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Posts posted by Dipterocarp

  1. I don't drink tapwater and don't given"a toss" about ice. For 180 pounds I'd like to have at least a mini refrigerator to keeps some snacks and drinks cool. Wake up in a hot room to drink lukewarm flow from a tap, how do you know there isn't a dead roach or rat in the pipes? The rest of what you wrote is very amusing. Many countries hotels have free ice machines but In America I have had to move my room because there is a GIANT noisy ice machine across the hall. In decent countries like Japan the machine is behind a closed door.

  2. I thought people were repatriating because life in Thailand is "too dear" these days. Thinking of travel to the UK to see The Stranglers or maybe Crimson soon. Better off probably catching a show in the states. Hopefully the pound falls farther.

    180 sterling to stay in a room with no fridge or water?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. Just did TG117 CNX-BKK last week -end. Park at gate but bussed again . I think all the domestic flights are this way can't remember but it appears the airport layout not set up for walking through the terminal to the domestic baggage turntables, perhaps because they would have to monitor passengers passing both ways through the CIQ door. Even of one does not have hold baggage to wait for it adds time to a domestic arrival.

  4. To remind the "Enquiring mind" of a few points.

    The crimes of criminals does not justify police crimes and brutality.

    It is already fact that white lives matter.

    You don't need a white culture day, everyday is white culture day. And no you can't use the N word just because blacks do.

    As for my job I'm still working. High paid but dull. Sorry we can't all be heroic police and ex SAS. Black guy in same position from Chicago just shook his head when I told him fact I was pulled over 3 times in some 18-20 years of USA driving, twice for good reason. Let go each time without ticket (white privlege). You see a black man in US just can't drive a nice car without a suspect motive. People know this and even as a staunch conservative I must admit we are not going to get through to underclasses denying the bias in policing and justice system.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Not sure what you're talking about. Yes, it's well known hotels are required to report foreign guests. But suppose that foreign guest is condo owner, when  he goes back to his condo ... then the condo owner is supposed to report going back? I don't think that's really happening.

    It most certainly is.  Sorry to dump this info on a Jomtien forum hopefully it does not spread south.  If you doubt the veracity of my post don't bother with the rest of what I write here just check the 8 pages of reponses

    regarding TM30 experience in the Chiang Mai subsection.



    Anyway  everybody who has business with immigration found not in compliance with 24 hour reporting is being sent to the relevant section in CM and is getting charged 1600 baht. If you are renting it is your landlords responsibility, and one can't get anything done until the landlord takes care of it. If one is the owner you are personably responsible to file a TM 30 every time you arrive at your own residence from any other location using the same law as applies to hotels. No way to do online, but supposedly a few Condos in CM are set up to do reports and handling it for their resident owner. It is handled here in Building 3 at CM airport immigration. Day I was there the specific office would have been empty if not for several people there who I talked to. I did not know of this new requirement until recently. Immigration has been around my condo and Thailand Elite members were all notified by email newsletter. (BTW "some knowledgeable people" think this is a misinterpretation of the hotel/immigration act).  It has nothing to do with 90 day reporting or what one writes on an arrival card. I asked if I go to Bangkok and stay one day do I have to report back again. "YES, within 24 hours,  next time show receipt no fine "

    Are Asian groups killing each other by the 1,000's here in the inner-city of America ?
    Nobody is surprised that criminals commit crimes and jails are filled with people guilty of violent crimes.

    "Black on black violence" is a canard, the classic straw man taking the weakest part of an argument nobody makes to deflect from the problem of state sanctioned racially biased killings, with impunity.
  7. You are way off "crew training has nothing to do with the operation of commercial aircraft" Check out most of the recent accidents where crew cockups caused the problem (Asiana SFO, ATR in Taiwan where crew reacted to engine failure by shutting down the only engine still running! Planes fly themselves mostly and unlike in the past when mechanical failure caused accident planes are saved by competent pilots with high skills. Check miracle on Hudson and BA double engine flameout into London. I know flying is safer than crossing the street but still have some worry with Thai airlines knowing jobs/promotionsbare likely sometime handed out by bribes and cronism, nothing to do with competence.

    If the side wind was too strong the A350 should have returned to BKK or another airport with ligher winds and no rain. Is that what happened here?

    The other thing when you have a true safety culture you have to admit mistakes, you then as a company/organisation openly discuss the errors and chain of events to learn from it a non-punative atmosphere.

  8. True. Modern planes are used flying by themselves on autopilot these days. Accidents mostly are caused by bad judgement and crew communication issues. Same as maritime industry. Costa Concordia Schettino captain took his ship carrying thousands off a safe autopilot tracking to make a close pass to show off cowboy style to people on shore (Perhaps personal friends wearing budgie snuggler/speedos drinking on beach ? ) Unbelievable. Man should be in jail but from what I hear regards Italian Justice system not likely.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  9. I didn't as so much and I made some over generalizations in my my original post. Literally though we have "Icecreamwallah" family come from India and their kids are mostly professionals so don't give me no 400 years of slavery. Mostly is what I should have said originally but it it not a "dangerous stereotype" A dangerous stereotype is a cop pilot in helicopter looking at a black man in a white tshirt from a couple thousand feet up to say "looks like a bad dude". No other info than skin color. Seconds later shot dead, body immobile bleeding then Handcuffed before ambulance called.

    Crime? Car problems blocking road in America.

  10. 13 hours ago, thaihome said:


    A few points you apparently are not aware of.


