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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Filling his lungs with all that Thai fresh air.
  2. Mmmm, plenty of opportunities ... Whether they'll be worth anything down the track is the question.
  3. And good on him for mentioning this small fact. Hypocrisy should always be called out.
  4. My only encounter ever with Russians was in late 2011 and then again several years later, staying both times at the Avalon on the beach at Pattaya. Lovely big swimming pool and each morning, as my b/f (Khmer - darkish skin in the sun) & I issued forth for a swim, Russians had 'occupied' (towel only) every deckchair round the pool. But as we appeared and dived in, every Russian in the pool immediately got out of the pool and sat there glowering at us. So we had the pool entirely to ourselves. This happened every day, on both occasions 3 or 4 years apart that we were there. You can draw your own conclusions.
  5. In other words, Putin's 'cock-up' could well have been his conscious decision not to act on the US warning ...
  6. Quite. I'm guessing that Thaksin's & Yingluck's appointments to the Privy Council are still in the (Thai) mail.
  7. Great. But if you weren't paying attention you might imagine that P&P and co. have gotten off scot-free ... No exile for them! No criminal record for them!
  8. So the 'High-Speed Train' hasn't even started the first 7.3km? Still scratching their heads and other parts of their anatomy? Sounds more like a slow boat to China.
  9. Oh no! Soon the whole world will be closed to Brits, including even Britain! There's not even any room for Brits n Oz any more. All spaces taken by Chinese, Indians and high productivity!
  10. Haven't heard of the countryside? Isaan? In my family's village there are many who earn 0฿ per day. They get by by begging, borrowing & stealing. And they're not all old people. Plenty of teenagers whose parents are incapable of supporting them ...
  11. I wonder which Thais you're referring to. Where I live the average would be less than half that. And then there's the children to feed ...
  12. Don't expect too many tourists while bombs are going off ...
  13. Modern technology doesn't breed morons, it just makes them more visible.
  14. Interesting how the Thaksin-haters on AN never rabbit on about the assorted generals & their political acolytes who overthrew Thaksin & his sister. I understand that one series of crimes doesn't negate another series of crimes but it would be nice to think that people might take an even-handed approach to ALL the assorted criminals who run this fine land. Prayut & Prawit never get a mention here for instance ...
  15. Were you drunk when you typed this nonsense? And where was your tail at the time?
  16. So as usual the Russians can send bombs and missiles across the border from hundreds or even thousands of kilometres away, but if the Ukrainians reply in kind the worrywarts of The West get the shivers and can't sleep at night ...
  17. No, but one day China may - one way or another - kill Xi.
  18. Apart from 2 minimalist 'showers' a week ago (barely noticed), we haven't had a drop of rain here in sth Surin since November.
  19. Useful perspective on 'Where we're at'. Worth reading the full article.
  20. If achieved, that might almost be worthy of the description "strategic move" ...
  21. I am shattered. My whole image of wunnerful passive peaceful Buddhism destroyed. What will my prayerful peasant family make of this? Heavens, it could lead to revolution! Even democracy!
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