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Posts posted by Dipterocarp

  1. On 12/7/2016 at 2:42 PM, Mr Big said:


    looking at the demographics in Japan their decision is stupid. Either the Japanes change their laws about immigration, their racist thinking and behaviour

    or the Japanese people will be a dying breed. In 2015 Japan had almost 130 Million people. Japan's population will keep declining by about one million people every year in the coming decades, which will leave Japan with a population of 42 million in 2110 . The problem of overaging will be dramatic. Average life expectancy is already now over 80 years.


    On the other hand I believe Thailand should be glad to welcome back a - I believe- a well educated member in the Thai Society.

    Bad for Japan - Good for Thailand.



    The Japanese could solve a demographic problem though mass illegal and legal immigration but perhaps the have looked at the result such policies have had in the "West"


    Process would be accelerated in Japan and result in the demise of their unique culture in a few decades.


  2. Jews (Israel). I have nothing against them. They come to Chiang Mai however this time of year and behave in ways that draw attention in large groups.

    Been in more than one restaurant worried these people  (and thus me) might be suddenly targeted by the scum sucking morons from the religion of peace who hate them particularly.


  3. 23 hours ago, pattayalover said:



    Show me your SS policy.



    Here is a link to a page on the official site where one can research it.  https://www.ssa.gov/ssi/law-regs-finder.htm It won't be of any use to those who mistakenly believe SS is a pension plan, it is Federally mandated social insurance. If I had my preference I would have kept more of my money in my own pocket and invested it the way I would have seen fit. Yes the SSA does provide glowing information every year how much I am expected to receive at various ages of initial application. Since I have to pay for it I'll be happy to take it until it gets legislated away or goal posts moved by future administrations.

  4. Good for you but no fines "today" on what authority? Arbitrary and capricious.

    Perhaps finning is not appropriate at all in Chiang Mai like everywhere else?? A bit more than pocket change has been piling up there.

    May I go back now with the Official receipt of my offense and have 1600 baht returned?


  5. On 11/23/2016 at 2:37 PM, Banana7 said:

    Don't threaten him, just go to the tax office and report him and provide them with a photo copy of your rental receipts and contract. Also go to immigration and report him, as he may not have a work permit. I understand that if you rent out condos here, that is classified as work.


    Also file the consumer complaint.






    An alien holding property generating income  property is not itself illegal or work. Tax must be paid on rent income. Way more Thai landlords are shirking on this than foreigners. Advertising, showing rooms, handing out keys, meeting with renters and coordinating/arranging repairs etc. is work. Many have been getting away with it for years. The only way for the average foreigner to do legally is to entrust the whole affair to a licensed Real Estate Agent/Property management company and their cut.  As far as AirBnB company itself is concerned it just an information platform. Kingdom of Thailand preventing the site from operating here (as to facilitate a huge conspiracy to violate various laws) would not be a surprise and happening worldwide as tax milking authorities crack down on "lost" revenue.

  6. I have only been foreigner fleeced for a simple repair once bleeding brakes. All I will say is I think the Thai shops should charge a little MORE for service for everybody. They are mostly Thais buying bikes at overseas prices, guess people will only tolerate paying local rates for repairs, even though it requires special tools and skills. Why some of the shops are happy to sell but maintenance is a PITA for them. 

  7. Advantage to used bikes is buying new you get warranty service.  What in Chiang Mai equals a weak Thai smile "So sorry Mr Foreigner Go to Bangkok not my problem". Not naming and shaming but true. One of my bikes in USA (Trek) has a recall on the fork. Got an email saying stop riding immediately and contact dealer. Going through shop I did not even purchase from and they are ordering the Fork fixing free and Trek is giving a $100 product purchase coupon. They are not doing me a favor that is their job /condition of being authorized dealer.


    Always people leaving town I'd keep checking Facebook Craigslist etc. should be decent bikes available money saved versus buying new can be used to upgrade parts.


  8. In my country mob of protestors would be in the streets for police brutality and violating this gentlemen's civil rights, even though the "victim" would be likely armed and high on something more than alcohol.


    Some of those injuries likely self induced but in this case Congrats to the RTP for a job well done. Who do you call anyway when an animal is on a rampage violent at odd hours?


  9. Understand the mood this year. Last night I walked across the new pedestrian bridge, crossed Nawarat, back down Chang Klan, all the way down Loy Kroh. Kept looking up/Moon. No lanterns. Not as much as a single firecracker. A sedate and respectful Loy Kratong. 


    I never seen Night Bazaar so slow. Empty Restaurants. The drinkers seemed out in force on LK. If there are any tourists spending hope they were at Sunday Walking should be a busy night.


  10. Certain suggestions do go back to Nixon, Gingrich and Mass ( a state program ) that are based on personal responsibility. Unfortunately big government programs don't work and there is no Constitutional right to health care. Get a job, join the military,  cover it yourself,  or find a charity hospital.


    The US is not a small largely homogenized Scandinavian utopia. Frankly we have too many people who just are not able make the rational Life decisions required to allow such a program to exist without massive waste, cost, and outright fraud.


    Don't pick my pocket to subsidize laziness and poor planning.



  11. First drop the cell phone thing. It is purely an Americanism. Most on this forum use British English as a matter of course also in Thailand and around the world they are called "mobile" phones. If you talk about "cell phone" in a shop they might think you want to sell your phone . By the way I'm American.


  12. Made TM30 report today after being gone exactly one Month. I work outside Thailand. Showed reciped from last time when I got fleeced for 1600 baht, passport, and arrival card. Officer looked at screen with concern for a few seconds. Then stamped previous paper with date. I got the traditional passport/visa/stamp copy for 6 baht but she didn't ask for it. That will stay in my pocket, passport safe at home.


    In and out less than 5 minutes.

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