    Not all black people are poor and live in ghettos.  The poverty rate for blacks is about 27% of the black population.  This means that over 70% are not poor. The poverty rate for blacks in 1965 was about 65%. Today is a huge improvement from where the general black population was a generation ago.  The black middle class makes up the majority of the black population in general.



    Second, your portrayal of the entire Asian immigration being successful is a dangerous stereotype.  Poverty amount Asian immigrants, including those from SEA after the Vietnam War is a continuing problem. The poverty rate for Cambodians is some 17% .


    I personally witnessed the problems the SEA immigrants had in the late '70's in Garden Grove, CA. Even today, Asian street gangs are a big problem in Orange County.


    So, it seems to me your entire premise is based on ill-informed stereotypes.  A bit of research, using fact based sites, would do you a world of good to get past these prejudices. 


    You prove my point. Orange County ? Imagine the racism refugees faced rolling out of El Toro in the 1970s. I assume Garden Grove was all "white" back then? Orange county is still a racist police state, try jogging in Irvine with a hoodie on.


    I'm not going to quote statistics or bother with biased liberal websites,  just my "prejudice" life experience. I am very good friends with a few people who went through the camps as refugees, no father, faced racism, etc.. Did not stop them from becoming Doctors and CPA, tech millionaires. I graduated from UC schools in the 1980's and spent hundreds of hours in labs and study halls cracking EE courses with other SEA immigrant kids, lived in Irvine for years. Most of these Asian gang bangers are wannabes from good homes could have been there with us if they put their skills to good use. (A huge shame to their family). Every race has criminals and people who WILL NOT work for a living, grow up Asian and poor on the tough side of San Jose, Long Beach, or Sacramento no excuse. Poor life choices, about time people pull their big boy pants up, start taking responsibility for their own decisions and stop blaming the man for all problems.

  11. I am sympathetic with the BLM movement as it has been proven by so many recent incidents (now on video not like the past) that there is bias in policing. Literally have to have video of a cop shooting fleeing man in back then dropping a "gun" for justice to be served. However, the vast majority of Police interactions are professional. Problem now if ones black and follow police instrctions to the t there is no guarantee you still won't be shot.

    As far as structural racism is concerned, I have a question.

    White racists don't like them but Indians and Asians from Korea, etc. have been coming to America in huge numbers since the 1970's. They come to the US with nothing, for the most part. Vietnamese actual refugees wearing rags living in concentation camps on Guam. Within a generation they are succesful and their kids are all Professionals. (Japanese American Citizens actually rounded up under a pretense of legality in world war 2) Going to good universities and living in upscale areas. None of them live in Ghettos or housing projects taking welfare popping illegitimate children, etc. Why is that? Blacks blame slavery from 159 years ago and Southern Segregation that ended officially about 50 years ago.

    Why are Asians successful? No Structural racism/ White man holding them back or perhaps hard work and sacrifices and not making excuses?


    No, suppose it doesn't.  But I don't believe you weren't fined because of your entry on Friday* but because you had 50-60 other times that you didn't report.  Once you have your TM30 Receipt of Notification, all you need is show up and they'll re-stamp the same form in your passport.  Given you're back and forth so much, it'll be a pain for you and I would think they'd put in a new Receipt of Notification form in your passport once they plaster the original with a load of stamps.


    *They've made it very clear to me that I can show up for the re-stamping within 7 days of coming back into the country (in spite of the law supposedly saying 24 hours).  I re-entered the country again on September 10th and went to get my "re-stamping" when I got around to it 5 days later (and they were perfectly happy with that).

    Nothing was attached to my passport. I got a receipt for the 1600 baht. Also a bit of paper, lower part of a single sheet with official stamp regarding my report.

    If I lose that paper will I be finned by Immigration again?

    Is it really OK if I do it within seven days? That would be more convenient.

  13. 50 or 60, does it matter? The penalty is 1600 baht. Now I know and have no problem stopping by building 3 everytime I return even though some of the most knowledgeable think the law is being misinterpreted. Thailand Elite recently sent notification to all members stating TM30 is required every time. I thought I was OK writing address on arrival card. I have no other reason to go to Imm now they don't do COR. By the way what I saw today (angry old people complaining in loud voice and "hipsters" dressed in rags, covered by piercings and tatoos) I feel for the immigration staff there. If it was not for people making these reports the office would have been empty. People are having problems getting extentions etc. as their landlords are not complying or in BKK, etc.

  14. Difference here is that when they guy left he signed out of the Netherlands and for citizenship and tax purposes he is no longer a Dutch (or EU) citizen. The municipality will have deactivated his BSN number upon his departure.  But upon his return he can just register at any municipality (providing he can show an address) and the BSN is re activated. Then he can work or get welfare. 

    Signed out of the Netherlands no longer citizen? Can't be correct must be confusing the terminology. That would mean Netherlands creating stateless persons of Dutch expats, intl students and travellers. Very much against UN convention international law, as well as contitutions and laws of most countries.

  15. Went to buiding 3 today to make TM 30 report, finned 1600 baht!

    Given a receipt for the report and a receipt for the offense, paper states I have been charged of (printed with a rubber Thai stamp) something.

    Arrived Chiang Mai on Friday, I work outside Thailand. Immigration closed on weekends so can't report. I always stay in a Condo unit in purchased in my name. Showed chanute and utility receipts. I filed this 30 TM once already when I purchased the condo (years ago).

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