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Posts posted by Dipterocarp

  1. I'm sure I filed a TM30 in 2008. (couldn't find a receipt/record). . Since then I had 45 or 50 entries. What was I supposed to do with Pineapple face at Building3 say no?  Already angry at me for daring to open the door during their lunch time (there is no sign that they are closed). An old rude Farang was in there later making a fuss, he did not get any love. I have no problem complying with 24hr/TM30  even if it is enforced in Chiang Mai only but I think it would have been sporting to give say 90 notice of this new requirement instead of fleecing all and sundry. It must add up to a pile, hope it goes to the new building and not in some inspectors slush fund. So I was out 1600. Another young man from Canada there with his English speaking real estate hottie. He had just came back had to fly to Lao suddenly for a new Visa because his landlord was in BKK and he could not get them to cooperate in time for an extension!



    By the way during this wonderful experience I had one officer tell me the TM30 was required any time I re-entered the country and another tell me it was required anytime I spent a night outside of Chiang Mai. They were literally at arms length at the same table. When I asked for clarification  on this they just stared back in silence.  I'm going with re-entering the country.


  2. 13 hours ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:



    Not if you (actually your landlord or hotel) does it on the first business day after arriving at your place of residence, or submits online or via e-mail.    (Their online system is out again though.)


    It's not actually your arrival date in the country that's relevant here, it's when you show up at the place where you stay.  You could holiday all over Thailand first. 


    You (actually, your landlord) only gets fined if you volunteer to say you've been living somewhere for however long without a TM30 being submitted.


    You also don't have to show up yourself; it's your landlord (your wife's) job.

    I don't have a landlord. I purchased the condo years ago. Last year they started with the TM30. 

    I have an official receipt for this "offense". 1600 Baht.


    A nice little earner.

  3. We ( US) have been talking about border walls since 2001. It was a campaign promise, if anyone thinks something resembling the Great Wall of China is to be built, sorry.  It is unfeasible and actually would be an ecological disaster as there are many animals including bears, endangered jaguars, etc. whose natural habitat would be bisected.


    Better to just pull from far flung deployments and put elements of the US military on the border, already funded and equipped anyway.  Give 90 day notice that the frontier is closed to foot traffic and everyone must come through checkpoints and airports. Everything on two feet will be engaged with deadly force first , questions asked later. Problem solved.

  4. The Army should set up a sting operation. Recruit a female operator from one of the western special forces or elite counter-terror units to use as bait. (Believe me there ARE some pretty blond agents who could terminate any number of these peckerwoods easily).  An expert at self defense, evasion and killing, with guns, knives, her bare hands. 


    Set her up with a partner with similar specialized skills and abilities, followed closely by a support team. Have them play the young couple abroad, hit the bars and have the boyfriend mouth off to the locals. The killer(s) would soon emerge. Catch them in the act.

  5. 1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

    Since the Yellow Book  is simply a registration of one's address and  to obtain it appears to be so bureaucratic- why even bother.  The Yellow Book and ID card have no bearing on Immigration Status or anything else.  In 4 decades of doing all kinds of business, banking and other in Thailand I have never been asked for it or come across anything that would lead me to believe it has any benefit.

    I don't have a work permit. I'm not quite old enough for an O. Do you like to pay about $50 to the US Consul, wait weeks for a free COR from Chiang Mai Immigration or pay an agent 500 baht to get a COR every time you get a driver license renewal, buy a car etc? I have the PE visa but the key person here won't budge because it is not a "non immigrant" visa.

  6. What does often happen is transport drivers "no hab change" bs. So I break 1000 bills at 7-11s in Chiang Mai

    all the time never had a problem. I got the short changed scam was in Waikiki, handed a girl a $50 

    and she gave me change of a $20. Immediately apology.


    Old grifter trick works both ways of course. At shops in Japan they put the bill on the register with a magnetic clip whilst making change.

  7. Family Mart on 4th floor far right of terminal near booksellers. Sunday night bought a can of beer with a 1000 baht note even gave the 5 or 6 baht to to even the change. Girl put the 1000 under the bill tray and handed me 50 baht change. " I gave you 1000 baht". Immediately, not even half a second delay and it was "So sorry".  Perfect scam must be a good earner. 

  8. Good Stuff. I don't think I had been to a Vietnamese restaurant yet but about 25 years ago I was doing a job at OAK airport.

    The fast food trucks that came to the site were all owned by Vietnamese Americans and they had it on the condiment rack to squirt on burgers, breakfast sandwiches Burritos, etc.


    Maybe that is how it became so popular?


  9. 5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    This isn't a race issue at all.
    Yes his behavior is indefensible.

    I don't think he appointed himself as all that arbiter of morality of the African American community but us Conservatives accepted him as such. He called specifically on people from his own community to take personal responsibility for their choices, how about for his own crimes? A big phony.


    For the victim blamers on this thread he admitted to getting Qualuudes for the purpose of drugging women. The pills have been banned in the US for decades, too much abuse, no medical purpose as alternatives are available. He is a celebrity with millions of dollars. A comic genius who could be funny without being vulgar, when others could do nothing other. If he wanted sex all he had to do was pick up a phone and gorgeous escorts would bang him for  a few dollars or groupies would gladly do so for free. He chose to rape. Personal responsibility, so rot in jail I say.



  10. 3 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    "He used his celebrity to get them to private places, "???


    You make is sound like his "Celebrity Status" to get women to private places as the same as him using a gun or knife!


    Lets make something perfectly clear here! None of these woman claimed they were forced to go with him to his house or hotel room, and sit alone and drink alcohol with him, when his wife was not present or out of town. They were never forced either Physically or Mentally to do anything! They claimed they were seduced by drugs, and not by force! They all were of adult age and all went there of there own free will and willingly. Which in my book, and since they were not forced, knew what they could expect from a married man of his status and with his wife away. Which makes them all willing partners. 


    Who cares about the number of women he may have had over many years of being a Big Star? There is no law against that and he was never charged for any of that. It goes with the Territory of being a Big Star! Elvis Presly wasn't faithful to his wife either, and look how good she looked when she was younger. So get over it! 

    He procures  'luudes to drug women to get a leg over while they are unresponsive . So that is Ok because they went there of there own free will, "???   Pure victim blaming.


    Pull your pants up black people Cosby is a debased two-faced serial sex predator. I hope he dies in jail, broke.

  11. It does not matter that he is a celebrity who can get "free sex" he obviously suffers from a sex addiction /paraphilia where he gets off on doing it with drugged women. He used his celebrity to get them to private places, slipping them Quaaludes, voluntarily or not. I think that is rape, perhaps somebody with a better understanding of various US State law can say otherwise, also laws may have been different years ago.


    Too many accusations to be co-incidental or a unfair gang-up on him. He also made self-incriminating statements in the past which have been suppressed. Just because there was a mistrial declared does not prove innocence. Prosecutor does not have his evidence in order. Look at OJ Simpson, guilty as sin.


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