off.

    There was a case in Australia where the cops tracked people delivering large amounts of marijuana  & they had their phones switched off.

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