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Posts posted by soc

  1. 25 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    is it your house or hers? you need to let your girl choose between you and him. i was in a similar situation in oz. girlfriends son was stealing out of my wallet. she was obviously going to choose her son so i moved out.

    Been there, done that.

  2. On 28/09/2016 at 6:45 PM, Anon999 said:

    The Polish were probably the key players in breaking the Enigma code with a couple of brilliant mathematicians. That's not forgetting the 4 or 5 ladies who were equal to their male peers. 

    True, the Poles had constructed an Enigma machine in the 1930s.

    They are not always given enough credit.

    The hand held mine detector used by the British Army in WWII was also a Polish invention.

  3. On 28/09/2016 at 1:18 AM, Gillyflower said:


    I used to read a lot of Idriess' books when I was young.  I liked this one in  particular.  As for Out of Africa....did you ever see the film?

    Hello Gillyflower,

    Yes l saw the film & while l liked it, it only loosely follows the book.

    Loved the musical score in the film though.

    To make a film that follows the book would be several hours long.

    The book is great in my opinion & a true story which makes it even better in my eyes.

    Meryl Streep is a great actress.

  4. 1 hour ago, hkt83100 said:

    Try to teach a native of this country the difference between Austria and Australia.

    Yes, l have experienced this.

    l wandered into a bar in Poland in 1975 & found myself with a group of drunken locals.

    They spoke to me in Polish, which l did not understand, then changed to German, which l could converse with, just!

    They asked me where l was from & every time l said "Australien" the drunks would correct me with "Ostereich".(German for Austria).

    After several tries at this fruitless conversation, they started to get very belligerent.

    They wouldn't let me leave & began shouting in Polish at me.

    My nicht verstein just inflamed them more.

    At a guess, l was maybe being blamed for what the SS had done to their village.

    lt was getting serious & dangerous.

    l wracked my brain for any Polish & it suddenly shot into my head "Engleska"(English) which l blurted out.

    lmmediately the atmosphere changed.

    Smiles all around, pats on the back, beer thrust at me.

    lt became quite entertaining as one old fellow kept shouting "RAF, RAF, dobra dobra(Polish for "good") & another was imitating the sounds of machine gun fire!

    l left that bar very, very drunk & with at least a dozen new friends.

  5. lon ldriess, Australian author.-

    lsles of Despair,

    the true story of Barbara Thompson, sole survivor of a native attack in the Torres Strait.

    The Desert Column,

    l ldriess adventures in 1918.

    Guiseppe Maniscalco.

    The Long Walk(not to be confused with "The Longest Walk")

    True story of an ltalian soldier who walked from Ethiopia to South Africa in 1943.

    Karen Blixen.

    Out of Africa.

    Enigma-the battle for the code.

    True story of how the British(with Polish help)broke the German codes of WWII.

    That will do for now!



  6. 1 hour ago, smccolley said:

    Just read all the Jack Reacher books (11 or 12 of them). Working on all of Harry Harrison's books - his Stainless Steel Rat series is great mind candy. Ian M Banks is the next in line, he is great. Always recommend Wilbur Smith - everything he wrote about Western-African interactions is gold! Dick Francis is another author on steeplechase racing detectives I could not live without! Gregory McGuire did a huge series on Oz, a must read!James Blish series on world space travel is worth a read or two. I have recently gone through the Game of Thrones series - twice - and it was worth it. All the classic sci-fi authors deserve a look, Asimov, Burroughs, Clark, Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard - those I have read at least twice. Steven R. Donaldson for more fantasy.  Andy McNabb or Vince Flynn for shootem-ups.  All Tom Clancy's novels on the Jack Ryan Series are great... I could go on and on. I travel a lot and try to read every day, I can usually get through 250-300 books a year, mostly mind candy since work is tough and I need a break... 

    Have you read any books about Africa written by Stewart Cloete?

    IMHO he writes better books than W.Smith.

  7. 3 hours ago, mankondang said:

    Please take note.

    The OP is a persistent adolescent TROLL. An attention seeker.

    Since July he has submitted over 500 post...most asking deliberate stupid questions.

    It's up to you but IMHO ignore him and he will go away.

    I fear for future children if he becomes a part of the respectable profession of teaching.

    Personally l don't think that he is a Troll.

    And even if he/she is, he brings up valid points.

    l think that he is interesting & if he upsets you, then don't answer his posts.:sleep:

  8. Go you, soalbundy.

    Probably don't agree with all your views, but l am firmly on your side when it comes to rejecting the PC Brigade who don't like to hear the truth.

    Screw their delicate feelings……what about mine.?

    Did SoiBiker say that the world has moved on?--moved on?, more like gone down hill.

    Ah well, us dinosaurs will be dead one day & l wish you PCs, good luck.

    You're going to need it.

  9. l get a pension from my Superannuation fund.

    lts my own money that l paid into the fund.

    l also have shares that pay a dividend.

    Once again, shares from money that l saved.

    l get nothing from the Government as they say that l have too much money in the bank & too many assets.

    Doesn't matter that l was frugal(not mean!)& saved money that l earned.

    l have a friend, the same age as me, who l worked with for 10 years, on the same pay.

    He bet all his pay on the horses & p!ssed it up against the wall & doesn't have a cent to his name,

    He gets a FULL old age pension. While l get none.

    Where is the incentive to save?

    l'm not bitter as l have ample money & a good life.

    Much better than his.

    But its a strange state of affairs when you get rewarded for waste & penalised for saving.

  10. On 13/09/2016 at 6:55 PM, GarryP said:

    I just wonder how many of the rank and file would dare to refuse to follow orders, whether that be turning on the gas taps, forcing people into cages, or assisting with conducting inhumane experiments on prisoners, if the result would be locking up in the same conditions as the prisoners, hard labour or even death.  


    What many of the lower ranks did was most definitely wrong even though they were following orders, but how many of the posters here or people trying the cases would have done exactly the same in those conditions.  People commit atrocities when the conditions give them little option. 


    However, I hope what happened remains a lesson for many generations to learn from so that those kind of conditions are never allowed to return.  These trials keep it in the public eye which cannot be bad.


    In any case, I cannot comprehend how they could do what they did. It seems so horrendous so evil beyond belief. I just hope that if I were in the same position I would dare to refuse to follow orders, but somehow I doubt it.   

    l'm sure that if you refused to obey orders that you would be joining the prisoners.

    What a horrible choice.

  11. On 13/09/2016 at 6:00 PM, DM07 said:

    Aaaaaaa...good to see, the freedom loving upright supporters of the 1st...oh, sorry ...2nd amendment are at it again!

    Dare I ask for some links to "churches in the Middle East" that get burned to the ground, with people inside?

    May I ask, why it is okay to burn down this mosque, when it was ONE PERSON, doing something wrong?

    May I ask, why it is always ALL Muslims, being responsible for the deeds of SOME Muslims, but never the fault of ALL Christians, when one Christian nutjob burns down an abortion- clinic or kills a doctor?



    Here you go,


    Plenty more if you just google "christian churches burned"

    Educate yourself.

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