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Posts posted by Dipterocarp

  1. Just an observation as I happen to meet Americans very frequently in Chiang Mai. We never seem to say fridge. I don't see why not , it makes perfect sense without a primer in British slang. Even in the 1980s there was a BIG defensive player for the NFL Bears nicknamed "The Refrigerator".  Fridge would be easier to say. Thai visa surely is not Yank free but every thread about food cooling appliances references fridges. Guess I should follow suit.

  2. Is Fridge common UK English? Every such thread on Thai Visa refers to such appliances as fridges. I can say EastCoast/West coast US regional dialects it is rare or unusual, everybody calls it a refrigerator.The basic home models here are so inexpensive I wonder if they are designed for more than a few years use. My refrigerator is 8 years old, doing fine. (It only gets about 3 months total use per year. )I am very impressed with how quiet and vibration free it operates. If it broke down  I would prefer to give it away to someone who might want it, rather than be without a refrigerator for weeks. And hopefully I could still find a refrigerator that matches my decor.

  3. A bird was promised then he can't break up a pair? Why can't they offer a different bird? He was sent your money, now needs "more time" to refund it back? 

    This sounds like a scam. Lawyers cost money/ police will do nothing unless compensated, other options? More problems. Best take the loss and chalk this one up on the loss side.

  4. This is somewhat  different than assigning a designee or agent to collect a number or continually hold a place in line.  I have seen this offensive practice at a beach resort where those guests in the know hog up rows of pool lounges first thing in the morning. Only then sometime after lunch come to sunbathe, like it is their own property to be taken all day but only used a few hours. No way this appalling behavior should be tolerated on a public beach. Management put up signs but basically do nothing. Maybe they like to watch the haves and have mores fight over chairs. If they want their space all day reserved these entitled elites could easily have afforded the $USD 75 per day Cabanas that sat empty.

  5. Do bike racks need to be annotated on your Blue book?D o such loads loads needs to be covered with a tarp to operate on a public highway?

    A Foreigner driving a vehicle with any kind of modification appears to be a tempting target for the Police.

  6. If the authorities are already aware of the nature of the event and that said owner shall "drop charges" of criminal trespass if an unreasonable sum to repair windows is paid that makes the authorities accessories. Public corruptions, a nice twist to classic extortion. Pay up, then move far away. Neighbors like this will be back for more next time you show your arse, or they'll just make something up. Amazing Thailand.

  7. The funds to buy the OPs next condo in general must be sent from abroad. I'm thinking of selling my Condo to buy a bigger unit/better view/newer building. My unit has doubled in value and I would like to use funds from the sale for the next purchase but sounds like a hassle. Right now I am planning on waiting 2 or 3 years minimum to see how the situation develops before I invest any more in Thailand.

    A foreign exchange form from the receiving Thai bank is required. I don't know if there is any exception for those on WPs or if funds are used from a sale of a previous condo purchase based on the original form to register the sale and in the future to sell it. I bought my Chiang Mai Condo years ago. Many people stressed that I needed to keep this form safe for future transactions. Say one owns a Condo and subsequently marries a Foreign spouse. Do you all know one cannot just simply bequeath a Condo to him/her in the event of your death? As I have been advised If the Foreign spouse is not registered as co-owner they would have to sell it within 1 year. If they want to stay permanently in said Condo they would have to buy the unit again from your estate, which would be property of the bereaved spouse anyway! Does this not sound ridiculous? I don't know who sets the price in this case. If the unit has appreciated significantly do they now have to come up with a bunch more cash to stay in a condo that is already paid for? So if their funds are sitting in a Thai bank they would, like the OP, supposedly be required by the Chiang Mai Land office create the legal fiction of wiring the money out of Thailand, then wiring it back in again to get the FEC form from a Thai bank required for the sale. See how it is easier to just sell to a Thai or simply abandon it and go home with nothing? Just another example of how everything in this country is biased to the advantage of Thai interests leaving Foreign investors with no option but to comply. BTW My condo building has abandoned units that are years behind in maintenance fee payments and owners (all Thais) are not in contact with management. In most Nations the units could be seized by the Juristic person and sold off. In California this could happen in 90 days. Amazing Thailand. It took us 3 or 4 years to get rid of abandoned cars..

  8. They are one company that really honors their guarantee. I have an Eagle Creek bag almost 20 years.

    Zippers broke from heavy use, overstuffing.

    Sent it to some address in the States two different times. All fittings changed no charge. Love that bag.

  9. I have had the easy access about 18 months.The best thing for me with the card is the fast track immigration service at the airport, with my schedule flying all the time but I actually not flying Business that much. When you get the Membership they send you a form email saying "now you can live in Thailand as a Thai." Not quite, finally they admit it's a tourist Visa. Back and forth with the land office. eventually I was explained cannot get yellow book for the condominium I own as (PE) is not a non-o visa and thus does not constitute "a legal residence" in Thailand. Back to the Fast Track for the Past few months at Swampy only there seems to be a conflict with the company running the blue suited security guards operating the X-ray in front of VIP immigration. Used to go through no problem just showing the card. In January almost missed a flight. They are being told Business class/fast track card only. Last time they only relented after the Thailand Elite agent argued with them for 5 minutes. This is even with a Thailand Elite sign at the door and a Huge Thailand Elite banner the IO desk. Little bit worried Thailand Elite has promised something they can't deliver.

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  10. Hello!

    I used PE Visa about 6 or 7 times already in and out this year. The first time direct to Chiang Mai airport the officer appeared like he had never seen PE visa before. Chiang Mai does not have Thailand Elite staff for greeting.He asked another agent guy something and I got 90 days. Another time when I flew BKK the IO asked me How long you stay? I got 30 days entry. Maybe he did not want to change his stamp? Thailand Elite said it was a mistake and I should check the stamp before leaving but I work outside Thailand and never stay long anyway.

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