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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. No disrespect to Seligine2, but that hotel is on the outskirts of Nang Rong. In Buriram the OP might check out the web pages, trip advisor reviews and google images of the Buriram Royal Best Western, The Klim Hotel, Mamaison Hotel, White Day Hotel, Thada Chateau Hotel, The S.G. Hotel, The Ray Hotel, La Viva Hotel or the X2 Vibe Hotel. A few on that list are 6 months old, some have been remodeled and others less than three years in operation.

    avoid Klim, like a cement warehouse, restaurant it's ok, not great
  2. We've all seen these guys loading or unloading money from shops, banks, atms etc.......always looking casual, chance for a smoke out of the van....chatting away......and now it's becoming obvious just how simple they are to rob.....single motorcyclists with a gun!

    I was wondering how long it would take for the crooks to figure this no-brainer out....They need to seriously think about how to improve security around these rolling cash treasure chests....On the other hand it is getting very difficult nowadays to get away with anything due to all CCTV installed everywhere.

    And another thing....why is it so difficult for the people who transport money to figure out a way to record the serial number of every single bill they are transporting? It should be by 2016 easy to have a machine that counts and records the serial numbers at the same time? And what about the ink thing, they don't have that in Thailand?

    What CCTV, Do any of them Work at a major grocery store
  3. I am sorry but I don't think that brandishing a stick is likely to work. The dog was not simply biting the first available person; it seemed to target me and attacked with stealth and cunning. As soon as it had delivered the bite it ran back whence it had come. I even have a suspicion that it might have been a trained dog and commanded by its master to attack me. There are people in that area who have given me the impression of being very hostile to having strangers, and especially foreigners walking through. It is a public pathway for both pedestrians and bicycles, but many of the residents treat it as an extension of their own property and often obstruct the way with their children, motorbikes, dogs, laundry, chickens, etc.

    I shall not dare to walk there again unless I have some protective device with me in which I can feel some confidence. I take it that a firearm is totally out of the question?

    Stun Gun , Problem Solved
  4. OK, I spaced out.

    Yeah some of those places do sell fries.

    Not all of them.

    The fries, as I recall, ironically, are more popular with Mexican customers than Anglos.

    Had to jog my memory a little bit because I find the combination appalling.

    In any case, they're an optional SIDE ORDER, when available, not something IN the burritos or tacos, etc.

    u have been gone too long, Asada Fries are now a thing in California at taquerias, also it's a San Diego thing to put fries in burritos, why it's called California Burrito, place on Taraval Burrito Express in SF has Asada fries and California burrito which includes fries, so get current, Please, Hell Google fries in burritos, and instead of Nachos u have Asada fries, il take pics if u like, but it sounds like , ur done with it
  5. Umm, no. Why would a California Burrito have French fries? Fries are not Mexican food. It's just a large burrito, made California style (wet, wtih beans, rice, cheese, spices inside; as well as meat of choice).

    I guess you've never been to California or you would know the cuisine, California Burrito (French fries)I believe originated in San Diego Co., there's s Mission style burrito in San Francisco, both are accompanied with chips and usually a salsa bar available ,Cheers, now you know a lil more about burritos, never heard of a California Burrito or a Arizona , New Mexico, Texas Burrito , California style means Wet, always heard Wet, Mexican Burrito originated in Northern Mexico

    Lived on burritos in San Francisco Mission district for several years. Fries are not a thing with those and wet is usually something for some more formal restaurants rather than actual TAQUERIAS (where the main dishes are burritos and tacos).

    To add, Mission District burritos (the ICONIC California burritos) were developed by Mexican people in California. California used to BE Mexico! The popular shops in the Mission are very popular with diverse ethnicities including a large percentage of Latinos, many actual Mexicans.

    True the original burrito is much more BASIC and was from Northern Mexico. Such basic burritos are often available in the U.S. as well at some restaurants depending on the region. In Mexico, burritos are a Northern Mexican thing and won't be found on menus south of there except perhaps at tourist trap spots. In the U.S.nationally they have become one of the most popular foods available everywhere.

