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Posts posted by Dipterocarp

  1. I do not think being a destination for Sex tourism is good for Thailand. Of course prostitution cannot be rooted out, but a wise Nation follows a path of harm reduction.


    First the major foreign oriented fleshpots, Cowboy , Nana, Walking Street Pattaya, Patpong should be shuttered or re-tasked as shopping areas. That does not stop prostitution either.Whoremongers will pick up a girl (or ladyboy or gay) at McDonalds, a booksellers, behind the makeup counter at Robinson, on the street. etc.


    What is needed is targeted raids and arrests of foreigners cavorting with Thai sex workers. The courts then hand out the typical long custodial sentences and crazy fines. Make a few examples to rot in gaol 20 years.


    Thailand will then be known internationally as a place where the so-called "sex tourist" risks life ruining fines and long stays in Thai jail. Sex pests will travel elsewhere and the problems they feed eliminated.


  2. I did that prior to posting my query does not work for me.


    I can access the router settings at

    " Basic page looks like this. I put in the same user name and password (provided by SoftBank) I used on the Time Capsule and airport express. At the bottom of this settings page there is a save button that restarts the router. I have not touched any other settings.


    Internet pages still don't load and my devices do not show internet connections although the Wifi signal from the router is strong and the internet light on the router is illuminated.

    Screen Shot 2017-08-05 at 2.28.00 PM.png

  3. Thank you for your detailed response. I will read it closely later and check out the SBN forum. Don't have time to deal with it today,  I may be out of my tech depth anyway .


    I want to use the Tomato router as my Wifi environment here in Japan and do something else with the time capsule. The VPN is already coming in handy.


    (Funny story. I never wanted a VPN particularly but I bought a SAMSUNG smart TV in California for Mom, who lives on the US territory of Guam. I tried to set up the TV smart functions, but first you have to "Download the Terms and Conditions". Since the TV was unboxed on Guam, and not in North America it would not let me! I had long phone calls with SAMSUNG, no help. I went to a local electronics store on Guam a guy laughed at me said I "should have bought a Sony, everyone has this problem here". So I got this idea to use VPN signed up for a year VPN, ordered VPN router on line. She does not use the SMART functions and just watches Cable TV anyway but the next time I went to visit I set up the router in her house. The TV once in a Wifi Environment with a US IP downloaded the terms and conditions immediately and has no more issues.)


    In Japan I think NTT has a monopoly on the line, but there are a number of different internet providers you can contract with. I chose SoftBank Hikari (fiber). First a guy from NTT comes in and sets up a Modem and tests it.  If I ordered a router from SoftBank it would have come by mail. I already have a time capsule and an airport express, and this ASUS/Tomato thing, so I did not want to buy/lease a wireless router from SoftBank, which would have been more money.


    For the apple airport express and time capsule I followed the instructions Softbank sent and put in the provided username and password on the airport setup utility in PPPoE, and it works no problem. This is not to be confused with my Wifi password it is a random strong password assigned by soft bank that comes via registered mail, if I want to I can log onto the SoftBank customer service site and change it. I have not had experience with such a setup but I don't think any router can access the NTT modem without it. (Everything in Japan is extremely complicated by the way I think they like it that way. )







  4. I don't know the modem was installed by the NTT tech who visited. I don't think I can do anything with the modem. BTW I have tried my Apple time capsule and an Apple airport express at this location, have no issues connecting to the internet (meaning pages load).


    (I'm pretty much a computer dummy, sorry)

  5. I have a ASUS router purchased preloaded with a VPN service firmware called "Tomato". I used at one location it in the States, no problem basically plug and play.


    Now I'm trying to set it up in Japan actually. My service provide'rs modem requires  connecting using PPPoE (username and password.).


    I can access the Router settings using the number IP provided. Put the proper settings in PPPoE but no joy, the internet light on the router illuminates but no web pages load, any ideas?

  6. The new ATM readers are required to handle the newer chipped cards this way and help prevent skimming.

    Your transaction issues are like due to your bank/card settings. Try another ATM.

  7. On 7/20/2017 at 10:03 PM, Slip said:

    It sounds a bit like the op has been happily smuggling 'high-end' items into the country for years, and is fed up at finally being pulled on it.  Happily he has seen the error of his ways and will "think twice before doing it again."  Score for HM Customs?

    Openly carrying an item for personal use of valued well below the 10, 000 baht exemption is NOT smuggling.

