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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Yes, my Aussie friends are astonished when I tell them what speed I get.
  2. Actually it was the dark-skinned people from Africa who, after quite a long time in northern Europe, evolved fair skins so they could absorb MORE vitamin D et al from the pale sun of the north.
  3. Srettha was top of the pops for 5 minutes. Didn't save him either.
  4. I've never eaten pussy, at least not in Thailand. But I have eaten rat on one occasion, to the amusement of my family who were already feasting on a couple. And any dog that gets run over is thrown in the boot and off to the farm for a feast. But my family are Khmer, not Haitian.
  5. My understanding is that, everywhere in the world, workers who are outside all or most of every day exposed to the sun have LOWER rates of skin cancer than the middle class people who spend 5 days a week inside and then lie outside at the weekend with little or nothing on to 'get a nice tan'. Or, to put it another way, it's sunBURN that greatly raises your chances of skin cancer.
  6. Yes, I've already said to my b/f that we won't be first out the door in late January. Leave that to Bangers & the tourist slums. Here at the edge of the jungle I expect it may take some time for the news to penetrate to the local desk workers. No point in confusing them with cannot and chanote.
  7. Which is what a usufruct document is designed to prevent. Not that I expect any problems from the family but there's no guarantee (particularly noting that the property is worth roughly 10M฿ - my b/f thinks twice that) and the family are all dirt poor. I will in any case continue to provide them with ample funds for the rest of my life, but I'm not about to pay 'rent'.
  8. You're obviously unaware of the history of this over several years. It's because those of us on particular Thai visas (eg O/A) and who use the 'minimum 65K baht per month' method have to be able to prove - to Immigration's grudging satisfaction - that the funds really did come in from o/s.
  9. Presumably yes (but I'm no expert). The point is that there needs to be a usufruct document or paragraph, given that the land and the house we built on it is all in b/f's name (which is fine by me.)
  10. I've already done the Australian end. It's the Thai end of things that's of concern, if my b/f (40 years younger & an appalling driver) predeceases me. It's the usufruct that's of interest for me, not the inheritance which will go to members of his family.
  11. I assume the new law applies to Thai/Falang couples too? On that basis my b/f and I will do the deed (for purely practical/inheritance/land reasons) early next year.
  12. Yawn, wake me up when it's ready.
  13. Yes, it's not the storm that is the problem.
  14. We just kill a porker on the farm. The extended family stands around waiting to get their preferred bits.
  15. Will there have to be a national referendum?
  16. So, people are still surprised that the Chinese can produce anything of quality & high tech? Wake up, people. The world as you knew it has mostly disappeared.
  17. Yes, lovely I thought. Certainly won't run out of water 40 metres down next drought season (not that we ever have).
  18. True, but a post-dinosaur government that was even vaguely competent would have paid advisers to cover every inch of the highway so there could be no legal challenges constitutional or otherwise.
  19. Productivity is the key concept, unfortunately unknown in Thailand as far as I can tell. So, fewer numbers (sack 30% of them or freeze then reduce recruitment by 30%) and require increased USEFUL outputs by adopting concepts of efficiency (input/output ratios) and outcomes, with pay levels set accordingly. Uniforms abolished: Not required in a modern egalitarian society where the job of civil servants is to serve the populace ... Yes, I know, but I'm allowed to dream in my old age. Besides, I know of what I speak. I spent most of my working life in the Canberra federal bureaucracy, and most of that in the Department of Defence. Enough to give anyone nightmares.
  20. Could be any one of us one day.
  21. I should have thought that would be a useful improvement. Don't forget we have to deal here not just with corrupt politicians but also with ahem um corrupt judges.
  22. Mmmm, but I think that to rerun the Senate election on a proper democratic process (ie the people get to vote) would require the dinosaur-designed Constitution to be redesigned. Which is probably - at this stage - impossible. In any case, removing the 7 EC guys will be a key move in the right direction, if it actually happens. And if it does, what's the next step? Fascinating Thailand. As ever.
  23. Having 4 feet (ie walking on all 4s) probably helps.
  24. Ha ha. When I took my b/f (Surin Khmer) to Siem Reap several years ago (his first time in Cambodia) he was rather shy for a couple of days and only slowly realized he could understand at least 50% of the locals' speech and gradually got up courage to chat with them ... What struck me - both times I've been there - was the number of beggars on the street and their persistence. Plus the usual tourists-only scams.
  25. Yawn. Is there a middle-aged person anywhere in the whole world who hasn't done at some stage in their life - and usually many stages - something embarrassing, stupid, ridiculous, vile or appalling?
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