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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. Still waiting to see a Thai ordering Chicken and Cashew nuts.

    my GF orders it all the time, idea from me , probably and she Loves Carbonara, crocodile steak and loves beef, I guess we share food a lot , she's never been to a Western country
  2. Seems these days the Russians have some very interesting arms, and they are considerably cheaper than the US military industrial complex ripoffs.

    Wish Australia would dump that overpriced lemon F35, and buy some of those news MIGS. Not only does it seem a vastly superior plane but it is way cheaper. Also with the amount of sorties the Russians have been flying seems also very reliable.

    If we ever went up against a country using those and we had the F35 then we'd get our <deleted> kicked. US used to build very good planes, but seems not any more.

    Believe those cruise missiles the Russians blasted those ISIS dogs with also have a much better price tag. Plus those S300 & 400 missile defence is supposedly very very good.

    Not sure if Thailand is drifting away from the empire or whether they've been pushed. There again they are perhaps just following colonial history and trying to be friendly with all powerful parties.

    Absolute Lunacy...
  3. The Asean-US summit set the stage for this to happen. America is grasping to get help and at the same time trying to keep an image of that they are the pillar of democracy. America has made the mistake of letting Asean countries see it desperation. Asean counries thrive on taking advantage of people and things when they are vulnerable, that is where they survive. Obama sold out America finally. There is no turning back. Now Thailand knows America needs them more than Thailand needs America.

    Take Thailand out of the picture for America in south east asia and America loses not Thailand. Thailand knows this now for sure and will use it to the max.

    Americas greed is coming home to roost.

    Are you Mad...
  4. Uh-oh. Back from Lao and I realized I had a garlic bulb in my bag. Should I turn myself in or wait for them to come for me?

    Really, though, I do bring around 4 or 5 kilos back from Lao whenever I make the trip. The list says caffeine, not natural substances known to contain it, otherwise I think they would have coffee, tea etc spelled out.

    No Thinking in Thailand, or u will get in Trouble...
  5. If they were good, I'd buy them. But they'd have to be good. They would compete with the schwarma / kebab places in town which are largely atrocious.

    out of curiosity, what Kebab place do u like, I like Mr. Kebab, 2nd rd and s. Pattaya ,the stand is still there, but I haven't seen the guy that runs it for awhile, other people are running it or his wife and a big guy, thx, they only have beef and chicken, I like the lamb on WS
  6. Thanks everyone......

    I totally agree anything over 40 per cent is dangerous at night especially with these foolish Thais who ride without rear lights......but we have covered that issue many times.....

    ps. I fully expect an ear bashing when I return home with her film changed......but better than her hitting someone...or dog...or kerb


    Good Luck...
  7. Korat is an up and coming city, this investment proves it. The better off Thais have same spending habits of those in Bangkok. Efforts are being made to ring road Korat with a major project diverting traffic from east to North being tarmac'd as we speak. Its not all about the farangs of course but we still lack things to do, ive lost count of how many times Ive been to the zoo... If the coffee shops dont want the farangs congregating then they would raise thier prices accordingly..

    have u ever been to Khon Kaen Zoo, which one better
  8. Udon Teens Blame 'GTA' for Beating Elderly Westerners

    By Teeranai Charuvastra

    Staff Reporter


    Image from ‘Grand Theft Auto V.’

    UDON THANI — Five youth claim they were imitating an infamously violent video game when they attacked three European retirees in Udon Thani on Wednesday, police said.

    The five suspects – the youngest of whom is 13 – reportedly blamed their brutal assault of elderly men, one of whom is now in a coma after being attacked in a park, on Grand Theft Auto, though police said Thursday they are unconvinced by the explanation.

    Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1455182720&typecate=06&section=


    -- Khaosod English 2016-02-12

    these little degenerates

    the narrow minded anti-game people will have a field day with this.

    only punks would go on a golf course with a baseball bat and a collarless shirt !

    . Narrow minded would be gamers...
  9. Just asking: the IDPs were valid for motorcycles?

    Category "A" stamped?

    Quite possible. I recall a thread in the phuket? forum not to so long ago where the police said motorbike riders should have motorcycle endorsed on their IDP's.

    Most Coppers don't understand IDP and don't even look
  10. Those international licenses have not been valid in Thailand for years. You are expected to get a Thai license even if you only come here for one day. This is of course just another racket to collect BS fines. The "police" prefers if you do not have a license so you will have to pay the fines.

    Nonsense, always let go, Never a Bother , and mine is outta date 8 years, I just hand them photo page, then the Wave Off
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