  8. You got lucky. Going through the Green channel with 4 bottles of wine is called smuggling. According to previous Thai Visa reports others were fleeced huge fines on threat of jail for a few bottles, similar to the King Power scam. 5 pages of replies and no answer to if there is a personal exemption or not? I think there is a legal exemption of 10,000 baht but actually when money is demanded there is nothing one can do but pay or surrender ones goods.


  9. Good riddance. These markets sell junk at high prices, and no the bargaining isn't fun anymore. I used to like the tourist t-shirts, make great gifts. It was OK when you could get one for 120 baht now they want crazy money and the don't budge on prices, it is a cartel.

    I needed a shirt suddenly recently so I had to buy one at Night Bazzaar. Sukhothai FC jersey. Vey low quality copy twice as much as the real thing at SportsWorld. I guess tourists just get off on buying something outdoors. The stall holders are also very happy to exploit people and also get aggressive sometimes if you look at stuff and don't buy. Something to be avoided.

  10.  Whether or not an item is stamped MADE IN THAILAND has nothing to do with whether or not import duty/VAT is due when you as a visitor or resident bring it into the country. I have brought several bicycles into Thailand , new and used by the way. Even direct to Chiang Mai where customs is known to be stricter.Never never had a problem with customs over the years until this week at Swampy. I believe there is a organized fleecing drive in effect. I'd be sure the bike is used and get an old box from your LBS.


  11. 20 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    The OP specifically called it an EPA so he is on the Thailand Elite visa and that is one of the perks. He was not on the comparable, prepaid 'meet and greet' services that are available to us lower-order species. He also stated that they were already giving a bunch of Indians the third degree so rather than any crackdown, he just timed his 'green channel' walk through  rather badly.


    A friend of mine, a many times visitor to LOS with a bag full of goodies for his mates over here didn't pay attention on arrival one morning and got caught with my cigars and some other stuff. They charged him for the box of cigars by total weight including the box and not just tobacco volume. They wouldn't let him open the box either when he pointed out it should be tobacco only. For his troubles, they confiscated the Dunkin Donuts ground coffee that some other guy had asked for. Either way, there was no crackdown but they do stage frequent 'all bags scanned" events during the day.


    The trick is to be observant while waiting for your bags at the carousel and if they are doing some heavier checking, go for a walk or a piss or change some money or browse the DF until they stop.

    Not my lucky day I guess but observing customs officials at an international airport then taking evasive actions is the fast lane to cavity inspection in most places.

  12. Personally I think everyone should have to carry ID and show it to a policeman if asked. Ask my fellow conservatives if there should be such a requirement or a National ID card they will go absolutely "bat-<deleted>" crazy. Should a child of aliens who snuck in be granted citizenship just because it popped out of the womb on the North side of the border? Do the social democracies that liberals idolize provide free public school education for illegal aliens? (Not resettled refugees and immigrants and children of visa holders but actual illegal aliens!). The American constitution is very unique in several ways some very outdated in 2017 problem is to enforce some more common sense will require changes to avoid law enforcement  being applied in a discriminatory way that is the problem with the sanctuary city movement.



  13. 2 hours ago, sfokevin said:



    If a Japanese housewife wants a $500 rice cooker thats her business isn't it?


    The question is is there a duty free allowance or not? I have brought new items many times no problem. I was told since it was "new" and I was keeping in Thailand I had to pay.  More I think about it I don't think they applied the rule correctly. By the way the item  (speakers) in question are 13,900 baht on Lazada and not the color I wanted. Much less on the Bic Camera site and I used a bunch of in store points I had accumulated for it too so my invoice was ¥17,220 (so about $150). Why would I take them out of the box they would be damaged on the plane? (the invoice was right on top so no way to fudge on the value).

    Part of the fun of international travel is "shopping" ask any tourist. Bit of a bummer to be fleeced straight off the plane.


    Now I have to run off to CM immigration to lodge a TM30 update to avoid another problem with Thai officialdom.




  14. EPA is Elite personal assistant, porter pushing the cart. Approx $150 Electronics item they said attracts 10 percent import duty plus 7 percent VAT. (I thought there was a personal allowance allowed). Nope! Felt like being fleeced first thing off the airplane. Welcome to Thailand!

  15. With EPA in tow delayed and made to pay import duty and VAT on a "new" item today. Very surprised as over the years I have filled a whole condo with stuff carried in

    accompanied hold baggage. Had bag/boxes x-rayed before but nothing ever said. Just last month even I brought in a very expensive rice cooker from Japan for a friend.

    Will think twice before doing it again. Appears customs is tightening the screws.



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