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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. If you can afford it how about Singapore?

    Apart from the high prices Singapore isn't a bad place. Clean, efficient, very good food of all types. But also rather boring, and extremely hot'n'humid, and with a very strict government. So probably better for a weekend than for life. I think that I would prefer to live in Malaysia (the highland climate is very pleasant) and visit Singapore from time to time.

    I dont know about long-term visa/residency arrangements in Singapore.

    Too many Muzzies...
  2. I'd pop over the border to Savannaket - Mukdahan is as dull as dishwater. Nong Khai is better, but Udon is probably a better choice if you want fun in Isaan.

    I agree with everything but Savannaket is a Bore, love NK and Udon
    and Seka
  3. Hi guys, I live in this neck of the woods fairly near Roi Et. I would recommend for sightseeing, people watching and nightlife either Roi et or Buri Ram, especially the Klim hotel on the other side of the railway. Great hotel and fantastic buffet breakfast. Plenty to see and do in Buri Ram. I stay there when on my way driving to Aranyaprathet border crossing. Also, Mukdahan is a nice day out but. Ore to do in Roi Et and especially Buri ram.

    unimpressed with Klim, No view, unfinished concrete look, food not so great, disappointed, God forbid u smoke in that hotel, pool not welcoming more of a decoration, not comfortable area
  4. I'd pop over the border to Savannaket - Mukdahan is as dull as dishwater. Nong Khai is better, but Udon is probably a better choice if you want fun in Isaan.

    I agree with everything but Savannaket is a Bore, love NK and Udon
  5. I don't know the best way to handle this. Many countries require a Visa no matter where you come from. But then they are also low on the tourist list of places to go to as well. I personally try to avoid going to the USA even on a stop over to go to Canada because of all the added security and never feeling 100% confident all will go well.

    Can you handle Terrorism like you can Illegal Drugs? By trying to stop it at the border? You may stop some but not all. There is also far more drug traffickers trying to sneak illegal drugs into the USA then there are Terrorist, with clean suit cases, smiling faces, and with Student Visas. So just on the virtue of Odds, you are bond to catch fewer of them, yet check as many people and as you would for drugs.

    But the big difference with Illegal Drugs is that outside of Laboratory Conditions, you can't grow the Coca Plant in the USA to make Cocaine, or the Opium Poppy to make Heroin, So Illegal Drugs in the USA is not Home Grown. So technically if you reduce the amount of drugs entering the country you can reduce the usage of the drug. Even if it is by the Law of Economics of Supply and Demand, where with a lower supply the price goes up so high it lessens the demand.

    But Terrorism can be Home Grown and although this hasn't been big problem yet in the USA it will be interesting to see if it becomes one. Especially if they are successful in preventing Terrorist from entering the country. Look at all the Cults that started in the USA like the Jim Jones Cult or the Doomsday Cult, or even Charles Manson Cult where one of his followers tried to assassinate the President of the United States. These groups can run between 10 or 20 people or in the thousands. So who knows what new group could be Home Grown there.

    I sort of like the idea Saudi Arabia has. To form its on group of alliances with other Arab Countries to fight Terrorism. Maybe it is time to step back, get out, and let the Muslims fight other Muslims to solve this problem. They probably won't solve it but at lease we are not involved which seems to be mostly there conflict. Just sell arms to the Good Guys and let the Russian sell arms to the Bad Guy, and make money just like the good old days.

    As I said I don't know the best way to handle this except to say that if you invite a fight in your own backyard with people like this, you are going to get one. From Lessons Learned near the end of WWII the USA should know that it is very difficult to stop a enemy pilot who is driving his airplane into your ship loaded only with bombs and fuel. The Japanese "Kamikaze Pilot", where 3,860 gave up there life in a losing war, but led to believe there death was for a strong cause.

    So if you cannot stop a big target like and airplane, with guns pointed at it and shooting at a pilot willing to give up his life for a "Cause", you are not going to stop a Teenage Girl led astray with a bomb strapped to her body inside of a busy Shopping Mall either.

    Just Saying!

    . How about all the Security at Vancouver, the Worst airport for Customs and Immigration...
  6. US citizen... Cannot read sometimes...

    But he is right... "Product of Australia"

    I can't understand why useless old trolls on TV frequently take every opportunity to degrade Americans.

    It seems that you are obviously the Queen of good grammar with great ability in expressing yourself, not!

    Anything American is a Free For All on this Site, They Bash Away Non-Stop. Get used to it, its your only course of action.
  7. stage 1. Trump speaks. Stage 2. the world is outraged, choked up on PC, and vigorously denies Trump's words. Stage 3. Trumps words are again proven absolutely true.

    If you follow Trump these days, you will feel like a fortune teller.

    I think we all know between Trump and HRC who has caused the most death, destruction and rage in the Arab world, and it ain't Don.

    . Wait Wait, Wait for it, Faux News Brigade is Now on Board...
  8. Thais are emotionally immature people who cannot control themselves and rarely learn to master their temper . . .when they are not bowing and scraping to their 'superiors'.

    You could say that a large proportion of US people are emotionally immature - incapable of controlling their "urges" to own a gun......

    u could also say ur "Yank Bashing"
  9. Technology can be spread to anyone (for whatever use), so can money.

    Why not pay off Daesh and re-integrate them after having them disarmed?

    They say a Jihadist fighter gets 500 EUR per month if he joins Daesh. This amount is not verified, but the fact refugees consider it proves what they are really after.

    Religion is there to make dying easier. Not much need to wait for 72 virgins in paradise if you can live in the present.

    Anyone sane would prefer money with peace and life to money with death and war.

    I think they get 50 EUR a month,wrote Eurotrash jihadist get more.
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