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Posts posted by Dipterocarp

  1. Not yet 50 when I applied the easy access worked out for me.
    I have condo in Chiang Mai and go there frequently. I don't work in Thailand. It was never practical for me as a US citizen to get tourist visas, would have involved getting a second passport and applying to LA embassy by mail. My job requires almost monthly international travel, can't without passport.

    Now I hear people with valid tourist visas are turned away. That would be ridiculous.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  2. I was in Lafayette, CA about 25 years ago when a fire in the Oakland hills burned 3450 homes and killed 25 people. It was caused by a homeless person burning toilet paper.
    California fires ( in high mountain areas) often start by lightning. This one almost certainly human caused. Probably another moron throwing his lit cigarette butt out a car window.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  3. 13 hours ago, jacksonjack said:

    Thanks for the "helpful" comments which I can rip apart with ease on numerous fronts. I was going to actually provide a helpful response/solution I found today but seeing as these forums are filled with people like yourselves, I won't bother making this forum better by giving a good answer. Keep making useless comments thaivisa! Won't be coming back to this forum thankfully for myself.

    Please don't go so soon.


    If you follow most other threads on Thai Visa you will notice certain user names whose submissions consist entirely of baiting and passive aggressive/ad hominem attacks. This behavior has been noted by researchers to to fall within the spectrum of psychopathy.  These tedious contributions can be largely avoided by using the "ignore" function on the user control panel.




  4. No, but, as PM, she did make a mysterious state visit to Montenegro.  Since Thailand has virtually no trade or other contact with the country the only plausible reason for the trip was to sign her citizenship papers and pick up her first Montenegrin passport against a rainy day, which has now arrived.  

    Big brother reported to carry Montenegrin one also. St. Kitts and Nevis, etc. There are many pay to play citizenships available around the world. Republic of Marshall islands (visa free travel to America) was flat out selling passports to Chinese until somehow US put the kibosh on it.
  5. The decision to bail might have been recent. However, Everything was structured in advance. Remember they could not find any assets to freeze?

    "Nicaraguan Diplomatic Passport", Millions in overseas banks. No country will extradite her to a Junta to face political charges under such a judicial system. Probably already has the Villa in Dubai decorated to her tastes with closets pre-stocked with clothes.


    Put the kid in a Swiss boarding school he'll Ski for Thailand in the Winter Olympics.






  6. I have experience working in Texas, the Gulf Hurricanes are bad in unlike Pacific Typhoons they don't just pass through. This one hit with CAT 4 winds went inland hit high pressure,  moved very slowly or stalled. Houston is very flood prone and under torrential continuing rain from the outer bands. Texas Hurricanes can then go back out on the Gulf gather more strength and loop back in to hit again like Allison in 2001.


    Freeze her assets. "we can't find any". Day of verdict. "Sorry I'm calling in sick"

    A closely monitored person somehow now "flees" a country under strict authoritarian control.

    80 years of coups, exile or imprison the elected leaders for corruption. 

    All a bit of Kabuki theatre not at all surprising to those well read in Thai political history.

  8. I don't know what kind of sedation used but I had all 4 pulled at once when I was about 20 (US),  impacted 

    and threatening to mess up my bite or become infected. All I remember was a little "rock and roll"  and crushing noises then waking up in back of car. Chipmunk face and a little pain about a week. Had to go back for a follow up to get the tooth pits checked and irrigated


    Countries have different Medical standards and practices. Some based on dubious necessity. US doctors are shocked  for example that Japanese are subjected to chest x-rays at annual check-ups. X-rays are only given when medically necessary. There is no "safe" level of ionizing radiation. Get a small injury stitched in Thailand you will be prescribed automatically a large bag of antibiotics.  Not needed, possibly harmful.

  9. The only ones with access to the baggage carousels are disembarking passengers and airport staff. Surely thieves would not go to the trouble and expense of booking and paying for a flight with the gamble of stealing a bag undetected and which may then only contain  2nd hand contents having little resale value.

    Yes sounds fishy. I don't get stuck in long Immigration lines so when I check a bag to BKK I'm the first one who sees it come up the belt.

    I did read a story a few years ago about how thieves buy cheap domestic tickets in the USA to steal laptops and other valuable from the overhead locker while the victims are right there but not looking.
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