    Next ..

    I was brought up on La Cumbre, El Faro
  6. Not a towne to live in if you dont have at least a motorbike. Like I said. I love the place. I have been in Thailand 24 years and have lived in a few places....looking back to when I was young.....I would not pick this place to live in

    You need transport...
  7. I presume you'll be starting work in April as the schools are just starting to break up for the holidays so depending when you arrive here you can have plenty of time to travel around. If your job is in the centre of Rayong you could get a songthaew from Ban Phe or the beach at Hat Mae Rhumpung for 20 baht each way if you didn't want to live in the city as there is a quiet expat community here and you will have access to Koh Samet if you did want to party although Rayong has some nice bars along a stretch of road which runs parallel to the main Sukhumvit road. If you need any help or advice about accommodation if you decided to take up the post and wanted to live around Ban Phe please pm me any queries you might have. Also be aware that Rayong is extremely industrialised and only if you go towards Klaeng or Laem Mae Phim do you get away from it.

    Klaeng in my experience has little to offer the expat. On the other hand, Laem Mae Phim, being by the sea, is livelier, although Ban Phe might be a better bet in your case, both as a place in its own right and for its ease of access to Koh Samed as referred to by sandrabbit. The industrialised part of Rayong Province lies mainly on the other side of the city to Ban Phe, around Mapaput - which is also where the local immigration office is located. So a bit of a trip from Ban Phe and, if that is an issue for you, Ban Chang, which is a lot nearer, might be more suitable. But the immigration office itself is generally quite pleasant to deal with in my experience, in stark contrast to the horror stories about other immigration offices you read about on this forum.

    The proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say. So my advice to you would be to give wherever you might choose to live in Rayong Province a go, and, if you don't like it, simply move on.

    So nice to walk into a Smilin Immigration office
  8. Umm, no. Why would a California Burrito have French fries? Fries are not Mexican food. It's just a large burrito, made California style (wet, wtih beans, rice, cheese, spices inside; as well as meat of choice).

    I guess you've never been to California or you would know the cuisine, California Burrito (French fries)I believe originated in San Diego Co., there's s Mission style burrito in San Francisco, both are accompanied with chips and usually a salsa bar available ,Cheers, now you know a lil more about burritos, never heard of a California Burrito or a Arizona , New Mexico, Texas Burrito , California style means Wet, always heard Wet, Mexican Burrito originated in Northern Mexico
  9. I can't understand why so many choose to be 'householders' in Thailand, a nation well known for it's herpetological fauna then freak out about snakes citing the same old tired 'I don't want it to harm my kids/dog/gerbil' etc.

    Surely if you're scared of, or can't handle snakes a nice 12th floor apartment would have been a better life choice?

    why I don't want a house
  10. Could be a little more specific about the location of Casa On, please? Is it after the left hand turn at the Siam CC archway? If so, how far after that turn.

    It is 1.7 km round the lake after the left turn at the SCC arch / 7-11 junction.

    Thanks! I'll try it either tomorrow or Saturday, and give you my opinion. Since I have no past visits to compare it too, I may be a bit more forgiving than you. As I've said, not much to compare to over here for Mexican food. :-)

    Just returned from my first visit to Casa On, and I hope it won't be my last. There's a "SALE" sign taped on their main sign. :-(

    I had the California Burrito (250 bt) with pork; and an excellent large Cadillac Martarita (250 bt). The burrito could have been better if they used carnitas pork. This was ground pork. However, the flavor was excellent. Served "wet" style, with a mild sauce on it. Only slightly spicy, allowing the customer to take it from there with a hot sauce, if desired (tobasco, habanero, and chipotle all available on the table).

    I didn't notice the "SALE" sign until I was driving away. Was not happy to see that, because, as I've said before, there simply are NO Mexican food options available here on the darkside that I know of. This place is a pleasant, low traffic, 10 minute drive from my house. I'll be sorry if it closes. Someday next week I'll return, and try to learn more about that "SALE" sign. If anybody already knows the situation, please post the story.

    . California Burritos have French fries, did it, thx
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