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Posts posted by soc

  1. 4 hours ago, seajae said:

    now this is starting to get creepy,  tracking all non thais in Thailand through their phone is a joke, I rarely even turn mine on unless I want to use it. Have to wonder which idiot has suggested this, first they want us to fill in forms to tell them all our personal details and now this, have to think it is a certain thai that simply doesnt like farangs and wants them all gone, really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this sort of crap.

    l think that they can track you even with the phone switched off.

    There was a case in Australia where the cops tracked people delivering large amounts of marijuana  & they had their phones switched off.

  2. 4 hours ago, seajae said:

    now this is starting to get creepy,  tracking all non thais in Thailand through their phone is a joke, I rarely even turn mine on unless I want to use it. Have to wonder which idiot has suggested this, first they want us to fill in forms to tell them all our personal details and now this, have to think it is a certain thai that simply doesnt like farangs and wants them all gone, really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this sort of crap.

    l think that they can track you even with the phone switched off.

    There was a case in Australia where the cops tracked people delivering large amounts of marijuana  & they had their phones switched off.

  3. 3 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

    Some of the biggest meals I have ever seen served up, have been in the USA.  Boy do they know how to eat 555555555


    Fantastic road food, I used to stop at Kleins truck stop in Fresno whenever I was in the area, a platter of chicken fried steak, sausage gravy, fries, biscuits, absolutely delicious and impossible to eat it all. The highway system is fantastic, truck stops the best, and repair shops for trucks, trailers and refrigeration units always handy. You can buy a map for every county, city and a truckers atlas that will tell you where the scales, inspection stations and low bridges are all across the country. I truly enjoyed trucking in the U S A.

    So did l.

  4. 4 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

     But one thing for sure, they cannot make beer."


    Sad but true, I was a long haul trucker for many years, met many really nice people and was treated well. I can't say that I've drank much of the craft beers so my criticism is of the national brands, they're not very good, never stopped me from drinking them mind you, but Canadian beer is much better.

    Coors from Colorado, l found to be an excellent beer.

  5. 7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Does that happen a lot? Two people hit by the same bullet from an accidental shooting?


    Yeah could have been worse, his shot may have hit a fuel tank of aircraft fuel next to a bonfire with a stack of highly inflammable fireworks behind the orphanage and maternity hospital with OAP annex...

    Good try, but no banana.

    l always thought that you had a vivid imagination.


  6. l first came to Thailand in 1975, just a whistle stop on my way to Europe.

    My brother & l stayed in the Victory hotel. Think its been pulled down now.

    This time around, l've been here on & off since november 2012.

    Even in that short time l have noticed that prices have risen.

    Still cheap accommodation & food though.

    To me, Thailand is still interesting & a bit exotic.

    Haven't had time to get jaded yet! lol.

  7. Ok no worries as I have stated before go on your crusade. Hey nuke and napalm every Muslim. And when you finish get rid of every other person who offends you in your World. Blacks, Hispanics, Get to the Jews. Every man woman and child. Don't forget every Hindu and Buddhist because they are not the same as you "Christian " Faith. Make sure to kill every man . Woman and child because children grow up and may hold resentment. Because I ask you not to judge every Muslim as this person or the Nice offender I am weak. I do not care I know your bigotry. I left school 1971 I was then idealistic. I went to enlist in the Army to fight in Vietnam to fight the evil Communism. By that time it was obvious the War for my Country after 10 years was over. Over the next 20 years I came to see how corrupt was the vision of the war on communism. For Vietnam it was a war of Liberation and Unification. Ever since then i try to take a step back and analyse what is this conflict about.

    You Guys on here Kill everyone Let God sort them out.

    Seen you before. seen you piss you pants when the other fellow shot back.

    I have known fear. Thought wholly <deleted> I am going home in a bag.

    But I cannot hate people the way you seem to. I have seen the worst of people. But seen so much good. So judge all as a package if you want. Call me weak. But I will take every person on this planet as I find them. If that makes me weak in your opinion Good. But I sleep ok each night because i AM A HUMAN BEING WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING?


  8. The thing that always amazes me is the beautiful Cities built in the Centuries of the early Caliphates and the wondrous Architecture and Libraries. How they cultivated science and advancement. Yes now those same people cultivate so much hate. The wars and occupations on them do not help. But going back 600 years in thinking does not either. All I am saying is the Arab and the Middle East has produced and continues to produce some forward thinking people. By giving into the fanatics. And by Ourselves realising these are a minority not the whole. By reacting with hate we just play their game. It is easy to go along with the crowd hard to stop and think is your reaction correct or a knee jerk reflection of the hurt you feel.

    Getting desperate are you, as you are tossing up the old myth about how advanced the Caliphate was. That architecture came from the non muslims. Those books? Ancient Greece and Rome provided much of it. Remember those Israelites? They had a history of learning that was looted by the muslims.

    Forward thinking? Please provide an example of this forward thinking, because there is none. The Turkish Empire ruled the middle east for centuries. What great scientific discoveries or contributions to the advancement of humankind have come from the muslim dominated countries in the past 500 years? I admit that hummus is delicious. I like my kebabs too. However, I was wondering if there was something like a vaccine for polio, or mobile phone technology or oncology treatments? You repeat a lie because it fits with your political views. Educate me. What great scientific contributions have we seen in the past 500 years from your idols? Arm chair socialists must be getting sore bottoms now.

    Even their mathmatics was derived from Ancient Greece.

    Their astronomy from Greece & lndia.

    And the so-called "Arabic" numerals that we now use came from lndia.

    The lndians developed the concept of zero.

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